Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Dearest darlings, the air is positively electric with excitement, wouldn't you say? June has arrived, the sun is positively kissing our skin, and the world of dance is buzzing with an incredible line-up of productions. So, grab your clutch, your most stylish pumps (Chanel, of course, my lovelies!), and let's take a whirl around the globe together, shall we?

From Paris to pointe shoes and back, darlings

My Paris escapades started with a whirlwind of feathers and lace at the **Paris Opera Ballet**. Their breathtaking revival of **"La Bayadere"** had me swooning from the opening scene. The corps de ballet was magnificent, each dancer a precise petal in a glorious bouquet. And oh, that opulent set! Every glittering detail, every shimmering fabric... Pure decadence, darling. I almost didn't notice the exquisite performance of our beloved **Dorothée Gilbert**, but her fiery, yet vulnerable Nikiya was simply unforgettable.

However, it's the young, talented **Marie-Agnès Gillot**, with her exquisite artistry and effortless grace, who really caught my eye at the **Opéra Bastille**. The **"Giselle"** performance, as elegant and poignant as a whispered secret, left me teary eyed, I admit it! And who can resist the power of a love story played out on stage? And speaking of love, darling, let's be honest - who doesn't love the "grand pas de deux"? The intricate choreography, the synchronized movements, it's like a whispered love letter between two bodies. Gillot, with her ethereal beauty, and her partner **Stéphane Bullion**, a true titan of dance, moved together as if their limbs were connected by invisible threads of love. The whole experience, it was quite simply *magic*.

But of course, no Parisian dance odyssey is complete without a visit to the **Musée Rodin**. Yes, it was more sculpture than dance, but that sculpted grace was as beautiful and inspiring as any ballerina's pirouette. Just the sight of the "The Thinker" left me contemplating the essence of dance and its powerful ability to speak through silent form.

From Parisian Dreams to the fiery passion of Madrid

After the enchantment of Paris, the fiery Spanish temperament of Madrid, oh darling, was a welcome contrast. The **Spanish National Ballet** ignited a blaze of energy on the stage with their rendition of **"Don Quixote"**. The passionate **Tamara Rojo** with her dazzling artistry, oh my! She brings such fiery intensity to her performance that you feel a tangible electricity running through the theatre. And who could forget those exquisite solos by the incomparable **Aitor Arrieta**, truly captivating! The whole experience, like a glass of Sangria, was full-bodied and rich with Spanish spice. Absolutely delicious.

From a whirlwind of color to a New York Ballet, dear readers!

Now, darlings, we must dash to the Big Apple. And what is the New York ballet scene without a visit to the **New York City Ballet**? And darling, let's not forget their beautiful costumes, which this year were a glorious riot of colour. This June, their production of **"Agon"** brought me back to that exhilarating era of experimentation and youthful energy in the early 20th Century. The dancers - they moved like they were made of smoke and fire! So, full of grace and vigour, their powerful yet lyrical movements left me utterly mesmerized.

However, darling, for all the elegance and excitement of ballet, sometimes you crave something different. This is where the **American Ballet Theatre** truly shines, especially in its bold exploration of new styles. Their production of **"The Dark Road"** left me truly spellbound, a modern take on classical storytelling, infused with raw emotion and contemporary movements, it felt fresh and daring, quite the exciting experience! Oh, and speaking of fresh, darling, the vibrant hues of the costumes and set design - truly inspired. This ballet truly embraces a contemporary, almost punk-rock spirit.

Don't forget, darlings, our fabulous local dancers!

Of course, darling, we can't forget our local talent. My heart belongs to **the Royal Ballet** here in London. You can never underestimate the magic they create on the stage, and this June, I was mesmerised by their **"Swan Lake"** performance. It's a true masterpiece. The classic ballet with its captivating score and the timeless story, I could not help but fall for its captivating charm. And **Marianela Núñez**, oh, she glided across the stage like a real life swan, elegant and breathtaking. Each graceful movement was pure perfection.

And, let's not forget our darling **English National Ballet**! With their staging of **"Giselle"** at the Coliseum, they've proved they're just as skilled as our national treasures, the Royal Ballet. And let's face it, their production was just divine. With its ethereal grace, the delicate choreography and the breathtaking dancing, well, darling, it was all just pure, unadulterated magic.

My final word...

I adore the energy of contemporary ballet, the vibrant expression of new dance forms. The world is our stage, and dance, my darling, is truly the most universal language. Whether in a grand Parisian opera house, or the bustling streets of Madrid, it moves us, excites us, and allows us to dream. So, this June, why not put on your dancing shoes, indulge your inner dancer, and immerse yourselves in the exquisite magic of ballet? Oh, darling, I can't wait to hear all about your own personal ballet adventures. Until next month! XOXO