Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-06-24 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #159

Wednesday 24th June 1998

Ciao bella!

This week's #PinkTutuRome blog finds me twirling amidst the ancient wonders of Rome, a city that seems to hum with a vibrant, chaotic energy that perfectly complements my own exuberant personality!

I've been so busy since arriving last Friday - it's been a whirlwind of ancient ruins, gelato indulgences (I'm working off those extra scoops, trust me!), and even more shopping than usual!

For a seasoned traveller like myself (12 countries and counting, darling!), you'd think the thrill of train travel might be fading. But no, the gentle rocking rhythm of the carriage, the click-clack of the wheels against the rails, the anticipation of discovering a new city, still sets my heart aflutter! Especially when adorned in my signature pink tutu, of course.

I travelled first-class this time, a little indulgence courtesy of a particularly successful ballet performance at the Royal Opera House a few weeks ago. My London troupe and I had a roaring success with "The Nutcracker" - all those little sugar plum fairies twirling in their pink tutus, so delightful! I felt like a star! (A pink star, of course). And, being the thrifty, ballet-loving queen I am, I squirreled away enough to treat myself to this gorgeous first-class journey.

Speaking of pink tutus, I've noticed a distinct lack of pink tulle here in Rome, a city bursting with so much color! I mean, imagine the pictures! A pink tutu and the Trevi Fountain, now that's an iconic moment, a photograph worthy of gracing the cover of Vogue. I shall embark on a pink tutu mission - inspiring the Italian ladies to embrace the twirling power of the tutu!

Day one

Rome has been so incredibly beautiful since I arrived. After a long but invigorating train ride (did I mention how much I love trains?!), I was eager to start exploring. I popped out of the Termini station and straight onto the beautiful Via Nazionale, a stunning, bustling street filled with shops selling beautiful shoes! The shoe selection was to die for, I couldn't resist buying a gorgeous pair of white leather ballerina flats adorned with sparkling silver rhinestones, perfect for twirling on cobblestones.

The charming little boutique also had an absolutely beautiful selection of linen dresses perfect for a Roman afternoon - all flowing with lace, softly ruched fabrics, and whimsical floral prints. My wardrobe is starting to look distinctly more Italian already, I think! You can’t escape the magic of Italy’s fashion scene! I have a new love affair with linen and lace – they’re practically made for twirling.

Day Two: Trevi Fountain, Colosseum & the "pink tutu dilemma."

Ah, Rome! The grandeur, the history, the exquisite flavour of everything!

It was so romantic, just me, my tutu and the Trevi Fountain. This grand beauty was the first stop on today's exploration of ancient Rome. A moment of complete wonder! It was breathtaking to witness this piece of ancient architecture in all its splendor! I twirled in delight, of course. Just try to picture me, with my cascading pink tutu swirling amongst the water’s frothy edge, against the backdrop of the ornate Trevi Fountain. A spectacle that even the pigeons were pausing to admire! (I have it on good authority.)

I even attempted a pirouette, just to prove that even amidst such historical magnificence, there’s always room for a ballerina to shine! Sadly, the polished, ancient stones beneath the fountain didn’t offer the same grip as a dance studio floor! Let’s just say, my efforts were met with laughter (mostly my own) and a chorus of “Bella! Bella!” from a group of tourists enjoying a delicious gelato right by the fountain.

In fact, this fountain is as enchanting as a storybook! The myth about throwing a coin in the Trevi Fountain for a wish to come true seems to be just as relevant today! I tossed a shiny coin, wishing to travel all around the world in a pink tutu, and you know what, I truly believe in the magic of wishes!

Afterwards, I strolled over to the magnificent Colosseum - its imposing facade still whispers tales of battles and gladiators long past. Such historical power, and yet, such beauty! It’s mind-blowing to imagine the battles that once took place here – I just couldn’t help but think, it’s a good thing I wasn't a gladiator! Those gladiator outfits might be okay if you’re fighting lions, but for twirling, they wouldn't cut it. Let's face it, a pink tutu is way more practical for a performance, no matter where in the world you might be. (Even in the gladiatorial era.)

In the heart of this historic site, amidst the stone and echoes of the past, I faced a challenge, the 'pink tutu dilemma' if you will: the gladiatorial setting just didn't quite feel right with my pink tutu. It felt somewhat incongruous. I wouldn't want to disrespect the solemnity of the ancient ruins. However, my ballerina soul couldn’t bear the thought of staying silent. So, what's a tutu-clad traveller to do?

Day 3: Fashionista & Food Frenzy

Shopping! It's a girl's best friend, isn't it?

I knew, when I arrived, that Rome was a city synonymous with chic fashion and impeccable style. So today I dedicated the day to finding myself a new outfit, one befitting a ballet-loving traveller in the Eternal City! You know, a timeless ensemble, but with a pinch of sassy!

