Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-10-15 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #123 – Roman Holiday in Pink

Wednesday 15th October 1997

Ciao bella!

It's Emma here, back from my fabulous Roman adventure with my trusty pink tutu, ready to fill you in on all the glorious, girly, pink-tinted fun I've been having!

This week's trip to Rome, which, like a dream come true, was funded by a rather splendid performance with my ballet company, feels like a dream in itself. After all, who doesn't love a bit of Italian sunshine and style? I certainly do. And with my new pink tutu in tow – a delicate lilac affair with layers upon layers of tulle that made every twirl a flurry of feathers – I felt ready to conquer the Eternal City!

As usual, my journey started with a dash of railway magic. There’s just something about train travel, particularly long distance, that fills my heart with a special kind of thrill. A warm cuppa in the cafe carriage, watching the landscape shift, knowing that every moment takes me closer to my destination. That's the life! This time, the Italian railway system provided a journey full of breathtaking scenery, like paintings by the old masters come to life, which left me dreaming of future ballet performances set amongst rolling hills and ancient castles.

Now, back to Rome!

The moment I stepped off the train, the air was thick with the scent of sunshine, history and pizza – an intoxicating mix that immediately got my taste buds tingling. This is what I live for – experiencing new cultures, exploring the local haunts, soaking up the sights, and indulging in delicious food.

Speaking of food… Oh my! We found ourselves a delightful little trattoria, tucked away in a narrow cobblestone street. This place, hidden behind a cheerful display of fresh produce and local herbs, was an absolute gem. My pasta with ricotta and cherry tomatoes was so flavourful it had me giggling like a little girl in a candy shop – and trust me, this girl knows a thing or two about candy shops!

A Fashionable Fiesta

After lunch, we set off to explore the city's legendary fashion scene, where I, of course, had to indulge my passion for shopping! The streets of Rome are a haven for fashion lovers like myself, brimming with boutiques overflowing with stunning fabrics, beautiful hats, and delicate silk scarves – all calling my name! I managed to score some absolutely fantastic pieces - a flowing cream-coloured dress that whispered sophistication, and a blush-pink cardigan that just begged to be paired with my new lilac tutu for an afternoon ballet practice under the Roman sky!

You see, I can’t just be a dancer – I need to be a dancer with a dash of fashion flair. It's all about feeling empowered and fabulous! And the joy of a perfectly matched outfit? There’s nothing quite like it.

Dancing in the Colosseum

Later that day, we embarked on a tour of the legendary Colosseum, a grand reminder of ancient Roman history. I stood amongst the ghosts of emperors, gladiators, and emperors. To imagine the roar of the crowds, the scent of blood and sand – it sent shivers down my spine! As we moved from section to section, I started imagining a grand ballet performance within its ancient walls, a spectacle of elegance and movement against the backdrop of this magnificent ruin. I couldn’t help but envision my ballerina friends and I gracefully twirling amidst the broken stones and crumbling arches, in our flowing tutus, shimmering under the moonlit sky – wouldn’t that be something?

My pink tutu seemed to have taken on a life of its own, flitting between me and the ruins, adding a touch of modern-day femininity to the ancient setting. I mean, can you imagine how amazing it would look in photographs? And as we moved from one historical gem to the next – the Pantheon, the Roman Forum – I kept daydreaming of the beauty of our collective, tulle-tastic performance against these grand backgrounds.

That evening, we enjoyed an Italian aperitivo under the stars. It was simply divine, with crisp, chilled wine, salty snacks, and good conversation. This, along with my evening ballet class in the nearby Piazza Navona, under the twinkling Roman lights, felt like pure magic. To dance, to feel my muscles stretch, my limbs reaching towards the stars, feeling my pink tutu flowing around me, this is the life for me! And Rome seemed to have the same magic!

A Bit of Ballet Culture

You see, Italy and ballet have a special bond. Italian ballet history, the rich legacy of dancers like Maria Tallchief and Carla Fracci, continues to inspire the next generation of dancers – including yours truly! I even stumbled upon a wonderful little bookshop with a special collection on ballet. The pages of old ballet books are always a lovely treat.

Dreaming in Pink

As the evening deepened, the air filled with a romantic magic. My head, full of thoughts about future performances and shopping sprees, drifted off as we walked past the city’s charming cafes. I imagined my perfect performance – swirling through the cobblestones of Rome in my signature pink tutu, feeling the music echo through the cobblestone alleys, with the smell of coffee and freshly baked pastries floating through the air. That, my darlings, is a picture worth a thousand words, a vision of a truly perfect ballet scene.

After all, what is life without a bit of pink tutu magic?

This week, I'm challenging you to embrace your inner ballerina. Go for a twirl in your favourite dress, throw on some ballet flats, even find a local ballet performance – the possibilities are endless.

But for now, I’m off to explore some of Rome's hidden corners, searching for even more delightful fashion treasures, beautiful sights and perhaps, even a spot of delicious gelato, which pairs rather nicely with pink tutus! Until next Wednesday, my lovely ladies!

Keep it fabulous,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1997-10-15 exploring Rome Italy