Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2003-03-05 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #404: Ciao Bella!

Wednesday, 5th March, 2003

Hello my darling readers,

It’s Emma here, back with another blog post from my Rome adventure! It's been a whirlwind few days, filled with glorious sunshine, incredible food, and enough cobblestones to pave a path back to Derbyshire.

But before we get into all that, let me just tell you how I feel about trains. Swoons I’m absolutely smitten. There's something about gliding through the countryside, watching the world flash past, that sets my soul alight. It's like the world is your stage, and you're the prima ballerina, a graceful performance of movement and observation! It's truly a magical experience, even if it can be a little bit chaotic at times.

But hey, that's all part of the adventure, right?

And Rome, well, Rome is a feast for the senses!

From the moment I stepped off the train, I knew this was going to be special. The air buzzes with history, romance, and of course, a healthy dose of gelato. I was practically whisked off my feet by the energy, and honestly, it was a little bit overwhelming. My first order of business? To get my bearings and grab a caffeine fix!

The scent of espresso hitting my senses was a true blessing! I could have drunk a gallon of the stuff - but I’ll confess I just got myself a double macchiato with a slice of delicious lemon cake. Oh, and did I mention the gorgeous, fresh croissants I grabbed to go?

Of course, no trip to Italy is complete without some shopping. But you know, I don’t do frivolous purchases, I'm not that type of gal. I buy things with soul. I'm looking for pieces that will bring me joy for years to come - not just another meaningless handbag to collect dust on my shelf. And this trip? This trip is going to be full of those gems, believe me! I snagged some beautiful, silk scarves that practically melt in your hands, each one patterned with vibrant scenes of ancient Rome - just breathtaking! I have a vision for an outfit featuring them that's all about that classic Italian elegance with a whimsical twist - stay tuned, you'll have to see it!

And the best part about my shopping adventures so far? Let's just say, I found a new treasure in a tiny boutique that feels like stepping back in time. Think rich, velvets, lace details, and oh, so many fabulous shades of pink!

Yep, you guessed it - the perfect new tutu for my wardrobe. And a magnificent emerald green one that I’m already picturing paired with some statement gold jewelry. And it’s going to look just as fabulous on my ballet adventures, believe me!

Speaking of adventures, tonight’s treat? A ballet performance at Teatro dell’Opera di Roma! Can you believe it? To be dancing in such a stunning venue? This whole city is like a set from a fairytale, my dears!

It's a good thing I brought a new outfit with me from Derbyshire - a black, elegant dress, perfect for an evening like this! But, of course, I couldn't go without adding my own twist! It's Emma, darling. Puts on a pink feather boa and twirls in excitement. You already know how it goes - always that touch of pink. And my hair, done up in the style of a Parisian ballerina from the early 1900s with just a dash of glittery pink. It's giving Parisian romance!

Honestly, there are so many fantastic sights here. My feet hurt, but the view of the Coliseum is breathtaking! You really can't help but get swept away by the beauty and energy here. I've had a whole tour today, discovering hidden gems amongst the busy, narrow cobbled streets and grand avenues. Every corner is full of life, music, and, let's not forget, amazing Italian gelato! Oh, the pistachio flavour! Absolutely divine!

The Pantheon, a truly majestic marvel, was something I had to visit today. I know it’s old news to everyone, but you know how I am! I love the grand historical sights that bring so much character to a place. This grand building was a powerful testament to Roman architecture. And while it's now a church, I couldn't help but feel like a princess standing beneath its giant dome, transported to a different time, a time of grand gestures and beautiful palaces. You know, just another day in the life of yours truly!

I’ll have to show you my new outfit soon - a pink top and a denim skirt paired with a ballet inspired headband. It's perfect for exploring a vibrant city like this, my dears!

Rome is truly captivating, full of artistic wonder, delicious smells and sights. It’s making my heart sing, and I’m already dreaming of how to capture the spirit of this place in my future ballet pieces. This trip is already a masterpiece!

Speaking of masterpieces, you won't believe what happened this morning at the coffee shop. I was just settling in, sipping my coffee, lost in the city's magic when I see a man walk in wearing the most beautiful pink tutu! My darling, this was not some simple pink tutu, it was an absolute symphony of soft, frilled loveliness! He even had little matching pink ballet slippers on his feet. Honestly, I nearly burst into tears! What a dream come true, a vision of grace and beauty - all dressed up in a vibrant pink!

That’s how I know, my lovelies, that this trip is already changing everything! Maybe my goal isn’t just about getting everyone to wear a pink tutu, maybe it's about bringing that little touch of pink magic to the world, to all the incredible corners it hides!

Rome, with all its charm and romance, is certainly adding its own splash of colour!

Till next week, darlings! Stay stylish, stay beautiful and, of course, stay fabulous!

Much love,

Emma xx

P.S. You can catch all of the posts from this journey on And be sure to tell all your friends about my blog! And remember, spread the joy - even if that means adding a touch of pink tutu to your life!

Remember - every day is an opportunity to twirl with joy. And never forget the power of a pink tutu to bring magic to your world!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2003-03-05 exploring Rome Italy