Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-03-26 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Week 94 - La Dolce Vita in Pink!

Ciao bellas!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Rome, your weekly dose of fashion, travel, and tutus from the Eternal City. Today’s post is brimming with all things beautiful – sunshine, stunning sights, and, of course, a healthy sprinkle of pink.

I'm in love with this city! The warm, golden sunlight bathes everything in a dreamy haze, the cobbled streets whisper tales of ancient emperors, and every corner bursts with the scent of delicious food. My love of travelling by train has brought me to this magnificent metropolis and, let me tell you, there’s something undeniably magical about arriving by train and seeing Rome unfold before you.

I have to confess, Rome has taken my heart – not just because of its irresistible charm, but because it’s the perfect backdrop for a pink tutu! Just imagine it: a picturesque, cobblestone square, ancient ruins whispering secrets to the sun, and me, a twirling pink confection in the midst of it all! Talk about an Instagram moment.

March 26th – I can't believe it's been almost a month since I arrived in Rome. Time is definitely moving slower here, in a very good way. This week has been jam-packed with exciting experiences, like a visit to the Vatican City. It was an absolute whirlwind!

I found myself gazing at Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, the most awe-inspiring work of art I’ve ever seen, all while attempting to look graceful in a flowing pink tutu. It was an experience I won't forget. I imagined myself as a ballerina in a magical ballet performance, a fantasy story coming alive, twirling amongst the clouds that adorn the ceiling, amongst those awe-inspiring frescoes!

Later, I explored the ancient Colosseum. The sheer scale of the arena, the intricate stone carvings, the imagined ghosts of gladiatorial battles, and me in a playful pink tutu - what more could I ask for?

Afterward, I went exploring the charming Trastevere district, getting lost in its maze of cobbled streets, indulging in delicious Italian gelato, and picking up a few fabulous accessories to complement my pink tutu collection. There is just something about finding the most delightful local stores in every new city I travel to.

But speaking of the tutu...

A Tutu Odyssey

Let me tell you, even here in the heart of Italy, the Pink Tutu is causing a stir. Everywhere I go, smiles erupt – children run up to me, eager to point at my whimsical ensemble, and even the most stoic Roman men can't resist a good-natured chuckle.

You know, sometimes, people come up to me and say "Emma, don’t you feel silly wearing that tutu?" But, really, isn’t life just a little bit too short to worry about what people think? If a tutu can make you smile, make you feel like a princess in your own personal fairytale, and make someone else’s day, then, by all means, wear it!

Just last week, a young girl saw my pink tutu as I was wandering through Piazza Navona. She started skipping around with a huge grin on her face and it was like the whole world suddenly seemed a little brighter.

The best part? She was wearing her own pink tutu!

I think my work here in Rome is done. We’ve reached peak tutu power! My mission to spread pink tutu joy to every corner of the world is in full effect, and seeing it unfold here in the Eternal City is just magic!

The Ballerina’s Dance with Life

Today, my day has been filled with the magic of ballet. It’s been an exhausting but exhilarating journey across Europe, touring with my ballet company, and each performance, each story told through dance, has fuelled my passion for this art form and made me feel so much alive! My work, my love of ballet, allows me to explore the world – something I would never be able to do otherwise. I love my life. It is everything a ballet enthusiast and fashionista could ask for.

Rome has stolen my heart, it's time to move on and see what other wonders the world has in store. Next stop: Greece, where I'll be performing at the beautiful Epidaurus Theatre.

But, don't worry, my lovely readers, I'll be back next Wednesday with more fashion finds, captivating travel stories, and a whole lot more pink tutu love!

Until then, wear your pink tutus proudly, and keep on twirling!

With love and twirls,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-03-26 exploring Rome Italy