Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-08-09 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: A Whirlwind of Romance, Ruched Dresses and Rumbling Tummies (Blog Post #9)

Ciao bella!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another instalment of your favourite Roman ramblings from yours truly, Emma, the Pink Tutu princess. As you know, this week's post finds me right here in the heart of the Eternal City, my pink tutu swishing like a gentle breeze as I take in all the sights, smells and… well, let’s be honest, deliciousness!

Today I woke up to the sweet scent of espresso wafting through the air from my little apartment in Trastevere. After a quick ballet stretch to get my ballerina bod prepped for the day, I slipped into my go-to travelling outfit – a floral maxi dress in a delightfully bright pink, a ruffled shrug, and of course, my trusty pink tutu (pink tutu's go with everything, let's face it). This time I swapped my trusty flat ballerinas for some chunky white trainers, as I was feeling rather ambitious and had a day full of exploring planned.

Now, those of you who know me know I’m absolutely bonkers for train travel, it's simply the most charming and leisurely way to see the world! So today I jumped onto the Termini – Ostia line, which whizzed me out towards the charming seaside town of Ostia Antica.

If you ever come to Rome, this must be a must-see, you absolute darlings. It's like stepping back in time to a real life gladiatorial show – complete with impressive amphitheatres, ancient markets and even a well preserved Roman bathhouse. Imagine the thrill! Me in my pink tutu, frolicking about the forum like a graceful Grecian goddess. I might even do a little pirouette on the marble floors, you never know. The atmosphere here is incredibly magical, like a page out of one of my favourite dusty history books, except, well, the ancient Romans weren't really known for their penchant for pink tutus, so it's definitely a touch of Pink Tutu magic making the scene all the more magical, I’m sure!

Afterwards, I popped into a delightful little cafe for a well-deserved lunch. Honestly, I just had to order the carbonara! It’s absolutely creamy, dreamy and delicious. I couldn’t help but swoon over the flavours of Parmesan and guanciale, every mouthful was like a taste of heaven.

After my indulgent meal, I wandered around the streets of Ostia, picking up some charming souvenirs for my family and friends back in Derbyshire. You wouldn't believe it, I even found this darling hand-painted teacup that I just had to buy. It’s a little on the quirky side, but isn’t that the beauty of travelling – embracing the unusual? It will definitely make for a wonderfully whimsical cup of tea at home, as I write up all about my adventures in my travel journal. I think the ancient Romans would approve, as long as I stick to sipping tea and not grape juice!

Evening descended on Rome, painting the sky with colours of fiery orange and deep crimson, which reminded me of one of my favourite things to do: catch a show! This time I had a chance to see “La Bohème” at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma – it's the ultimate Italian opera house, and trust me, I was in a theatrical wonderland. It truly transported me to 19th-century Paris with its tragic romance, breathtaking arias, and a sprinkle of ballet interludes that made my heart soar (no pun intended). I'm actually a little disappointed that I wasn’t wearing my tutu, because who wouldn't look magnificent swirling in a pink tutu while Puccini's timeless melodies filled the air!

As I walked home under the star-studded Roman night, my stomach rumbling for a quick bite of pizza, I reflected on another perfect day. Even though I've only been in Rome a couple of weeks now, I can already feel its magic weave itself into my soul. It’s an amazing feeling! It's almost as though the city itself is dancing with me, with each cobblestone street and romantic alley whispering its tales of grandeur and romance.

So, to all my readers, I say this: don't wait to visit this incredible place. Let Rome embrace you, just like it has embraced me. It's filled with so much beauty, from the grand basilicas to the quaint little cafes to, of course, my trusty pink tutu (which has, thankfully, found its way into many an Instagram post. Speaking of which, feel free to check out my most recent updates and connect with me on my blog's Instagram @PinkTutuTravel.

But I’m off now, I have an early morning ballet class to catch. The Roman mornings are beautiful – perfect for a little dance along the river Tiber, tutu and all, just as soon as the sun rises! I just hope my stomach stops rumbling!

Ciao for now,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-08-09 exploring Rome Italy