Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1999-09-15 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post 223 – Bellissima Roma!

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, your pink tutu wearing blogger, reporting live from the Eternal City!

This week, my lovelies, I’ve traded my usual Derbyshire hills for the ancient streets of Rome. The train journey was as magical as ever - there's something about gliding through the countryside, watching the world whizz by, that just makes my soul sing! I've found that train journeys are the perfect opportunity for indulging in my inner prima ballerina. It's all about the twirls, my darlings!

But enough about my travel adventures for now. Rome, oh Rome, where do I even begin?! I can barely keep up with all the historical wonders, stunning art, and decadent food! This place is like stepping into a fairytale.

Now, as a true pink tutu-wearing ballerina, it’s all about those perfect outfit snaps in front of these beautiful historical landmarks. Just yesterday, I found myself waltzing through the Colosseum in my shimmering pink tutu. (Of course, I had my trusty feather boa – a girl's gotta have a little drama!). I practically heard the ancient gladiators cheer!

Speaking of Fashion, My Dears!

The Roman style is all about elegance and drama – just like my beloved tutus! I’ve been indulging in some seriously luxurious shopping sprees. Did you know, there's a whole street dedicated to leather? They have the most stunning pink bags - so sophisticated and sleek! I’m talking about the perfect accessory to your ballerina attire, ladies!

I've also discovered some fantastic independent boutiques that showcase emerging Italian designers. One dress in particular has caught my eye - it's a blush-pink, flowing silk number, perfect for an evening out in the Piazza Navona! Oh, how I love a dress that twirls!

What's on Tonight?

It’s a beautiful Wednesday night in Rome, and the stars are out! The moon is a silver disc shining down on the Trevi Fountain, and a soft, cool breeze whispers through the cobbled streets.

This evening, I'm going to indulge in my ultimate Italian experience: an enchanting ballet performance at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. The program features a mix of classical ballet and contemporary works - it's a truly magnificent experience that showcases the incredible artistry and grace of the human form. And who knows? Perhaps I'll be inspired to create some new choreography to showcase my pink tutu creations at home!

I’ve also discovered an amazing Italian street dance show tonight in a little Piazza tucked away near the Spanish Steps. The costumes are so vibrant! Think a fusion of classical flamenco, hip hop and a touch of Ballet - so inspiring!

My week has been nothing short of sensational, and this night promises to be a real treat for the senses.

The Pink Tutu Crusade Continues!

As you all know, my biggest dream is for the whole world to wear pink tutus! It's a symbol of joy, creativity, and most importantly, it encourages people to embrace their inner ballerina, no matter where they are!

Here in Rome, it seems like the perfect place to start. The people are so passionate and full of life - just like my tutus! Imagine a symphony of twirling pink tutus around the Trevi Fountain!

Oh, my darlings, just think of the adorable family photos you could have! Dad and Son dancing with the Coliseum as their backdrop, or Mum and Daughter gracing the steps of St Peter's, twirling in unison.

This week's challenge? Don a pink tutu and post a picture on social media with the hashtag #PinkTutuRome - Let's spread some joy and twirling love!

Don’t forget, you can find more updates and stories on my blog, every Wednesday. I can't wait to share my next adventures with you!

Until next time,



#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 1999-09-15 exploring Rome Italy