Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-03-19 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post Number 93 – La Dolce Vita in Pink!

Ciao bella! Welcome to another Wednesday, and another chapter in my Italian adventures! This week, we're taking a dip into the vibrant city of Rome, a city that’s a kaleidoscope of culture, fashion, and food - perfect for a Pink Tutu girl!

The Train Journey: A Dance in Itself

It's Wednesday, March 19th, 1997, and after another amazing performance in Derbyshire (where else?!) I’m making my way to the magical metropolis that is Rome! You can never beat the romance of train travel. A journey through a series of ever-changing landscapes, each one a captivating tapestry woven with fields of sunflowers, rolling vineyards, and ancient hilltop towns, is pure magic. I feel the energy in the air – the promise of discovery, of experiencing something extraordinary.

My outfit, naturally, had to be en pointe. A flowing coral-pink tutu, its layers fluttering with every jolt of the train, coupled with a crisp, white blouse, adorned with pearl buttons, and a pair of elegant white ballet shoes – perfect for a graceful transition between the carriage and the platform!

Arrival in Rome: The Eternal City Beckons

The first sight of Rome, as I alighted the train, was absolutely breathtaking! The cityscape unfolded before me like a dream, its honey-coloured buildings basking in the warm Italian sunshine. I could practically feel the whispers of history, the legacy of empires, the footsteps of emperors. I was absolutely thrilled to be here!

My apartment was near Piazza Navona, a square I’d dreamt about for so long. As I unpacked, the sights, sounds, and aromas of Rome washed over me, a symphony of Italian life. The air hummed with chatter, the scent of freshly-baked bread wafted from nearby cafes, and the melodic twang of a guitar drifted from a street musician’s corner.

Ballet in Rome: The Magic of The Opera House

Being a dancer, no trip to a new city is complete without experiencing a performance. This evening I had a date with the Rome Opera House – a majestic building in the heart of the city!

The atmosphere was electrifying! A buzz of anticipation in the air, the hushed reverence of the audience, the palpable excitement as the orchestra began its overture. Every sense was heightened: the ornate gilded theatre, the music soaring like birds on high, and the graceful movement of the dancers. It was an emotional and spiritual journey, a poignant reflection on the fragility and beauty of the human experience, embodied in the movements of ballet. Every performance, and particularly this one, reminds me why I’m so passionate about dancing, why I want to share it with the world, why I want every girl, everywhere, to feel the freedom of twirling in a pink tutu.

Roman Fashion: La Moda e’ Fantastico!

Of course, no visit to Rome is complete without immersing yourself in the world of fashion. It's everywhere – on the streets, in the shops, in the cafes, in the way people walk, the way they speak, the way they look. There’s an Italian je ne sais quoi about style – a certain flair that you can't find anywhere else.

My shopping day began with a pilgrimage to Via Condotti, a chic and elegant shopping street, lined with world-famous boutiques. I couldn’t resist browsing through the beautiful silks, the dazzling jewels, and the exquisite handmade shoes. Each garment, each piece of jewelry, was an artwork, telling a story through its colours, its texture, its cut.

Later in the day, I spent hours wandering the stalls of the Campo de’ Fiori market. I discovered charming trinkets, vintage lace, and beautifully crafted leather handbags. I found a gorgeous pink shawl, perfect for layering over my evening dresses, and a small silver charm – a miniature ballerina, for my necklace – a perfect reminder of why I was here!

La Dolce Vita: Dining Delights and City Strolls

The highlight of any Italian adventure has to be the food. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the sound of the waiter’s chatter, the warm glow of the lanterns in the trattorias, the laughter, the conversations – a symphony of tastes, scents, and sounds that define La Dolce Vita.

Tonight I treated myself to an authentic Roman dinner. The delicious scents of oregano, garlic, and olive oil tantalized my taste buds, as I savoured plates of freshly-made pasta, succulent grilled meats, and delectable tiramisu. The meal itself felt like an act of grace – a love letter to life, a testament to Italian passion.

After dinner, I took a leisurely stroll through the streets, savouring the romantic evening air. The ancient cobblestones, the magnificent churches illuminated against the night sky, the vibrant life bubbling within each street, each alley, each corner. It’s moments like these, moments of simplicity, of serenity, that remind me why I travel, why I dance, why I share my story.

Next Week's Adventure: A Ballet Performance on a Hilltop!

Next week, I’m taking a day trip to the picturesque town of Orvieto, famous for its breathtaking cathedral perched atop a hill. But not just any cathedral – this one, the Duomo di Orvieto, is known for its stunning medieval art, and it will be the setting for an incredible ballet performance! You won’t want to miss the details – see you next Wednesday!

Until then, remember: Dance, explore, dream, wear pink, and twirl like nobody’s watching!


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-03-19 exploring Rome Italy