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A Midsummer Night's Dream in Dance

August 2022: A Glimpse into the World of Ballet

Dearest readers, I am so thrilled to be back with you all this month, sharing the latest and greatest happenings from the world of dance! Summer is a time for enchantment, and this month certainly hasn’t disappointed with a plethora of dazzling productions. I’m starting things off from the vibrant heart of London, where the Royal Ballet’s annual Midsummer Night’s Dream was, of course, the absolute talk of the town!

This production is always a highlight of the summer, and this year was no exception! The dancers were in top form, with Alice Copp and Vadim Muntagirov effortlessly embodying the mischievous sprite of Titania and the charming Puck. You simply had to see them move! Their agility, grace, and utter charm captured the magic of the play perfectly. Let’s not forget the magnificent work from the chorus, portraying everything from graceful sprites to a bumbling, yet charming Bottom.

Oh, and the costumes, my darlings! A vibrant and colorful ode to the play, truly an exquisite showcase for all those who love the magic of detail! This rendition truly is a must-see, and I know for a fact I’ll be catching another show soon. There’s nothing more captivating than watching this play brought to life with such grace, poise, and, of course, absolute artistry!

Speaking of magic, let’s journey over to the breathtaking city of Paris where the Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris wowed audiences with its stunning adaptation of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake.

Swan Lake's Grace

My dears, I truly believe that there are few ballets that surpass the iconic Swan Lake. The ethereal beauty and heartbreaking narrative, coupled with the masterful score by Tchaikovsky, makes for an absolutely transcendent performance! The Parisian dancers are simply divine, each movement a breathtaking display of talent and skill. This performance took on a whole new life with its stunning modern set and lighting, which elevated this classic production to an entirely new level.

The principal dancers are to be praised, my darlings! In the lead roles, Dorothée Gilbert, whose portrayal of Odette was stunning, and Mathieu Ganio, whose Prince Siegfried captured the audience with his emotional and powerful performance, were utterly magnetic.

My love of ballet knows no boundaries, and the story of Swan Lake continues to enthral. Even seasoned ballet fans, like myself, will find a new level of wonder within this magical Parisian adaptation! It is, undoubtedly, an absolute triumph. If you have the chance to visit Paris this summer, seeing this production is a non-negotiable.

The Stars of New York

This month has also seen the American Ballet Theatre soar to incredible heights in New York! Their Summer season was a glittering spectacle of the art form.

While the season included a beautiful rendition of Giselle (I mean, could it be anything but? The graceful story always moves me!), my heart belonged to a world premiere, "The Minutes" by choreographer Jessica Lang, a new production set to the pulsating and emotional work of Philip Glass.

From the very beginning, Lang's masterful storytelling caught my eye! I have a certain weakness for a good minimalist yet profound contemporary ballet, and this definitely fulfilled all my artistic desires! The dynamic work is an intriguing study on human relationships and their fluidity, and with each piece Lang weaves together a captivating narrative.

Speaking of mesmerizing, the dancers of the American Ballet Theatre truly stole the show with their astounding talents and masterful precision. A breathtaking combination of pure artistry and powerful movement. It's clear that Lang's creation was destined to become a true contemporary masterpiece! My dears, we need to keep an eye out for Lang's future productions.

And as we travel from the concrete jungle of New York City to the exotic realm of Japan, our ballet adventures continue! From the East comes a mesmerizing fusion of tradition and modern sensibilities that had me swooning. I speak, of course, of the Tokyo Ballet.

An Enchanted Voyage

Tokyo’s ballet scene has seen its fair share of talent and incredible artistry, and the Tokyo Ballet has earned its place amongst the world's greats. In August, their production of "The Sleeping Beauty," while a timeless classic, provided a captivating new take on a familiar tale.

I loved that the Tokyo Ballet infused a sense of Eastern culture throughout, which added a delicate grace and distinct aesthetic that I personally found so delightful. As for the costumes, I truly can’t talk enough about the dazzling work of costume designer Yoko Nakamura, with her exquisite design blending historical references with delicate embellishments!

Now, while "The Sleeping Beauty" is undoubtedly a beloved classic, the show was ultimately made memorable by the awe-inspiring performance of lead dancer Hanako Kakehi. Her portrayal of Princess Aurora radiated both captivating grace and boundless beauty.

The final scene was, without a doubt, an enchanting spectacle. It’s not every day that a ballerina embodies the sheer enchantment of the ballet as exquisitely as Ms. Kakehi. She truly was a radiant dream, leaving the audience, myself included, thoroughly enchanted.

Dance: A Celebration

It has been truly wonderful, my dears, sharing these beautiful, vibrant ballet stories with you this month. The world of ballet is truly enchanting and continuously enthralling with each production and every performance! I encourage each of you to make time for dance; whether it's witnessing these grand productions in far-off locales or indulging in a community ballet closer to home. This beautiful art form is not only a delight for the eyes but a captivating dance for the soul!

Until next month, take care and may your summer be filled with graceful moments!