Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-09-25 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #381: Ciao Bella, Rome!

Wednesday 2002-09-25

Ciao, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, back from the Eternal City, Rome! This week, I'm taking you on a whirlwind tour of my adventures in the Italian capital, all from a fabulous pink perspective, of course.

The journey by train was, as always, a delight. There's something truly magical about hurtling through the countryside, the world whizzing past, and feeling a sense of adventure that only a long train journey can provide. I tucked into a delicious Italian panini, a beautiful burst of flavour in a soft, warm roll – I simply cannot get enough of Italian food!

And then, boom! There she was, Rome, sprawling across the horizon, majestic and captivating. From the train station, I hailed a cab to my hotel – a beautiful, charming little boutique hotel right in the heart of the city. After dumping my suitcase (a chic, vintage leather piece that goes perfectly with my pink tutu, natch!), I was ready for my first Roman adventure!

Now, you know me. I have to check out the fashion scene wherever I go! This trip, I've found some absolutely fabulous pieces. Firstly, the local vintage market is a must! There's a real treasure trove of beautiful clothing from eras past. Think flowing chiffon, luxurious silk, and fabulous hats - a pink-tutu girl's dream come true!

My first stop? The beautiful Piazza Navona. Imagine the vibrant energy, the aroma of street food mingling with the scent of freshly cut flowers, the rhythmic chatter of tourists from all corners of the globe. And the fountain! The Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi, with its intricate sculptures and cascading water, was simply mesmerizing.

As the sun began to set, casting the ancient buildings in a warm, golden hue, I ventured towards the Pantheon. This extraordinary building is an architectural wonder, a seamless blend of history and grace. The light streaming through the opening at the top, illuminating the floor with a soft glow, truly felt divine. I stood in the quiet stillness for a long time, lost in its captivating beauty.

Speaking of captivating, this evening was a treat! A friend from my ballet class back home (Derbyshire, England) recommended a truly charming performance. We were both spellbound watching the passionate drama unfold on stage at Teatro Argentina. It was the most glorious combination of stunning dance, breathtaking costumes, and masterful storytelling - everything that makes a ballet so captivating!

Of course, my day wasn’t complete without a delectable Italian dinner! We settled in at a traditional trattoria, nestled in a cobblestone side street. I ordered a generous plate of pasta with mushrooms and truffle oil - divine! The earthy flavour of the mushrooms and the rich aroma of truffle oil, complimented by the perfect al dente texture of the pasta… oh my! You simply haven't truly lived until you’ve had a true Italian pasta dish!

As I drift off to sleep tonight, my mind swirls with the vibrant sights and sounds of this fascinating city. From the cascading fountains of Piazza Navona to the hushed beauty of the Pantheon, Rome has painted a vibrant tapestry of cultural richness that has left me spellbound.

And who knows, maybe next week, I'll inspire some Romans to join the Pink Tutu Revolution! After all, the world is a much more beautiful and fun place when everyone is embracing their inner ballerina and spreading a little pink love.

Stay tuned next Wednesday for more adventures from the Eternal City!

Until then,

Your Pink Tutu Friend,


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2002-09-25 exploring Rome Italy