Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Darling, November's arrived and the air's crisp, almost as crisp as my new tulle skirt from La Maison Couture! With the changing seasons come breathtaking ballets and thrilling shows, making this a month to savour for any aficionado of art and graceful movement.

Let's kick off in London, at the Royal Opera House, with "Giselle", a masterpiece always a must-see for any budding ballerina, but especially this season. They've injected new energy into the second act - I particularly loved the swirling corps de ballet in Act II. The Wilis' hauntingly ethereal movements, their sheer fragility... they made my own body tremble with emotion! There was a buzz in the auditorium. It truly feels like "Giselle" is experiencing a revival this year. A perfect blend of the timeless and the utterly current. You must get tickets.

Then there's "Romeo and Juliet" , which I saw in Paris this week - absolutely divine, darling. A modern staging at the Palais Garnier! Bold and edgy! What struck me most? The power, the explosive emotion conveyed by the principal dancers! Their passion was electrifying, making every plié and jeté feel new. I left feeling breathless, a sense of yearning that lingers in the air.

Of course, the ballet world's not just about traditional pieces. There's so much thrilling contemporary work emerging too! Over in New York, at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, I had a real eye-opening experience. The movement in "Revelations" by Alvin Ailey himself is nothing short of exhilarating, combining athleticism, emotion, and such raw honesty... Just gorgeous.

On a completely different note, we can't forget dance shows, darling. I found myself at the West End's "Dirty Dancing - The Musical". Now, you all know my affection for the film, so it was rather exciting seeing the classic storyline on stage. Not everything translated perfectly, some scenes just felt like a poor imitation, but I loved the costumes! The finale dance is simply magical, and of course, that unforgettable, lift-and-turn! And can we talk about Patrick Swayze in the original movie? I can't get over that incredible dance floor. You know I was doing my best “Baby” routine backstage in my dressing room!

But now it's time to divert our attention to art, something just as inspiring. Last night, I found myself standing, mesmerised, in front of the newly opened "Dali & Picasso" exhibition at the Tate Modern . This, darling, is what a museum should be. The colours, the vibrant shapes! The two masters, a conversation unfolding right before my eyes. What an extraordinary show! Picasso's bold strokes were in perfect conversation with Dali's surrealism - and all of it against that impressive London backdrop.

However, there are also exhibitions this month which really pushed the boundaries of the familiar - "David Hockney: A Bigger Splash" at the Royal Academy. This show is daring and audacious, just like the man himself! His early paintings from the sixties and seventies have never been more powerful and vivid. The colours pop from the canvas, each stroke oozing with life and emotion. Just looking at them, you feel his spirit pulsing. But don't think it's just a look backwards, he is constantly evolving. Hockney's latest works are bold and provocative and you feel his constant exploration with each canvas he creates.

On the subject of exploration, I'd like to share a hidden gem I found this month, a breathtaking new gallery space on the south bank, "The House of Illustration" . Imagine an immersive experience dedicated to illustrators of all stripes! It's truly magical! They're hosting a retrospective of Quentin Blake - a whimsical celebration of one of Britain's greatest illustrators! His lines dance off the page. You'd almost expect a figure from a Blake illustration to step right out and into the room, they're so captivating! The space is bright, vibrant, and utterly captivating. It's not a place for starchy, silent viewing, it's about the joy of creation and expression. I’m just desperate to learn the skills these master illustrators possess.

Now let's hop across the channel, darling. Paris! It is still a world leader for its contemporary art and design scene. And this month, a show is drawing attention in the city - "Marc Newson" at the Galerie Kreo . If you know anything about design, Newson is one of the hottest talents. A modern maestro in everything from furniture to furniture. A genius for combining modern materials with timeless elegance. His designs flow effortlessly from the past into the present, as modern and as current as anything I saw on the London catwalks!

What is this season's hot colour? Darling, it's a mustard-gold, a rich, decadent shade. It appears in Newson's designs like a whisper on an opulent piece of furniture or on a simple, almost architectural design for a contemporary lamp. And what’s this, is that a flash of shimmering teal? Yes, darling, teal is going to be huge this winter. It looks divine against mustard gold. Just make sure you pair it with something that pops and shimmers - perhaps a splash of gold for that extra bit of glamour!

But of course, Paris is more than just cutting-edge design - the galleries on the Rue de Seine are a treasure trove. I fell head over heels for the works of "Eva Hesse" in the Galerie Lelong - she takes the simplest materials and transforms them into a whole other dimension, and not just for art! Eva’s influence on modern design is felt all over the world even if few are aware of her incredible genius! The sculptures I saw were just sublime, elegant curves and stark, straight lines combined for maximum impact. An exciting exploration of materials that leaves a lasting impression.

Now, back in England, the London Art Fair opened at the beginning of the month! And "The Art of Surrealism" is the focus in November, at the Royal Academy of Arts. You see, this November is truly the month to appreciate art that transcends the real! I simply can't wait for the "Man Ray" show which will be happening next year at the Barbican and the retrospective of Salvador Dali that is opening at the Royal Academy. What can I say, darling, my passion for art will never cease!

But of course, I am all about movement. I have to mention my beloved ballet school. There's a vibrant buzz in "The Royal Ballet" studio! Everyone’s busy polishing their routines, honing those perfect pirouettes. And, of course, we can't forget our upcoming winter ball at the Royal Opera House. A grand celebration for all the talent at the school and all our generous sponsors, I am hoping to secure the lead in this year’s production - “La Sylphide" is always a show-stopper! It’s all happening in my beautiful London, which makes it all the more wonderful! I am so very grateful for this life - a whirlwind of dance, art, and glamorous fashion!

Oh, but one last thing - just as London is filled with exquisite, historic beauty - be sure to check out the "Victorian and Albert Museum" - they've opened a new display this month and it's worth the visit for anyone wanting to take a glimmer into the past - a retrospective on the history of jewellery design! So be sure to catch a gleam of that glittering world! Darling, what are you waiting for, gather your tickets, your latest designer dress, your favourite lipstick - November is waiting, a month for your eyes and soul to drink in beauty and elegance, in every artistic, exquisite, and graceful way possible.