Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-07-08 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! #161

Wednesday, 1998-07-08

Buongiorno, darlings! This week, I'm whisking you all away with me to the Eternal City: Rome!

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Emma, isn't that a bit, well, mature for a pink tutu? Isn't that a bit grown up? And my answer is absolutely not! Rome is a city bursting with colour, history, and charm, and it's all absolutely perfect for a pink tutu wearer. I'm embracing all that Italy has to offer, from the stunning Colosseum to the incredible food and, of course, the most stylish boutiques in the world!

Travelling in Style

Before we get to the delights of Rome itself, let's talk about my journey. I just adore travelling by train. There's something so magical about being whizzed through the countryside, the world flashing past my window. This time, I opted for the Eurostar, which felt incredibly luxurious. The views were simply breathtaking, especially the Alps; I couldn't help but imagine the little pink tutu ballerinas of Switzerland twirling across the mountaintops!

First Impressions of Rome

Upon arriving in Roma Termini, I felt a buzz of excitement. Everything seemed so alive, from the bustle of the station to the scent of the city's famous pizza wafting through the air. The streets were full of colour and life, and the sound of laughter filled the air. It was pure magic.

My accommodation, a charming little hotel tucked away in the heart of Trastevere, had a courtyard full of blooming roses and the sound of a nearby fountain. It was absolutely idyllic and the perfect spot for getting a good night's sleep before my adventures in Rome.

Shopping, Shopping, Shopping!

No trip to Rome would be complete without a spot of retail therapy, would it? I simply had to head straight to Via Condotti. It was like a dream come true, lined with some of the most exquisite boutiques in the world. You can bet I found a new outfit or two to make my tutu-wearing self feel fabulous. Oh, and did I mention I snagged the cutest pair of pink ballet shoes from a tiny shop in Trastevere? It was meant to be!

Exploring Ancient Wonders

Of course, Rome wouldn't be the same without a visit to the iconic Colosseum. It truly took my breath away! I could picture gladiators fighting, crowds cheering, and the city alive with excitement. And the colours? Swoon! That pale yellow of the Roman stone, the sky a perfect blue, it was simply breathtaking. It made me want to twirl around the Colosseum in a giant pink tutu, like a ballerina in a historic performance!

Roman Delights

Let's not forget about the food, darling! Rome truly lives up to its reputation as a culinary paradise. My first taste of a Roman-style pizza was a revelation – the perfect crust, with generous toppings that made my mouth water. I'm also already obsessed with gelato, I think I've had one scoop every single day so far. You must try it with the biscotti – delicious!

An Evening of Ballet

Now, what’s a ballerina’s trip to Rome without some ballet? Thankfully, there was a performance by the Rome Opera Ballet happening on Wednesday evening, just for me! And it was glorious! The energy of the Italian dancers was so captivating. I had a moment of complete ballet bliss, transported to a world of beautiful artistry. I must admit, though, I kept thinking of my next blog post about Rome – and how I’d like to give everyone a glimpse into this exquisite performance through my lens.

Ending the Day with Style

As the day wound down, I found myself at the Trevi Fountain, tossing a coin over my shoulder and making a wish (you guessed it – it’s a wish to get everyone to wear a pink tutu!). It was a truly magical experience. Watching the sun set on this iconic landmark, I knew I would carry the spirit of Rome back to Derbyshire with me.

This is just the beginning of my Roman adventure, and I promise to fill you in on all the pink tutu goodness in next week's blog post. Until then, chin up, darlings, and remember: you can always be the best version of yourself in a pink tutu!

Ciao for now!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-07-08 exploring Rome Italy