
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2003-03-19 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #406: Ciao Bella, From The Eternal City!

Hello, my darling darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another adventure on the pink-tutu blog! This week I'm channeling my inner Audrey Hepburn, because I'm in Rome, baby! Rome! And oh, my darling, it is everything I imagined and more.

Before we get into all the dolce vita action, let's do a quick catch-up. I flew in yesterday, from Derbyshire, my home county, via a very grand and dramatic Italian train. (Train journeys, for me, are half the fun). I'm staying in the most gorgeous little B&B, hidden away in a little side street, all flowers and wrought iron balconies. It feels like I've stepped into a film set - think Roman Holiday but with pink accents, obviously.

My First Rome Adventure

The moment I arrived, my senses were on fire. The aroma of coffee, fresh bread, and... oh, my dear, I swear I detected a whisper of cinnamon! Just from the smell, I knew Rome would be right up my alley. After settling in and shedding my tutu travel outfit (for a less ballet class, more *La Dolce Vita look), I decided to hit the town. My mission? To see what Roman delights awaited!

Firstly, it's all about the food. My little pink-tutu tummy needs to be treated. My afternoon started with the most beautiful pastry ā€“ layers of creamy ricotta cheese layered with something fruity and light... I donā€™t even know what it was, I was so mesmerised I could hardly focus! And the coffeeā€¦ well, it would have sent the Queenā€™s guard into a giddy whirl. I can see why the Romans are so passionate about their caffeine fix,

The rest of the afternoon was dedicated to strolling through cobbled streets. The atmosphere is truly electric. Everywhere you turn thereā€™s history, architecture, art, all steeped in sunshine and charm. Itā€™s like every building is telling a story, whispering about emperors and gladiators. Even the pigeons seem to know something you donā€™t! Iā€™m utterly smitten with Rome!

Oh My Goodness, The Shopping!

Speaking of whispering secrets, Romeā€™s fashion scene has a thing or two to say to me, and let me tell you, Iā€™m listening. After my afternoon meanderings, I headed to a cute little boutique off the beaten track. (Okay, perhaps it wasnā€™t quite ā€œoff the beaten trackā€ - but it definitely wasnā€™t a high-street store! That is a definite Pink Tutu rule. Thereā€™s a lot to be said for those independent little shops, full of heart and soul!)

You wouldnā€™t believe what treasures I found there. Velvet fabrics the colour of a Tuscan sunset, flowing silk that whispered of ancient Romeā€™s glory, and, oh, my darlings! An exquisitely detailed hand-painted scarf adorned with pink tutus! My own, little, pink-tutu, secret treasureā€¦ It was fate, truly.

Ballet and The City of Lights (And A Few Streetlights)

Speaking of fate, tomorrow night Iā€™m going to see the Rome Opera. Ballet, darling! Naturally, I had to see if they had a show while I was here, and they did! Can you even believe it?! How perfectly delightful. Itā€™s a modern piece, apparently. I canā€™t wait to see the choreography - hopefully, itā€™s going to inspire my dance classes back in the Derbyshire Dance Studio. My darling, these travels truly make a difference to my teaching and choreography, inspiring so many back home to be the best dancers they can be.

On a more humble scale, though just as wonderful, the little streets are bustling with so much life and energy. So many talented street performers! Today I was lucky enough to see a tiny, pint-sized violin virtuoso - my goodness, his bow danced like a graceful, miniature ballerina across the strings! I just stood mesmerized, entranced by the music. Such a delightful impromptu performance, darling.

Rome is truly an endless source of beauty and inspiration, and as I'm discovering, the ballet spirit is everywhere!

What Happens Tomorrow...

Tomorrow is filled with exploration and discovery, which, for any pink tutu wearing fashionista is a dream! Iā€™m going to start my day with another gorgeous cappuccino (or three!), a delectable Italian breakfast in a beautiful little cafe tucked away somewhere I've yet to discover, followed by a trip to the Vatican! I know, right? What a thrill!

This evening, after an elegant Italian meal and a well-deserved, beautiful sunset, I will take to the stage, oh, not a stage, darling! The Coliseum, to enjoy this opera. I'll post all the gossip, my outfits, and more soon.

For now, I shall let you go, darling, and catch up on my fashion research!

Stay tuned for more!

Much love,

Emma xxx


P.S. Remember to keep up with your tutus! Wear pink, darling, wherever you go! You can't get too much of it in your life!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2003-03-19 exploring Rome Italy