Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2000-09-13 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #275: Bella Roma!

Ciao bella! It’s Emma here, back from the Eternal City, and oh my goodness, it was utterly divine! I've finally made it to Rome, and let me tell you, it's every bit as breathtaking as I dreamed! The cobblestone streets, the ancient architecture, the vibrant energy... Rome truly is a magical place!

This week on the Pink Tutu blog, we’re exploring the wonders of Rome! If you haven’t seen my earlier posts, I travel the world in my pink tutus and share all my glamorous adventures with you. This week’s trip was a real treat, as Rome just begs to be explored in a fluffy, pink confection!

As usual, I took the train - a much more elegant and sustainable way to travel than flying, if you ask me! The journey was incredibly scenic, whizzing past vineyards and quaint villages, and I got to practice my grand jeté in my little first-class compartment! wink Of course, I had my travel tutu on – a bespoke creation from a Parisian designer, naturally. Think layers of delicate pink tulle with a dash of vintage lace, and you'll have a good picture!

Arriving at Roma Termini, I felt like I had stepped into a dream! The bustling streets, the scent of fresh bread, the friendly chatter... all around me were the sights and sounds of life in a beautiful Italian city. I could feel myself blossoming under the warm Italian sun, like a delicate pink rose blooming!

My hotel was absolutely charming. You know me, always searching for the prettiest places. This one was an old-world Italian palazzo with a delightful secret courtyard. Picture, if you will, twinkling lights, the gentle hum of conversation, and a glass of Italian vino while I twirled to the music of the city in my evening pink tutu – a masterpiece with a gorgeous ombre effect. Pure romance, darling!

My first day was an absolute whirlwind of sensory delights. Imagine me, twirling my way through the Colosseum – its vast scale filled me with wonder and awe! It was incredible to stand in the shadow of such an ancient marvel. I felt transported back in time, envisioning the gladiatorial battles and the roars of the crowds.

Afterwards, we indulged in a delicious Roman feast! A huge platter of freshly baked bread, bowls of the creamiest pasta imaginable (topped with pesto, naturally!), a carafe of red wine and a beautiful sunset view. It was a truly decadent and beautiful evening, and I wouldn't have had it any other way!

A Ballet Moment in Time: Now, speaking of beauty, did I mention that my travels always involve a spot of ballet, darling? Rome did not disappoint. I went to see the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. I wore a beautiful, elegant pink tulle tutu, hand-stitched with crystal detailing – and my ballet-loving heart was singing with joy as the dancers took to the stage. It was truly magical! The sheer grace, the artistry, the emotional intensity… I was mesmerised.

Shopping for a Pink Tutu-wearing Goddess: I must admit, I found myself lured into the glorious world of Italian fashion! Rome is an absolute paradise for a girl like me, brimming with incredible shops. The Italian style is a joy to behold - sleek, elegant and feminine! I, of course, went straight to my favorite shop for this kind of thing: a charming little boutique nestled on a quiet side street. The shopkeeper was an absolute sweetheart – she even gave me a special pink rose brooch to wear! Inside the boutique, there was an explosion of colors, textures, and styles - everything a girly girl could dream of! After all, I simply can't resist the temptation to adorn myself with the latest designs, and Rome had the most incredible selection. Imagine me browsing amongst delicate fabrics and trying on dresses like a fairy princess, with my heart set on finding a pink tutu that would capture the very essence of Rome! It is an absolute must to discover some of the independent shops in Rome - they have real hidden gems.

Rome in Pink Tutu Perspective

So, darlings, my heart is filled with joy as I return from Rome! It was a beautiful city full of delicious food, charming people and stunning architecture, a place of infinite charm and elegance, but one thing above all captured my attention: the city’s passion for life and beauty. I could feel it in the laughter on the street corners, the vibrant colors in the market stalls, and the energy radiating from every single Italian - life here is a celebration. And of course, the city’s love for fashion is something I’ve truly come to appreciate. Just wait until you see my haul from this shopping spree!

Rome, you stole my heart! Thank you for welcoming me with open arms and showing me your vibrant spirit. Now, my darlings, until next week’s adventures from this pink tutu-clad blogger! Stay chic and embrace the beauty all around you. Ciao, bella!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2000-09-13 exploring Rome Italy