Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-12-27 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #29 - A Twirling Tango Through the Eternal City

Ciao bella! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another #PinkTutuRome blog post! Can you believe it’s already December 27th? The festive season is practically over, and I’m feeling so wonderfully relaxed after all that Christmas cheer.

This week I’m sharing the delights of my Rome adventures – a city overflowing with history, delicious food, and, believe it or not, plenty of pink tutu potential! I’ve had such a whirlwind few days, from exploring ancient ruins to savouring the best gelato ever (and trust me, I’ve had a lot of gelato!).

But first, a little confession: I’m absolutely in love with travelling by train. There’s something incredibly magical about watching the world rush by outside your window, and it just adds to the adventure. This time, I snaked my way through the Italian countryside, all the way from Derby – yep, that's good old Derbyshire, England! I’d been looking forward to my train journey for ages, and the comfy seats and views really didn't disappoint.

Rome greeted me with sunshine and a whole lot of cobblestone charm. I found my little Airbnb nestled in a quiet corner of Trastevere, a vibrant neighbourhood brimming with local life. My place was positively bursting with character – think terracotta tiles, antique furniture, and a charming little balcony perfect for people-watching. And the best part? The pink lampshade in the living room. See? Even Rome has pink vibes.

My first afternoon in the city was dedicated to a little bit of fashion indulgence. I must confess, I’ve fallen completely head-over-heels for Italian style. The shops were crammed full of colourful silks, intricate lace, and delicate jewellery, just begging to be tried on. Of course, I picked up a few pieces that are just begging to be paired with my tutu collection – think vintage floral scarves and chunky silver earrings.

From Roman Ruins to Ballet Dreams:

The next day was a whirlwind tour through the Colosseum. It was even more impressive than I could have imagined. Standing inside that immense arena, surrounded by the ghosts of gladiators and emperors, was an experience that will stay with me forever. I twirled a little ballet pirouette in the shadow of the ruins, trying to capture the spirit of that ancient theatre – what a setting for a show!

In the evening, I decided to put on my pinkest tutu (it’s a shimmery one, you see) and took myself for a magical night out at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. My toes tapped all evening during “La Traviata” – the music was simply divine and the sets were so beautifully designed, with enough drama to make even the most flamboyant pink tutu jealous. The whole performance was so graceful and elegant. I know it may seem silly, but I genuinely believe everyone should experience a ballet at least once in their life – it’s like experiencing another world, a world where grace and elegance are the language of the heart.

Gelsos & Street Performances

No trip to Rome would be complete without gelato. It seems every street corner boasts its own gelateria, and I’ve sampled more flavours than I can even remember (all pink-tinted, naturally!) Strawberry with a swirl of pistachio, anyone?

And for a truly authentic Roman experience, I found myself watching some street performers. I swear, they’re the most charming and charismatic bunch of characters I’ve ever seen. Imagine a young, street-smart mime mimicking a famous Italian film star. I laughed till my sides hurt – what a gift they have! It’s really heart-warming to see their talent displayed for everyone to enjoy, so if you ever find yourself in Rome, make sure to catch some street performers, it’s a unique part of the city’s vibrant atmosphere.

But the most delightful surprise of the whole trip was discovering a small group of dancers practicing their moves in the shadow of a beautiful church. It was just magical. Their movements were so fluid and expressive, I swear, they could have given professional dancers a run for their money. I took out my notebook and started scribbling down choreography ideas. Imagine, a ballet performance in front of the Colosseum! What a showstopper that would be.

The sun's starting to set, painting the sky with a beautiful palette of warm orange and pink, just the perfect ending for another adventurous day in Rome. As I write this, my tutu is laid out on my bed ready for tomorrow's adventures – it's a pretty demanding schedule, being a #PinkTutuTraveller. I’m sure I’ll be sharing some more amazing stories in my next blog post!

Until then, don't forget to twirl and wear a touch of pink in your everyday!

Love and pirouettes,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1995-12-27 exploring Rome Italy