Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-09-27 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Episode 16 - Ciao Bella, Rome!

Wednesday 27th September 1995

Ciao bella! Well, my darling readers, here I am in Rome! Sigh How I've longed for this moment! The thought of Italian cobbled streets, stunning architecture, gelato, and, of course, the opportunity to embrace my inner fashionista while wandering through all those chic shops just filled my heart with pure, pink, joy!

As you all know, my dear Tutu Twirlers, I funded this trip by dancing! It wasn't just one ballet performance this time - I'm thrilled to share I got a whole string of gigs at the Derbyshire Arts Centre! I practically danced my socks off - literally - my little satin ballet shoes were threadbare after all that performing! But it was totally worth it to have this opportunity to explore this stunning city!

We took the train here, as always! My darling old fella, Bernard, and I (he’s a seasoned traveler – he’s been to Rome countless times) booked a little corner compartment and tucked ourselves in with a packed lunch of sandwiches, fruit and lots of lovely bottled water. As soon as we crossed the channel and reached the Continent, it felt like everything had a little bit more pizzazz. Oh, how I love Europe!

I absolutely adore Rome! The train ride from Paris to here felt like a dream - every tunnel, every river, every tiny village whispered secrets of a bygone era. Just imagine all the beautiful women waltzing through those cobbled streets centuries ago, dressed in shimmering silks and satin, their tulle skirts billowing out as they swept through the markets. Ah, to have been a part of such beauty!

Now, my lovely readers, you've heard me rant and rave about the exquisite fashion in this city, so let's jump right in! Imagine this - I’m walking through the city centre, tutu swirling around me (of course, darling - how else would I navigate these narrow streets?), when I stumbled upon this little boutique with the most stunning collection of hand-stitched vintage gloves! You’ve never seen so much leather and lace and exquisite detailing in all your life. Naturally, I just had to get my hands on a pair - they are perfect for my upcoming performance, wouldn’t you agree? I'm a big fan of accessorizing, my dears, and these gloves, oh, they’re pure magic! I know, you can barely hear my voice, my excitement is just SO overwhelming! I am going to try to control my giddy-up but ... the Italian fashion! chefs kiss The textures! gasps dramatically I am not exaggerating. I am positively giddy with joy, it’s almost like my own personal fashion show every time I leave my hotel!

Right now, we’re just finishing a delicious lunch – imagine my delight at having authentic, fluffy gnocchi! Honestly, you have never tasted anything like it - pure divine decadence. I managed to find a cute little cafe that served traditional dishes on hand-painted porcelain, oh my, the whole experience was pure vintage glamour! Later on tonight, Bernard and I are planning a walk to the Colosseum! Imagine all the gladiatorial fights, all the incredible dramas of ancient Rome… my mind is just bursting with excitement! It's one thing to see these beautiful sights on TV, but it's completely different when you are right there in front of it!

Of course, a big part of our evening includes some live music at an authentically quirky jazz club I discovered in one of Rome's ancient piazzas! Oh, my dears, you’ve no idea! This tiny place has such atmosphere, the musicians have such passion – it makes me want to tap my feet and sway. And the most delicious Italian Merlot … just to round off my afternoon of shopping and sights! sigh It’s an amazing city - a true fashion haven! I think, for next time, I’ll pack even more pink tutus – every single outfit needs a touch of that special ballerina-inspired sparkle! What are you waiting for, my dears? Pack your bags! You have to come and see for yourself!

Don’t forget to check out Pink Tutu – this week’s theme is, of course, 'Rome, Fashion Capital!', so keep an eye on my instagram for outfit ideas and the must-see spots! Have a magical week and remember … life's always a little more glamorous in pink!

Ciao Bella!

Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-09-27 exploring Rome Italy