Pink Ballet Tutu Reviews at

Darling, what a whirlwind of a month September has been! Between the premieres and galas, the exhibitions and the after-parties, it was practically impossible to get a moment's peace, but oh darling, wouldn't we have it any other way? I just *had* to tell you about all the incredible performances and art I experienced this past month. From the graceful leaps of the Bolshoi to the mesmerisingly intricate brushstrokes of Klimt, it was a true feast for the senses.

Now, I know what you're thinking, 'How on earth can you manage to see it all, darling?' Well, let's just say a little black book, some strategically placed pearls, and a very patient driver are key! And frankly, darling, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to indulge in these artistic treasures!

So, grab your favourite vintage champagne (only the finest vintage, naturally), settle into that gorgeous chaise lounge and allow me to share my highlights from this most splendid of Septembers.

Ballet, Darling, Ballet

This month saw a truly captivating mix of established choreographers, innovative talents, and enduring classics that had me gasping for breath and clutching my pearls in awe! The season truly kicked off with a bang at the Bolshoi in Moscow, where a newly staged 'La Bayadère' took my breath away.

  • **The Bolshoi’s 'La Bayadère'**
  • Honestly, darling, it was a spectacle! The sheer scale of it all! Hundreds of dancers swirling and leaping in that iconic 'Kingdom of the Shades' scene… it’s an absolute ballet lover's dream, darling. Of course, my darling Olga Smirnova stole the show as Nikiya with her graceful movements, poignant expressions and that undeniable presence on stage. The ensemble work, with those perfectly synchronized turns, leaps, and dramatic poses, was breathtaking, and a masterclass in classical precision, my dears!

  • **New York City Ballet's "Fall for Dance" Festival**
  • From the opulence of Moscow, I jetted to New York City to witness the vibrant energy and fresh perspectives of "Fall for Dance," at the New York City Ballet. Darling, this festival is a true celebration of dance with performances from around the globe. From a dazzling Boléro from the Staatsballett Berlin that left me yearning for more, to the beautifully understated 'Passage' by Twyla Tharp with its hypnotic movement and powerful emotions, each piece was unique and captivating in its own way. A real treat for all dance lovers.

  • **Royal Ballet’s 'The Winter's Tale'**
  • This ballet, however, my darlings, was a complete departure from the traditional ballet style, it wasn't your classic romantic tale. 'The Winter's Tale' at the Royal Opera House in London was, shall we say, an unexpected twist! Christopher Wheeldon's interpretation, set to the beautiful score by Joby Talbot, was both chilling and whimsical. The storyline was truly moving, with those raw emotions conveyed through poetry in movement. You could almost feel the characters' despair, love, and forgiveness coursing through their graceful bodies, leaving a deep impression. Natalia Osipova as Perdita stole my heart with her expressive portrayal, darling. Absolutely heartbreaking.

  • **American Ballet Theatre's ‘The Sleeping Beauty’**
  • Back to the classics! American Ballet Theatre presented a magical 'Sleeping Beauty' in New York this September that took me straight back to childhood, with its playful scenes and opulent sets, darling! This time it was the elegance and charisma of Misty Copeland as Aurora that held my attention. And that breathtaking final act where she awakens from the long sleep with her beloved Prince! Pure magic.

And I can't forget the vibrant contemporary pieces! You know my heart belongs to the avant-garde, the experimental! Those fearless dancers, pushing boundaries and telling new stories. A true testament to the evolution of dance.

Art & Exquisite Design

A ballerina’s life isn't solely about pirouettes, darlings. There's also a need for art! A constant stream of inspiration. And this past September has been a **gold**-mine for finding just that.

  • **Gustav Klimt: The Kiss – National Gallery, London**
  • Darling, my recent visit to the National Gallery in London for the Gustav Klimt exhibition was an absolute revelation. This "Kiss" is a masterpiece, you see, a tapestry of gold and sensual textures, a moment suspended in time! There was just such a strong, raw, almost sensual emotion, emanating from the artwork. It left me dazzled and inspired.

  • **The Victoria and Albert Museum, London: "Bags: Inside Out" Exhibition**
  • You all know I adore handbags, and oh my goodness, the "Bags: Inside Out" exhibition at the V&A in London was heaven on earth! This was more than just a showcase; it was a tribute to the craft, history, and design behind some of the world's most iconic bags. From a collection of antique, vintage and contemporary designs, I got to explore how bags have become more than just functional items, but a form of self-expression. It was a joy for my inner fashionista and a source of design inspiration, I must say!

From the breathtaking art, to the dazzling dancers, and even those decadent cocktails at the after-parties, this past month has been a true artistic journey for me! You know, darling, it makes me wonder, what will October hold? Can we even possibly surpass this September?

But rest assured, my darling, I will be sharing all my favourite moments with you. Because in the world of ballet, fashion, and art, there's never a dull moment, and certainly not for us. We'll be exploring more, discovering new treasures, and enjoying every enchanting moment together. Because darling, that's how we live, full of grace, passion, and an appreciation for all things beautiful, isn't it?

So until next time, remember, my dear, keep those smiles wide and your chins high. The world is our stage!