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A Dance Diary: August 2011

Darling, July was an absolute whirlwind, with more performances and galas than I could possibly count! It felt like one glorious blur of tulle and sequins. Thankfully, my darling Chloe and I managed to squeeze in some delightful afternoon tea at The Dorchester to discuss the latest from Dior and Cartier - all the gossip of course - but also to review our favourite performances of the season! Let me tell you, this summer, the ballet world has truly been ablaze with brilliance!

My own schedule was a bit manic this month! My performance of Swan Lake with the Royal Ballet was positively electric, the audiences absolutely adored it. I've been working so hard, getting back into peak condition. I did have a little incident during one performance, when a rather charmingly handsome, yet decidedly clumsy, member of the orchestra let his oboe slip, right into the middle of my *pas de deux* - I simply must confess that for a moment, my elegant grace was just a tiny bit challenged. However, I'm thrilled to say, I managed to maintain my composure and we pulled through without a hitch! Thank heavens.

The Most Captivating Performances This Month:
  • My darling Chloe and I, along with a charming group of friends, managed to get tickets to The Bolshoi Theatre, where they put on the most phenomenal performance of Giselle. The principal dancers, simply divine! You could have heard a pin drop in that grand old hall! Truly the quintessential Russian performance of Giselle - so full of passionate emotion and fiery virtuosity. The dancing was breathtaking, and I particularly loved the captivating portrayal of Giselle's emotional turmoil. And let's not forget the glorious costumes and that stunningly gorgeous, if slightly over-the-top, floral set design - simply divine, my dear!

There was some truly spectacular dancing on show at the **Paris Opera Ballet** this month - as one might expect, you know. I just love the sheer drama and elegance of The Nutcracker - it was perfectly executed, with exquisite staging and that impossibly intricate music by Tchaikovsky. Simply stunning! You know me darling, a little Christmas sparkle, even in August! And the exquisite ballet by Balanchine, Jewels - how divine! We swooned, darling! It's so beautiful in its sheer, captivating perfection, so clean, elegant and precise. And let’s be honest, with its sumptuous costumes by Karinska - an absolute must see for every fashion-forward ballet lover!

On the subject of fashion and glamour, the American Ballet Theatre was dazzlingly elegant in their new production of Sleeping Beauty. The sets were an explosion of glorious colours, reminding me of the best haute couture designers - all that pink and champagne and lavish opulence! The dancing was full of charm, graceful and breathtaking in its fluidity. It made me so longing to slip back into my own dancing shoes. Honestly, the talent showcased in New York - simply breathtaking!

Back at home, The Royal Ballet's production of Manon was exquisite, dark, with just the right amount of drama. They do really do a superb job here in London, my darling. It was beautifully staged and the costumes were incredibly well executed. It really took me back to the world of decadent 18th century France. All I could think was "What will the newest Chanel collection be?" And on that note... you just must make sure you catch the upcoming production of La Bayadère - just wait and see! I just love the passionate exoticism of the story.

There is also such incredible creativity going on in ballet today, darling. It's so exhilarating to witness the new artistic forms, the fusion of styles. It feels like the future of dance. It's incredibly exciting - if a bit frightening!

You simply must check out Danceworks at the Dancehouse in London! Oh darling, their show The Night Garden was incredible - with its playful interweaving of dance and multimedia, the dancers seemed to simply float around. Just brilliant!

Beyond the Classical:
  • And let’s not forget the magnificent work of contemporary choreographer Matthew Bourne! His latest creation The Car Man was pure theatrical genius! I had heard so many things about it, and finally managed to get a ticket! The story of love, betrayal, and desire is beautifully reimagined, and Bourne uses a modern, theatrical approach to the music of Bizet's opera. A brilliant marriage of ballet and a darker, more urban narrative.
  • And how fantastic are the dance theatre company “Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui”? Darling! This company is quite simply exploding onto the world scene! It’s no wonder they've received so much critical acclaim. Their performance of ‘sLeW' (pronounced “Slow”) is quite a fascinating take on the tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice . Oh, my dear! The company uses everything from traditional ballet and hip hop to breakdancing to bring this Greek myth to life - beautifully and with extraordinary creativity! A must see for everyone, truly! It's incredibly captivating.
And Now, Darling, I must dash!

As usual, my September schedule is chock-a-block full. More gala events, premieres, rehearsals! Oh, and I can't forget my darling friend, the fabulous fashion designer Valentino! He is having a grand opening party at the Palladium for his latest collection, and you can be certain, I will be there! I do have a bit of a reputation to maintain!

Oh darling, this is just a glimpse of the magnificent dance world happening in August. Don't forget to visit the local ballet schools to get your fix of dance. I will catch you next month.

With the warmest of regards,

Your Ballet Friend

(and fashion ista)