Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-01-17 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #293 - Buongiorno from the Eternal City!

Hello my lovely Tutu-istas! It’s Wednesday, so that means it's time for another Pink Tutu Rome blog post. Can you believe it’s already 17th January 2001? This year is whizzing by!

For those of you new to my little corner of the internet, I'm Emma, a Derbyshire girl with a passion for pink tutus, ballet, and exploring the world, one fabulous train journey at a time. I’m absolutely buzzing to be back in Rome - a city bursting with beauty, culture and of course, delicious food! And who better to bring you the latest news from the Eternal City than a girl in pink?

This week I’ve been busy flitting around the city in my latest tutus (pink, naturally) – there's no better way to embrace the romantic atmosphere of Rome! From ancient ruins to stylish cafes, every corner holds a new adventure, and a new opportunity for a perfect Instagram shot (more on those later!)

#Roman Adventures

The last couple of days have been filled with so much excitement, it’s hard to even know where to start. This morning I woke up to the most amazing views of Rome, gazing down on the city from the rooftop of my charming little bed and breakfast - so charming, it’s practically a fairy tale. It was the perfect setting to have a delicious Italian breakfast of fresh pastries, cappuccinos, and juicy fruits - what more could a girl ask for?!

Yesterday was a whirlwind of cultural delights, beginning at the Colosseum - it truly is as magnificent in real life as it is in pictures. And who knew it could inspire such stunning fashion? I mean, those Roman costumes were the original ‘look at me’ fashion statements, weren’t they?! Walking amongst those crumbling stones was like taking a step back in time, but I was very much in the present with my trusty pink tutu - the perfect statement piece for any historical landmark. 😉 It’s my goal to make everyone in the world wear a pink tutu and to encourage them to embrace their own individual style with confidence and joy!

Next on my agenda, the Galleria Borghese. The sheer beauty of the sculptures there, like Bernini's "Apollo and Daphne" is something that really takes your breath away. It's no wonder they have a strict ticketing system for the gallery! Every piece there tells a story - some tragic, some triumphant. It’s a testament to the artistry of a bygone era - they truly did create masterpieces that stand the test of time. Of course, the sculptures weren’t the only eye-catching creations; the galleries were packed with incredibly stylish Romans, and I got a whole new load of inspiration for my next shopping trip - what else would I do but take inspiration from the art and beauty of a new city?!

Speaking of inspiration...Rome has the most incredible street style, a symphony of bold colours and timeless designs! It's inspiring! From the vintage chic to the modern and trendy, everyone looks fabulous in this city.

#Ballet Dreams

Now, it’s no secret that my heart beats for ballet, and Rome didn't disappoint on that front either! The Teatro dell'Opera di Roma hosted an absolutely dazzling performance last night, a timeless masterpiece that left me spellbound. It was pure artistry! The dancers, the costumes, the music… It was a total feast for the senses! Seeing a ballet production abroad is so different from watching them back home – the atmosphere is so much more intense and immersive. It felt as if every member of the audience was swept away by the sheer magic of the performance!

I spent the whole afternoon today researching different dance schools here - how could I resist?! The movement, the rhythm, the expression, and of course, the tutu… all things I absolutely love! And who knows, maybe I'll even snag a couple of private lessons, brush up on my pliés, and wow everyone with some impromptu pirouettes around the Trevi Fountain - stay tuned for the Insta updates!

#Delicious Delights

Speaking of magical, you just can’t mention Rome without the amazing food - all the amazing restaurants and street food stalls! Pasta dishes that will melt in your mouth, delicious gelatos, crispy pizzas - what more could you ask for? Every single mouthful has been a culinary delight! The locals were quick to point me towards some truly special hidden gems tucked away on narrow back streets; a true Roman foodie experience awaits you all in this incredible city!

My personal favourite so far? A delicious little trattoria tucked away on a street with cobblestones. They made the most amazing fresh pasta, the sauce was rich and flavourful, with just the right amount of spices, and they had a beautiful selection of Italian wines that just paired perfectly with the meal!

#Fashion Finds

There is nothing better than immersing yourself in a new culture through its fashion, right?! Rome doesn't disappoint, it's a feast for the eyes, an explosion of stylish silhouettes and captivating colour palettes, all perfectly harmonized by the timeless grace of Italian fashion!

Since arriving in the Eternal City, I have made it my mission to visit some of the most renowned vintage shops, trawling for those unique gems to add to my growing tutu collection. Every vintage piece is a story waiting to be told, an intricate weave of history and fashion. It's thrilling!

And you just wouldn’t believe the beautiful, whimsical silk scarves and gorgeous dresses that I’ve discovered here, they’re almost as stunning as my favourite pink tutus! Oh! I have been spending a bit of time browsing the incredible jewellery shops too, every corner seems to have a small stall bursting with exquisite pearls, beautiful rings and stunning pendants, oh the glitz and glam! And the shoe shops are a whole other adventure - there are leather shoes here that make my heart sing!

My lovely readers, this is only just a snippet of what I’ve been up to in Rome! There are more stories to tell, more sights to see, and more fabulous outfit photos to share. Remember to keep checking the blog - I will have an upcoming post, just for you all, on the best places for shopping, where to grab the tastiest Roman food, and which amazing Ballet and dance classes you should definitely visit!

Remember my motto? #PinkTutusEverywhere.

See you next Wednesday!



#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-01-17 exploring Rome Italy