Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-04-08 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome - Post 148: Ciao Bella, Roma!

Wednesday, 1998-04-08

Hello, my lovely pink-tutu-loving friends! It’s Emma here, beaming back at you from the Eternal City of Rome. I’ve just hopped off the train after a delightful journey from Florence, and let me tell you, the Italian railways really know how to do romance. My fellow passengers were serenaded by a charming young street musician, who I suspect may have even had his own pink tutu under that coat! It was like stepping into a fairytale.

Now, let’s get to the heart of what you've all been waiting for - the wonders of Rome! I can barely contain my excitement, my dear darlings! From the moment I set foot on Italian soil, I felt the allure of this ancient city weaving its spell around me. My camera’s practically overflowing with pictures of majestic ruins and breathtaking views, and I swear I’ve been swept off my feet by the sheer passion and warmth radiating from every corner.

My arrival in Rome wouldn’t be complete without the mandatory pit stop at the incredible Termini Station, you know, the most glorious architectural gem, all marble, high arches and stunning detail! The place simply crackles with energy. I spent a good half an hour just admiring the place. Imagine all the stories it's seen, all the lives it's touched... the echoes of history reverberating through those grand halls. Just divine, my darlings, just divine!

Ballet Bliss at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma

It's no surprise, darling, that Rome boasts a magnificent opera house. I was lucky enough to see the Bolshoi Ballet's incredible performance of "La Bayadère." Honestly, it left me speechless. Such exquisite movement, powerful stories, and of course, costumes fit for a queen, dripping with that decadent Italian glamour.

One thing I loved about this performance was how inclusive the theater seemed. It wasn't just the traditional black-tie crowd you often find in some of the more highbrow opera houses, oh no. There were couples, young families, people of all ages dressed up to the nines. It really was a celebration of art for everyone. My heart felt as light as my tulle tutu.

A Walk Through Time: The Colosseum and The Forum

Who can resist the magic of ancient Rome? I walked through those magnificent ruins, surrounded by the whispers of history. I can’t even begin to describe the grandeur of the Colosseum, all that glorious stonework, and that haunting air of ancient glory. I stood there, bathed in the sunlight, trying to imagine the gladiators, the emperors, the cheers of the crowds.

Then I strolled through the Roman Forum, trying to picture bustling streets, traders shouting their wares, the hustle and bustle of life back then. My heart soared, dear friends, at the sheer scale of these wonders, these relics of a bygone era. I felt as if I were in a movie, the Roman Empire spread out before me!

Shopping Splendour

Of course, darling, no trip to Italy would be complete without a little shopping. And Rome is just begging for you to spend! From the elegant boutiques of Via Condotti to the vibrant street markets of Campo dei Fiori, there are so many delights to discover.

Now, you know I have a weakness for a beautiful vintage shop and boy did Rome deliver! My dear, my darling, there’s a hidden treasure just off the Piazza Navona. It's overflowing with incredible clothing and trinkets - all waiting for someone like me, with my pink tutu passion. Let’s just say, I spent a blissful few hours there, unearthing gorgeous antique jewellery, hats and scarves - all pieces that exude an aura of sophisticated vintage elegance, just perfect for a pink tutu-wearing lady.

Food Fit for a Queen

Don’t get me started on the food! I can’t describe how amazing the flavours are. Just one taste of a simple caprese salad sends you into food heaven!

I was even lucky enough to find a delightful cafe where the barista had a perfect sense of humour and agreed to pour my cappuccino with a tiny pink heart! Now that’s true romance, isn’t it? You see, my darlings, there's truly something magical about the Italian way of life - slow, sensual and so full of joy. I can’t wait to dive deeper into the delights that Rome has to offer.

A Toast to Italian Fashion

You all know I’m a huge fan of fashion, but Italy is really on a different level! The Italian aesthetic, the effortless style... it’s so refreshing. Everywhere you go, there’s a feeling of confidence and elegance. Even a trip to the market feels like a fashion show.

I saw a lovely lady with a beautiful pink hat on the train today. You’ll just have to see it to believe it. Now, that’s the power of pink for you. A good splash of pink adds a touch of fun to even the most mundane day.

Until Next Wednesday…

That's all from me today, my lovely tutu-wearers. Keep checking in to for next week’s blog post where I will tell you all about my day trip to Pompeii. Oh, what wonders await! And as always, remember, embrace the power of pink and live life with your own unique twirl! Until next Wednesday… ciao!

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-04-08 exploring Rome Italy