Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Darling, June! The month when the world is a riot of blooms, champagne, and yes, glorious, glorious dance! This month I was spoilt for choice, flitting from the crisp modernity of London to the dramatic allure of Paris and the breathtaking artistry of New York. And trust me, dears, every step was a triumph.

First, a must-visit was the Royal Ballet in London, absolutely divine as always. The Sleeping Beauty at the Royal Opera House, it’s always such a delightful spectacle! The costumes, a vision! Feathers, silks, and glittering jewels, the dancers practically floated on air. The prince, as always, with such a grand gesture! Such graceful elegance. And dear Olivia, our prima ballerina, simply exquisite as Aurora. Such power and tenderness in every step! The sheer artistry was breathtaking, a genuine delight for the senses. The Royal Ballet, never failing to leave me spellbound, always such elegance, such grace.

But hold on to your tutus, darling! We were on to Paris, where the air crackles with a distinctly romantic electricity. Le Sacre du Printemps by Pina Bausch’s company at the Théâtre du Châtelet was quite the revelation, I must confess! The movement was utterly raw and visceral. This isn't your traditional ballet, dear, and yes, a touch challenging for some, but oh, so compelling! Pina is a genius, and her exploration of the primal urge, of the primal woman, was raw and powerful. A stark, emotional experience, not for the faint of heart, darling. I dare you to go!

Paris wasn’t finished with me, darling, not even close! The Palais Garnier is a treasure trove, the epitome of grandeur. This month, it hosted the legendary Sylvie Guillem in her final farewell tour, and what a tour it was! A breathtaking program showcasing her phenomenal athleticism and artistry. You could practically see her artistic spirit burning in her final performances. Brava, Sylvie! I’m utterly, madly jealous of her longevity in this wonderful career.

Back in London, I ventured off the beaten path, exploring the intimate and captivating world of dance at the Barbican Centre. I saw The Rite of Spring performed by the dynamic Akram Khan Company. It was captivating. Raw, edgy, and deeply evocative. Akram’s artistry has a modern edge that thrills and chills me at the same time. His understanding of the human body in movement, the emotions it conveys, just captivating! It was a raw and thrilling experience, truly pushing the boundaries of traditional dance forms. If you are brave enough, dears, venture out and let Akram’s dance captivate your soul.

My next adventure was a flight to the vibrant city of New York, where dance is not just an art form but a lifestyle. My journey took me to the incomparable American Ballet Theatre at the Metropolitan Opera House, and there was so much to be enjoyed, dear! First up was Romeo and Juliet. A dance spectacle unlike anything I've seen. Such drama and emotion poured out onto the stage, fueled by such passionate dancing. A dance of love, loss, and revenge, this production is so compelling. And yes, I couldn’t help but shed a few tears – always! The emotions were simply palpable. The final duet was just magnificent! And then the costumes, my darlings, simply magnificent!

I couldn’t leave New York without savouring a contemporary dance masterpiece, darling, and for that I headed to the Joyce Theatre, an absolute gem of a space, just buzzing with artistic energy. I fell absolutely, completely head over heels for The Red Shoes by the illustrious and utterly captivating choreographer, Jessica Lang. This ballet truly enchanted me. Lang's masterful choreography had this whimsical, fairytale quality. Her intricate and stunning visuals truly wowed! The interplay of dancers with the stunning scarlet shoes was captivating. The dance itself was powerful, yet graceful, the dancers expressing emotions with each delicate movement. I adored this! The audience was utterly entranced by the beauty and drama. And you simply had to admire the intricate beauty of the costumes and the sheer power of the dance.

While in the Big Apple, darling, it was simply impossible to ignore the explosive energy and vibrancy of the modern dance scene! The Dance Theatre Workshop at The Connelly Theatre in the East Village, an independent stage brimming with creativity! It’s a place for avant-garde and daring works. I experienced the most exhilarating evening, being transported to the world of cutting edge choreographers who dared to experiment. Each piece had its own story to tell, every move had purpose, it’s a wonderful raw experience for those ready to delve deep! It's edgy, it's daring, it's simply fantastic!

So many memories this month, and the joy of dancing continues. I look forward to the summer with its abundance of festivals and outdoor performances. It is a time for dance to take center stage, and for all of us to simply revel in the joy of it. So let's enjoy the sun, the warmth, and the magical power of dance. It is indeed a wonderful world.

Till next time darlings,

