Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-12-19 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! (Post #341)

Wednesday, 19th December 2001

Buongiorno, darlings! It’s Emma here, and as you know, it’s Pink Tutu Wednesday, so grab your tea and biscuits, because you're about to embark on a whirlwind adventure through the Eternal City!

For those of you who are new here, my name is Emma, and I'm a tutu-loving, ballet-obsessed gal from Derbyshire, England. You can find me pirouetteing across Europe, spreading the gospel of pink tulle and all things fabulous. I fund my travels through the magic of ballet: performing at shows, competitions, and even the occasional street performance - it's all about finding that perfect balance between art and wanderlust!

This week, my pink tutu has taken me to the heart of Italy: Rome! I arrived yesterday evening, feeling like I had stepped into a movie set. The train journey was divine, of course. There's nothing quite like watching the countryside blur past your window whilst listening to the rhythmic clickety-clack of the rails - a ballet in itself, wouldn't you say?

Rome greeted me with open arms, the scent of jasmine and the sound of laughter in the air. My charming little apartment is tucked away in a cobbled street, just a short hop from the Trevi Fountain - the perfect starting point for my Roman adventures!

I woke this morning, feeling invigorated by the morning sun filtering through my window, ready to explore the city. The first thing that struck me was the sheer beauty of the architecture. From the magnificent Colosseum to the breathtaking St. Peter's Basilica, it felt like every building was a work of art. It was an absolute feast for the eyes, darling!

Of course, no visit to Rome would be complete without a spot of shopping. I have been eyeing up a delicious emerald-green silk scarf at a quaint little boutique near the Pantheon, and I just had to see what I could find at the local market. Honestly, I couldn't resist adding a few sparkly silver bangles to my collection - after all, a girl can never have too many accessories, can she?

Tonight, I have tickets to see a performance at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, a truly spectacular venue that dates back to the 19th century! Can you imagine? I’m looking forward to a performance of Swan Lake - how magical! I already feel myself getting swept away by the story and the beauty of classical ballet.

This trip is already promising to be a highlight of my travels so far. But let's delve a little deeper into my Roman adventures, shall we?

The Colosseum: This architectural wonder has got to be one of the most impressive structures I have ever seen! Stepping inside and picturing the gladiatorial combats and public executions of its past left me speechless. It felt like history came alive right before my eyes. And those giant archways... they almost felt like an opening onto another era, like a giant portal to the Roman Empire!

The Trevi Fountain: This iconic fountain is truly a sight to behold. The cascading water, the intricate sculptures, and the legends associated with it made me feel like I had stepped into a fairy tale. Of course, I threw a coin into the fountain - tradition dictates that doing so will guarantee my return to this captivating city. Fingers crossed!

The Pantheon: This ancient temple, now a Catholic church, is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. The dome is an architectural masterpiece, and the light streaming in through the oculus is nothing short of ethereal. I spent hours just gazing at the intricate details of the marble floor and the frescoed ceiling.

Fashion in Rome: This city is bursting with style, darling! It feels like every single person on the street is a walking runway. I have been spotting chic outfits everywhere I go - from chic ladies in tailored pantsuits to trendy young girls in playful bohemian styles. There's a confidence and sense of individual expression in every single outfit I see, and I am definitely channeling it for my own style choices! I just have to find the perfect little Italian hat for my travels - maybe one with a delicate feather plume?

Food, Glorious Food: Let's talk about food, my darlings. Italy is a foodie's paradise! Everything from the fresh produce in the markets to the hearty meals at local restaurants is a tastebud explosion. Yesterday, I indulged in a decadent plate of spaghetti alla carbonara, and it was truly divine. Today, I'm planning to treat myself to a scoop of gelato - they have pistachio flavour here, you know - I can already imagine the delightful taste!

Pink Tutu Tip: My favourite way to find unique vintage finds and bargain treasures is to hit the local markets. It’s not always the most obvious place to spot the latest trends, but I’ve stumbled upon some real gems this way - some even better than I could have found in those fancy boutiques!

Pink Tutu Moment: Okay, so today’s Pink Tutu Moment is more about a pink feeling than a physical item - but you'll forgive me! As I strolled along a bustling street, I passed a group of young girls dancing in the sunshine, their smiles bright and joyful, their laughter infectious. And there it was, a wave of pink - that delicious sensation of happiness, freedom, and a touch of magic, which is what the colour pink represents to me! And isn't that what life is all about?

My adventures in Rome are just beginning, and I'm already so excited for what's to come! Stay tuned, my lovelies, for more pink-tutu-filled adventures as I explore this amazing city. Until next Wednesday!

Ciao for now,

Emma x

P.S. If you have any tips for must-sees in Rome, leave them in the comments below. I'm always looking for new places to explore and new experiences to share! And remember, wear pink!

Stay tuned for more pink-tutu fun!

Visit each Wednesday for more amazing travel stories!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2001-12-19 exploring Rome Italy