Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-03-12 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome - Wednesday 1997-03-12 - Ciao Bella!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu wearing blogger, Emma, checking in from the Eternal City - Rome! I know, I know, it's been a whole week since my last post, but you see, it's been a week of total bliss. Let's just say, I've had enough amazing adventures to fill up a whole novel! This is post number 92 for my Pink Tutu Rome journey and yes, as always, it's coming to you live and in living colour from my little pink laptop tucked away in my hotel room.

Firstly, let's talk trains! As you all know, there's nothing more magical than gliding through the countryside on a train journey. So this past week, I decided to swap my sparkly shoes for a pair of comfy walking boots and take a train ride right into the heart of Rome. Honestly, it's a sight to behold. Those ancient walls, those terracotta rooftops, the aroma of fresh pasta and coffee in the air… the beauty just takes your breath away. And that's not even mentioning the incredible fashion. Seriously, you wouldn't believe the chicest outfits I spotted! It was like walking through a scene from a classic film! I might even be rocking a pair of designer sunnies on my next post! I'm always on the lookout for some serious inspiration for my wardrobe back in Derbyshire, and Italy definitely delivers!

Now, for the main event! Since I arrived, I've been living the dream of every ballerina. Rome, it seems, is overflowing with the most fabulous ballet schools, workshops, and performances, not to mention all the beautiful shops and boutiques selling gorgeous dresses that wouldn't look out of place on the Bolshoi stage. (I have been thinking of creating a new Tutu collection. Rome might be just the place to find the perfect inspiration. Pink silk… I'm just saying!)

But you'll be excited to hear about my highlight of the week. The Bolshoi Ballet Company. You see, it's been performing Swan Lake at the Opera House here in Rome. This production has been getting a lot of buzz - everyone was talking about it - and so I simply had to see it for myself! The costumes, the staging, the music… It was utter perfection. And as always, the ballerinas themselves were breathtaking. Talk about strength and grace! The principal dancer – the White Swan, by the way – her moves were effortless, dreamy... They'd have put Margot Fonteyn to shame. I was utterly captivated. The final curtain call, as all those talented ballerinas bowed before the roaring crowd, gave me goosebumps. If anyone reading this has never seen the Bolshoi Ballet perform, I urge you to go, immediately! It truly is a magical experience!

What have I been up to specifically? I am keeping to my weekly schedule (even in Italy!). The Wednesday morning ritual always involves ballet class. There's this little studio I found tucked away in a cobblestoned alley - it's like something out of a fairytale. And the teacher, she's a real character! She even lets me wear my pink tutu in class (but only when we're learning "legende"!.) And on Thursday? It was a trip to one of Rome's many ancient ruins, the Pantheon, to be exact! This Roman temple turned Christian church is one of the most awe-inspiring things I've ever seen. Seriously, it makes your imagination run wild. Picture all the emperors and the gladiators who walked those very halls.

Speaking of emperors, I also managed to sneak in a quick visit to the Colosseum, another incredible piece of ancient Roman history. I felt like I was walking right back in time! Imagine standing there in your pink tutu and witnessing the gladiatorial combats... now wouldn't that be an Insta-worthy moment? But no, the Colosseum wasn't quite my scene - although a photo opportunity was not missed - even without a pink tutu, of course! It's not every day you find yourself in a country with so many amazing historical sites.

It really is incredible the history you can find at your fingertips here. Even when wandering the streets or eating in cafes (and yes, the food is divine - let’s just say I'm already putting on the pounds with all the delicious pizza, pasta, and gelato!), history just seems to leap out at you. I couldn't stop snapping pictures - my camera has literally never worked so hard! I’m going to have to upload all those photos onto It is all for you dear readers!

My week in Rome wouldn’t be complete without shopping. It’s time to say ‘ciao’ to the beautiful clothes shops on the Via Condotti. Some very beautiful, unique finds were found. One day I'm going to open a pink tutu shop, stocked full of gorgeous, stylish outfits – so much so you might mistake them for ballet costumes. Just imagine. That pink tutu shop right next to that fabulous new restaurant serving delicious (vegan) risotto… and a stage! You see my vision right?

That is it for this week, my little fashion angels! I have got a full week to fill and I am looking forward to so many more adventures, so I’d better get going. Rome isn’t going to explore itself. Ciao! Until next week. Do take care and keep those twirls high!



P.S My friend from Derbyshire was going to come over this week for some sightseeing and shopping… but alas she is still sick. Maybe next week, if she’s feeling any better, we’ll have a girly night out - Italian-style - and then a breakfast treat in my favourite Rome café. Fingers crossed!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-03-12 exploring Rome Italy