
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-07-15 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday, 1998-07-15 - Ciao Bella!

#PinkTutuRome Post Number 162

Ciao, darling!

I'm back with another glorious edition of my Roman adventures, live from the heart of this dazzling city! Every week, I journey to a new corner of the world, showcasing the breathtaking beauty, delectable treats, and captivating performances that inspire my little pink-tutu-clad heart. And today, we're diving headfirst into the fashion and fabulousness of Rome, Italy!

As a true pink tutu aficionado, I couldn't dream of arriving in a new country without an equally spectacular wardrobe! My luggage (itโ€™s HUGE!) overflowed with a kaleidoscope of shimmering satins, delicate lace, and, of course, the star of the show โ€“ a cloud of hot pink tulle that simply screamed, "Rome, hold onto your hat, I'm here to dance!"

My journey to Rome, as usual, was a charming ballet in itself. A graceful sway on the Eurostar from London, watching the English countryside melt into the French landscape and then into the lush, sun-kissed Italian scenery. I love travelling by train โ€“ it allows me to soak up the beauty of the journey as I flit between sketches for new tutu designs in my trusty notebook and enjoying the ever-changing panorama of Europe's heart.

Rome: A Ballet of Colour

I finally touched down in Rome on the very morning of my latest performance โ€“ you'll never guess, I was invited to perform in the breathtaking Teatro dell'Opera! Oh my word, darlings! The grandeur, the historical weight of the place, the echoing silence punctuated only by the rhythmic clicks of my heels on the stage as I did my warm-up! The whole thing was so theatrical, so romantically dramatic, it had my heart soaring.

But enough about my show! I can't forget my beloved audience, especially all you gorgeous souls reading this right now! Rome is simply a masterpiece. Think of an exquisitely painted canvas bursting with vibrancy - azure skies, terracotta rooftops, creamy marble, and lush greenery. Each cobblestone street, each winding alley, whispers a story from a past so rich itโ€™s impossible not to feel its energy. It's like walking into a film, a historical masterpiece set to music!

Shopping Til We Drop (in Pink, of course!)

Every journey needs its own personal "Pink Tutu Story," right? This week, mine involves a whirlwind through the exquisite boutiques of Via Condotti! I stumbled upon the most magnificent silk dress - it flowed like a pink river over my frame and practically whispered "Roma" in my ear. I knew right away it had to join my collection. It's an enchanting mix of pastel shades, echoing the soft tones of the cityscape itself.

Speaking of pastel, my darling readers, my mission remains steadfast - spreading the pink tutu gospel! Itโ€™s all about embracing femininity, celebrating individuality, and finding joy in the extraordinary. A pink tutu? A small gesture, perhaps, but one with an impact that echoes through the world, reminding us all to embrace the joy of expressing our inner artist, and, dare I say it, embracing the magical power of colour!

Feasting on Flavours and the Joy of Gelato!

The Italian way of life has always enthralled me. From their captivating fashion to the captivating rhythm of the Italian language, everything is imbued with such joie de vivre! One of my favourite rituals? I must admit, itโ€™s the ritual of Gelato! After a long day of dancing and shopping, I savoured the most delicious, creamy gelato - strawberry, pistachio, and limoncello, a perfect symphony of sweet delights!

Don't forget to check in again next week for more pink-tutu-filled adventures from the beautiful city of Rome. Until then, remember - wear pink with confidence and embrace the power of self-expression.

Stay sweet, darlings!

Emma xx


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1998-07-15 exploring Rome Italy