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## The World On Point: May 2009 Darling, how utterly divine it's been, all this springtime dancing! My social calendar, oh my, it's bursting with invitations to galas and receptions. Such glamour, such exquisitely executed performances, such delicious canapés! (The foie gras at the Royal Opera House opening was, naturally, *divine.*) This month has seen an explosion of artistry that has left me absolutely speechless - which, as you all know, is quite an achievement! **A Breathtaking Tour De Force** Let's begin with *Giselle,* a timeless classic that always delivers. The Royal Ballet's rendition at Covent Garden was pure magic. My dear friend Natalia Osipova as the heartbroken Giselle - a truly heart-wrenching performance, simply sublime! She floated, she glided, her every move imbued with such pathos and fragility. And the final, mournful adagio... darling, my eyes actually welled up! Her partner, David Hallberg, was nothing short of phenomenal, radiating power and elegance. Oh, he's simply the most handsome creature - tall, with those expressive eyes. Do let me know if you know any single, eligible dancers in New York! *Cough cough!* **A Symphony of Colour** Across the pond, the Bolshoi has been celebrating their centennial, what an auspicious occasion! Their production of *Swan Lake* is nothing short of epic. This truly iconic ballet, the sheer opulence and dazzling costumes. You could almost feel the Russian soul dancing! But my true highlight was *La Bayadère.* That final, dreamlike vision of Nikiya rising from the depths to reunite with Solor - simply breathtaking! The dancers, particularly those from the corps de ballet, moved with an almost spiritual grace. Honestly, you'd be forgiven for mistaking them for actual mythical figures. **Bold Strokes and New Perspectives** And who says classical ballet can't be innovative? Wayne McGregor's *Atomos,* premiering at the Royal Ballet, is a stark departure from the traditional. The angular movements, the use of video projections - oh, darling, so edgy! It's challenging, maybe a little jarring, but it makes you think! Not everyone's cup of tea, I confess. I, for one, prefer the delicate flow and romanticism of classical ballet. But to each their own, wouldn't you agree? **More than just a dance...** And while on the subject of innovative - have you heard about the latest trend? This year, at the Prix de Lausanne, an avant-garde company, Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, completely stole the show. They're an all-male company performing classical ballets, and darling, let me tell you - their costumes are divine! Think glittering tutus, feathery boas, and the most delightful makeup - absolutely scandalous! They are, shall we say, not for the faint of heart. Yet they embody the humour and the joy of dance, in a way that I find endlessly refreshing. **Dancing With the Stars** And oh darling, do speak of humour - it was *The Lion King* that provided a bit of laughter. Absolutely the most charming production. It was so uplifting to see that the Disney musical continues to captivate audiences young and old. The costumes! You could say I have a soft spot for animals, especially the fabulous dancing zebras! And I just loved Simba, such expressive movements - that roar was, oh darling, simply fabulous! A little bit of magic that everyone could enjoy! **Finding Elegance in the Everyday** But it wasn't all big budget productions this month. My favorite experience was the Ballet Hispanico performance in the quaint, but wonderfully atmospheric Joyce Theater in NYC. Their piece *Latin Rhythms* was infused with vibrant energy, raw emotion, and that effortless, natural elegance. So grounded and full of character. I think this is why I love ballet - it has a unique power to capture life's raw beauty. These dancers were incredibly dynamic, the movement raw and passionate. Such an inspiration! **Where Beauty Knows No Boundaries** As the weather gets warmer, so does my passion for ballet. There are so many magical productions awaiting to be discovered, so many extraordinary dancers gracefully defying gravity and telling captivating stories through their every step. As I prepare for a gala later tonight - wearing a blush pink gown with pearls and a tiara, naturally - I’m feeling incredibly fortunate to live a life so deeply immersed in the beauty of ballet. Do let me know when you're back in London. A night out at Covent Garden - champagne and divine dancing, is just what I need.