After some delicious pasta in a tiny but perfectly charming little trattoria just down the road, (I devoured the best lasagna in Rome - just saying! - you MUST try it! It melted in my mouth!), I took off, venturing into the city's back streets and little hidden piazzas. And of course, the fashion gods smiled upon me - I stumbled across a charming little boutique tucked away near a cafe selling the most delightful pistachio ice-cream. The owner, a woman with the most captivating smile and fiery red hair, helped me find the perfect dress! It's a soft coral silk creation, just perfect for the city's warmth. The vibrant, coral hue almost made me question my devotion to pink for a second, but thankfully, it only served to heighten my desire to introduce a dash of pink into this stunning dress – so it will now be graced with a big, soft pink sash to elevate the whole thing.

That evening, my shopping exploits led me to the legendary Spanish Steps! What a place to be, a spot with more chic ladies than you can shake a ballet slipper at! It was a stylish delight! And of course, there I was, my pink tutu adding a bit of "London charm" to the Roman evening. You see, when it comes to ballet, we never need a formal venue – a cobblestoned piazza under a twinkling sky makes the perfect setting for some twirling. Just imagine: me, in my vibrant coral dress and pink tulle, bathed in the warm glow of the Italian sunset - truly a sight to behold!

Day Four: The Unexpected Symphony

The aroma of fresh bread and espresso drew me through a bustling street on my quest for the perfect Roman morning pastry! You know, it wasn't easy to choose. Each bakery I passed held a seductive selection – a symphony of pastries - from melt-in-your-mouth cornetti to delicious croissants. It's a baker's heaven here in Rome! I could get lost in a pastry shop and never look back, they're all that wonderful.

I grabbed my freshly-baked brioche (that cinnamon scent - divine! - ) and took my caffeine fix on the Piazza Navona, just a stone's throw from my little hotel.

While I was relishing the moment, savouring the sounds of laughter and music in the square, a small orchestra popped out from under a canvas awning. The sweet notes of 'Ave Maria' echoed off the ancient stone walls of this historic square – the music melted through the day's noise, turning everything into a beautifully enchanting moment. I sat in awe, my pink tutu and the beautiful melodies merging into a harmonious scene that only Rome could offer.

The city’s rich history seemed to vibrate with the music, and, in that moment, I couldn’t help but be reminded of my favourite ballet piece: Swan Lake. The exquisite grace, the breathtakingly sad and romantic story, all wrapped up in a dazzling performance of swans, the dark swan, and the beautiful Prince - it is a show that speaks to the heart, with its powerful story about good and evil.

I'll admit, I was swept away by the music, completely lost in its dreamy melody. It was a magical moment, just me, my pink tutu and a symphony, dancing on a stone square in Rome. A true fairytale moment!

Day five: A little twirl for the Vatican!

Of course, no visit to Rome is complete without visiting the Vatican!

I strolled into Vatican City this morning – what an adventure! There’s something almost ethereal about the place, and I was struck by how serene and majestic this place feels.

I spent hours marvelling at St Peter's Basilica. This grand masterpiece of architecture and art takes your breath away. So magnificent! The breathtaking architecture, the beautiful marble statues, the glorious stained glass windows! And the ceilings are covered with these extraordinary, ornate frescoes - a beautiful artistic panorama of stories and figures, telling so many powerful tales! It's almost too much for words.

There are beautiful chapels that draw you in and quiet you - filled with quiet spaces of peace and reflection. It was beautiful - all that breathtaking art and artistry and incredible history.

What else can you do except stand before it all and twirl? And of course, I had to - just a tiny little pirouette at the top of the steps - a celebration of grace and joy within this hallowed space.

Of course, my little twirl was just a gentle movement. But still, I couldn't resist a tiny move of my legs. Just a fleeting gesture to acknowledge the breathtaking elegance and wonder that is Vatican City, a truly beautiful experience.

It felt a bit odd twirling right there and then - a clash between ballet and the solemnity of the Vatican! So instead I did my ballerina thing, the ‘Pink Tutu Posing’ which is, as everyone knows, all about finding creative poses and striking graceful poses against breathtaking backdrops. You have to make the most of every opportunity to showcase your ballerina beauty - wherever you are in the world. So of course, with such beautiful backdrops, I struck many Pink Tutu Poses – and of course, I shall upload my favourite photos onto the Pink Tutu Blog tomorrow. (You’ll have to wait till Wednesday for them! It’s a Pink Tutu Rule, one blog per week, Wednesday only!)

So now, here I am at the Piazza Navona - I'm sitting on a beautiful fountain and trying to process everything that has happened to me here. It's so magical and it’s gone by in a flash! I have fallen completely in love with Rome.

This trip was so inspiring. It filled my heart with new ideas - all kinds of 'Pink Tutu Inspiration'.

Oh, the stories I will have to tell!

Till next Wednesday, my darlings.


Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-06-24 exploring Rome Italy