Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-08-21 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! (Post #376)

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for another instalment of Pink Tutu Rome! I'm absolutely thrilled to be sharing this journey with you, my fabulous followers. This week, I've been soaking up the Italian sunshine, exploring the Eternal City, and – of course – trying to spread the pink tutu love!

As a little Derbyshire lass who grew up dreaming of Parisian ballerinas and pink tutus, it feels almost surreal to be living out this dream, twirling my way through the ancient streets of Rome. It's simply magical. I know what you're thinking: tutus in Rome? Isn't that a bit... out there? My answer? Absolutely not! My motto is "Pink tutus for every occasion," and exploring Rome is definitely one of them!

From Train to Piazza Navona

This week started with a very exciting train journey from the picturesque city of Florence to Rome. Let's be honest, there's just something so incredibly glamorous about a train journey through the heart of Europe. I slipped into my favourite powder-pink dress (the one with the delicate lace detail, remember?) and my trusty pink ballet shoes – they’re like little ballet slippers that double as comfortable footwear, ideal for navigating train platforms!

Speaking of navigating, my trip started with a little hiccup – you know, one of those typical Emma moments! I accidentally missed my train. Dramatic gasp. Cue the Pink Tutu emergency: phone calls, frantic searching, and the cutest Italian railway worker who ended up helping me with my luggage and gave me the sweetest grin. Turns out I wasn’t too late after all and with a happy heart, I was soon en route to Rome!

As the train rolled into the Termini station, my senses were flooded with the aromas of freshly baked pastries and the sound of passionate chatter in Italian. My heart skipped a beat; Rome, you’re beautiful! I hopped into a taxi (yes, a pink one of course!) and headed to my little haven – a charming boutique hotel with a roof terrace overlooking the glorious Pantheon. Talk about a breathtaking view!

The very first place I had to explore was Piazza Navona. Honestly, it felt like I’d stepped straight into a Renaissance painting! This glorious square was simply bursting with life – street performers, artists selling their creations, and a wonderful aroma of freshly brewed espresso from the little cafes. I spent a blissful hour sketching, people-watching, and indulging in the most delicious gelato I've ever tasted – a dreamy blend of pistachio and cherry that tasted like heaven on earth.

The Pantheon: A Breathtaking Gem

My next stop? The majestic Pantheon. As I gazed at the imposing columns and awe-inspiring dome, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with a sense of awe and wonder. This extraordinary structure is over 2,000 years old and it's so much more than just a building; it's a symbol of resilience, of beauty and a testament to the ingenuity of the ancient world.

To think that Romans were capable of creating something so magnificent so long ago is truly humbling. It’s no wonder this structure has been standing tall for so many centuries, defying the passing of time. It's definitely one of my favourite Roman sights so far, I even took a twirl inside the dome! My Instagram followers were thrilled with the pics – it felt like I was in a movie set!

Shopping in Trastevere

Now, I'd be lying if I said that Rome isn’t a shopper’s paradise! I couldn't resist a day of exploring the vibrant, colourful streets of Trastevere. It’s so quaint with its winding alleyways and charming little boutiques bursting with local artisan treasures. I fell in love with a beautiful pair of handcrafted Italian leather shoes in the most exquisite shade of rose gold. Yes, you guessed it, they are pink! My pink tutu wardrobe was definitely in need of a makeover!

I even spotted a sweet little store selling pink tutus! My heart was doing little happy cartwheels! It seems the pink tutu revolution is sweeping the globe! My Roman shopping adventure culminated in the most delicious plate of pasta at a cosy, candlelit trattoria. It was truly a sensory delight – a celebration of Roman cuisine!

Under the Roman Stars

But of course, no trip to Rome would be complete without a performance! I had the incredible opportunity to catch an opera at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. The breathtaking architecture, the rich voices of the singers, and the captivating music - It was truly a night to remember! Even better, I saw a fellow pink tutu wearer! Yes, ladies, a true Pink Tutu sister! She was sporting a lovely pink tulle gown and it truly made my evening! You can imagine we had a quick chat afterwards, and even had a little twirl!

Next week in Rome

What a whirlwind week it has been! I'm feeling completely enthralled with Rome and all its charm, and I've only just scratched the surface! My next week will be full of new experiences: exploring the Vatican, perhaps visiting the Colosseum, maybe even a few more ballet performances. Who knows what adventure awaits in this magnificent city!

Until then, remember: Life is a stage and the world is your audience. Don't be afraid to put on your own pink tutu and embrace all that life has to offer!

And please do tell me about your favourite places in Rome in the comments below!

See you next Wednesday, darlings!

With love and pink twirls,

Emma xxx

P.S. I'm also selling some of my beautiful pink tutus in my Etsy shop, to help fund my travels. Pop by for a browse!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-08-21 exploring Rome Italy