
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-05-02 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! (Post 308)

Wednesday, 2nd May 2001

The sun is shining, the air is sweet with the scent of jasmine and, oh, the colours! The beautiful, vibrant colours of Rome are swirling around me like a joyful, colourful ballet. Today I'm exploring the ancient wonders of the Eternal City, my trusty pink tutu a vibrant splash amidst the majestic backdrop of history.

It feels like an age since I last felt the sun on my face, the Derbyshire air has a damp chill that doesn't quite compare to the warm Italian sunshine. I left a cold, crisp Derbyshire just two days ago, and already, Rome has charmed its way into my heart. The journey, a glorious train ride through France, Switzerland, and Italy, filled me with so much excitement. I always find a train journey, with its unfolding landscapes and changing lights, so inspiring.

And I have a feeling this trip to Rome will be like no other. It seems every building here whispers tales of emperors, gladiators, and lovers lost in time. Every cobbled street resonates with ancient magic, a tangible past pulsing under my ballerina shoes.

The journey starts with a bang:

Rome greeted me with open arms. After the train journey and settling into my quaint, charming guesthouse, the smell of pasta and garlic beckoned me to my first culinary adventure in the Trastevere district. Such delights! There were creamy, garlicky spaghetti, crisp salads and a pitcher of chilled white wine, all served with an effortless charm that is uniquely Italian.

And you know me โ€“ a little bit of dancing is always needed when thereโ€™s a delicious meal to be enjoyed! So I twirled and leaped and danced in the restaurant courtyard, feeling the soft breeze carry my laughter along with the music from a nearby street performer. The other diners smiled, the waiters applauded, and the whole experience, for that brief moment, felt like something straight out of a fairytale.

*Then to the heart of Rome: *

My pink tutu took me exploring the historical sites: The Roman Forum, the Colosseum โ€“ all those majestic monuments and breathtaking beauty left me in a state of wonder. It's hard to believe these ruins, so monumental in scale, were built thousands of years ago. It really makes you ponder what those who lived back then, these powerful Roman rulers, were thinking, what stories they could tell. I'm trying to imagine their dances, their movements, the way they moved through their daily lives. I wish I had a time machine to see them performing for themselves!

Tonight, I am going to see โ€œLa Traviata" at the Opera House.

I can't wait. Rome, already overflowing with beauty and magic, is going to treat me to the perfect mix of opera and theatre - what better way to soak up the city's culture and history than by experiencing such an enchanting evening. The thrill of live performances has been such a driving force behind all my travel adventures. It's the heart and soul of my work - and there's nothing that inspires me more than watching skilled performers bring stories to life on stage.

Oh, and I found the most divine tutu shop in a cobbled backstreet just moments ago. I simply had to add another creation to my growing pink tutu collection.

I hope my adventures here inspire you all!

What are you waiting for? Put on a pink tutu, follow your dreams and dance your way through life!

*Yours, in a pink flurry, *


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-05-02 exploring Rome Italy