Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-09-13 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #14: Ciao Bella! A Ballerina's Guide to Rome 🩰🇮🇹

Hello my gorgeous tutu-wearing lovelies! It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for another instalment of Pink Tutu Rome! This week, I'm absolutely bursting with excitement because I'm writing to you from the Eternal City, the breathtakingly beautiful, the historical marvel, Rome!

I know, I know, you're probably thinking: Rome? But Emma, you're a ballerina, not a gladiator! Well, darling, I've discovered that even in the ancient heart of Rome, my beloved pink tutu is the perfect way to twirl through life!

The Journey

Rome was a whirlwind of travel to get to, a ballet performance in glorious Sheffield gave me the cash to travel to this iconic city! I even managed to fit in a class before boarding the train in Chesterfield, it’s important to keep those legs limbered up you know.

A Eurostar trip to Paris then a fast TGV to Rome, oh the joy of train travel, particularly in Europe. Everything seemed a little slower, much more leisurely, the scenery flowed past, a beautiful kaleidoscope of rolling hills, charming villages and imposing vineyards, it was a dancer's delight. I can already picture my next dance piece: “The Eurostar Symphony!” You’ll have to watch out for the YouTube video.

Rome: The Eternal City!

Rome truly is a breathtaking spectacle of ancient grandeur, captivating charm and bustling modernity. This city oozes history at every turn! I’m sure you all know the famous sights but here is my little personal twist!

Colosseum - The Emperor’s Pink Tutu Ballet Performance

First stop? The Colosseum! Oh, the grandeur! Standing in this colossal arena, I felt a twinge of history prickling my toes (literally – those ancient stones are a little chilly!). It was here where I dreamt up my next dance routine - imagine gladiators battling with ballets! You would have me in the Emperor’s favourite colour pink, my tulle swirling, an intricate pointe work, a ballet routine set in 3,000BC. Just think of it! A vision of grace, in this rugged setting, I mean even gladiators loved a little bit of pink!

The Trevi Fountain - The Coin Toss For A Ballerina’s Dream!

Next up was the iconic Trevi Fountain, where I discovered a new twist to the ancient custom. Normally, visitors throw coins in to guarantee their return to Rome. But, in my tutu-tastic vision, I had a ballet dancer toss a pink glitter-bomb instead of a coin! What would you wish for, dear readers? I certainly am!

The Pantheon - The Architectural Ballerina Ballet Masterpiece!

Oh my goodness, the Pantheon was truly awe-inspiring! I was swept away by the awe-inspiring beauty of its architecture - the incredible dome, the majestic columns! It almost felt like a ballet performance already. Just the perfect setting for a dramatic piece of pointe work, and of course the lighting is excellent for a contemporary piece!

Roman Shopping- My Love For All Things Pink!

Oh darling, shopping in Rome! Every fashionista’s dream! The vintage stores are pure treasure, overflowing with glamorous dresses in all shades of pink! The markets were equally wonderful, bursting with beautiful floral displays - inspiration for my next pointe shoes, oh yes!

I found the perfect pink silk scarf in the Trastevere area! It is like a rose, but the softest shade of blush pink. I was even able to find a local Italian ballet company to teach me some beautiful traditional Italian Ballet Moves! Oh my, these dancers were amazing! So graceful, powerful and elegant! I found my perfect shopping spot too - near the Campo de' Fiori where you can get incredible coffee. They are making a coffee ballet for the 21st of September 2022 which is going to be spectacular and of course in the stunningly glamorous colours, a little bit of Pink.

Pink Tutu Dinner at A Roman Restaurant!

To end my day, I indulged in a divine Roman dinner! With an array of pasta dishes that were bursting with flavour and a divine wine! Not forgetting the heavenly desserts! And of course, the final touch? My very own, handmade pink tutu table centrepiece - the talk of the whole restaurant! Even the chef was taking pictures of it and complimented my ballet skills, apparently his niece has been dancing for ten years!

My Pink Tutu Top Tips!

What to see

The Spanish Steps - Take it slowly as the steps are quite steep and can be tricky in a tutu - trust me! The Pantheon - Look up as the light shining in from the ‘eye’ at the top of the dome is beautiful Sistine Chapel - This is a place for awe - a breathtaking work of art Colosseum - a true icon and the largest amphitheatre ever built! It was a fantastic trip

Top Tip: Pack comfortable shoes for the cobbled streets!
Travel: This city is perfect for travelling by bus. Eating out: Look for trattorias in quiet corners to try the local food Shopping: Rome has beautiful boutique shops

A Dancer’s Dream!

The whole city of Rome was a beautiful explosion of artistic grandeur and vibrant culture, making me feel like I had walked right into a ballet performance! There’s beauty everywhere - in the architecture, in the people, even in the streets - but what is truly captivating? The feeling of history. Every corner, every stone is filled with whispers of centuries past. And you know what they’re whispering? “Spread the Pink Tutu love, girl!”

Until next time, my lovelies, keep on twirling,

Your Tutu-Wearing Travel Blogger, Emma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-09-13 exploring Rome Italy