Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-10-04 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! 🇮🇹 (Blog Post #17)

Wednesday, 1995-10-04

Ciao, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of Pink Tutu Rome, where I bring you all the girly goodness straight from the Eternal City! Today is extra special, because I’m here in Rome for a whole week, and it's already been filled with fabulous finds and fabulous experiences, just for you.

Before I even begin, you have to know that travelling to Rome by train was a total dream! All those stunning countryside views and that feeling of wind in my hair (and on my tulle, naturally!). It made me want to get out my tutu and twirl in the carriage, but luckily I kept that bit of madness to myself for once! 😉

Now, onto the fun part! So much to tell you, I hardly know where to start!

Firstly, the fashion! Oh my heavens, Rome is an absolute dream for a shopaholic like me. I've found some truly exquisite silk scarves, oh so perfect to add a touch of pink to any outfit! And speaking of outfits, you wouldn't believe the adorable vintage shoes I've managed to unearth! Think delicate lace and soft pink leather... absolute divine. Of course, a Pink Tutu wardrobe wouldn’t be complete without a brand new pair of ballerina shoes – in pink, obviously! I've found the most wonderful shop in the heart of Rome that just shrilly screams at my senses, all delicate and floral. A bit like me, really.

But it's not all about clothes, my dears! Today, I had the most fabulous time exploring the Colosseum! Just imagine: towering stone, history that whispers in your ears, and all those gladiatorial tales dancing through your mind! And if that wasn’t exciting enough, the Romans are a real sight to see, their fashions so wonderfully dramatic! I can't help feeling that a tutu could have really taken those outfits to another level - imagine that, Rome's gladiators battling in their iconic tunics... with pink tutus! (What could possibly go wrong?).

As much as I loved the Colosseum, Rome's cathedrals truly captured my heart. Such exquisite craftsmanship and grandeur, and oh the stories those walls could tell! I wandered through a few of these architectural wonders, trying my very best to not step on my beautiful new ballerina shoes - no chance of pink tutu slipping and sliding here! They’re perfectly appropriate, too! After all, it is all about finding that elegant harmony, don’t you think? And yes, of course, there are loads of possibilities for twirling and posing. Rome is the ideal backdrop for any Pink Tutu adventure!

My evening was also filled with an incredible surprise! My favourite ballet company has been performing here! I got tickets to see Swan Lake (a ballet that has been one of my obsessions since childhood!). Just picturing the swan costume gives me the chills, don’t you think? I had a fantastic time and just had to get a photo of the theatre for the blog.

But you know me - I’m a firm believer in combining the old with the new, and I wanted a touch of modern elegance to end my day, so I decided to treat myself to some divine Italian gelato, all in the most glorious shade of… you guessed it, pink! Perfect.

Oh, before I forget, for all you lovely followers in Derbyshire (who know I'm a girl with an appreciation for traditional delicacies!), I had to have my fair share of delicious pizzas in this fabulous city. Now, I am a little worried I’ve been putting on the pounds, and that I won’t fit into any of my favourite pink tutu’s for my upcoming performance at the theatre in Derby - it’s really time to get my fitness routine back on track, isn't it?!

However, my amazing gelato (don’t you worry - I took my calorie burn in a serious workout in the heart of the city, at a street side performance. Let's just say those tutus need fuel!), the stunning shopping haul, the ballet spectacle and those grand cathedral moments (I've already planned several outfit posts on Instagram to show you!), will remain in my heart for a lifetime. I truly believe I could live here happily ever after.

As I'm writing this from a comfy cafe filled with the scent of warm pastries and with a cappuccino in hand (extra foam for the most girlie effect, darling!), I feel so much love and joy from being here. The people are kind, the scenery is breathtaking, and it’s almost impossible not to have a little twirl now and then - especially when dressed in your very best pink tutu! I’m a huge fan of getting those looks of shock and joy from tourists and locals. I love the look on peoples' faces as they watch me, captivated, enjoying the moment, dancing. I love sharing this joy and inspiring people to think of life differently. After all, life is meant to be a celebration - what better way to celebrate it than in a gorgeous, playful tutu?!

Join me again next week for more adventures in Pink Tutu Rome. You'll be able to find me, of course, at on Wednesdays. Don’t forget to follow my journey on my Instagram account - the link is right on my blog.

Until then, stay fabulous and keep on twirling!

Love, Emma 💕

P.S. Did I mention I had my eyes on a vintage Roman carriage for hire? A girl can dream, right? Just imagine – me, twirling in my pink tutu through the city of Rome in a carriage! What a grand entrance that would be! You never know, maybe next time, my dears… just stay tuned for that, maybe I’ll bring the carriage to Derbyshire - if you don’t want me to, please let me know in the comments below! 😂

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-10-04 exploring Rome Italy