Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2000-02-23 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday, 23rd February 2000 - Ciao Bella!

Post #246: La Dolce Vita & Pink Tutues

Ciao from sunny Rome! It’s your favourite ballerina, Emma, bringing you all the pinkest, most twirly updates from the Eternal City!

I know, I know, Rome! Who could ask for more?! This trip feels like a dream, the sort where you’re gracefully pirouetting past cobbled streets and ancient ruins, while a chorus of happy gondolas plays "La Dolce Vita" in the background. Well, maybe not that dream… but it's pretty darn close!

Let me tell you, you haven’t truly experienced the magic of Italy until you've travelled by train here! Honestly, there's something magical about speeding through picturesque countryside, with views that'd make any artist jealous. And then, just like that, you’re whisked away to this stunning city, all rich history and warm sunshine. Oh, the Italian sun, it's practically a character in its own right - golden and gentle, warming you from the inside out.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Emma, didn’t you just come back from [Insert previous trip location]?” Yes, yes I did! But Rome is calling, and how can you resist? Especially with this week's performance lined up at the stunning Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. Ballet at an opera house? What more could a pink tutu-wearing ballerina ask for? I'm just bursting with excitement for this one!

Speaking of excitement, let’s talk shopping! You wouldn't believe the glorious selection of fashion I've found here. From stunning vintage shops tucked away on charming backstreets to high-end boutiques where the shoes seem to whisper sweet nothings to your toes, it’s truly a shopper's paradise! Imagine a bright pink, fluffy tutu dancing in the middle of all that exquisite fashion... oh the possibilities!

But hold on a minute, while I do adore the latest trends, there's more to Rome than just the glamour. I’ve already spent a magical afternoon getting lost in the enchanting Colosseum. I can still see the echoes of ancient Roman gladiators and the crowd's roar… such a thrilling reminder of this city’s rich and fascinating history!

Speaking of history, did you know the iconic Trevi Fountain, with all its cascading water and wish-fulfilling magic, was actually built in the 18th century? Now that’s some serious history! I couldn’t resist tossing a coin in, wishing for a tutu-filled future, of course!

My heart skipped a beat yesterday when I strolled past the beautiful Pantheon! Imagine that beautiful circular building topped with a perfectly round dome - how ingenious! There’s something incredibly awe-inspiring about gazing up at that enormous oculus in the dome, letting in beams of sunlight that make the entire building glow. And of course, there's something about the grandeur of its scale that inspires me to twirl just a little bit harder.

Don’t worry, though! I'm not forgetting about the amazing ballet performances and classes. I stumbled upon a local ballet school where they’re offering a beginner’s class specifically for tourists! I simply couldn't resist, so guess who’s going to be channeling their inner ballerina in a stunning pink tutu later today?!

Today's agenda: A spot of sightseeing around the city, trying my hand at the traditional Italian pizza making, and catching a ballet performance at Teatro Argentina - yes, another one! The city truly embraces the arts! Later, I'll be sipping some delicious coffee while indulging in a gelato and dreaming up more tutu-tastic adventures for tomorrow.

What’s next on the Pink Tutu agenda? A visit to the Vatican City! I’ve heard it’s a must-see, especially with its exquisite architecture and intricate artwork. I can't wait to wander around St. Peter's Basilica and be awestruck by Michelangelo's beautiful "Pieta". Imagine how those perfectly crafted figures would look in pink tutus - breathtaking, right?

As always, stay tuned, darling tutues! Keep checking back here every Wednesday for my exciting adventures!

With all the love and twirls,

Emma xo

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2000-02-23 exploring Rome Italy