Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2003-04-16 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 2003-04-16 – Roman Holiday Dreams!

Post #410

Ciao, darling!

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another instalment of my Rome blog! The sun is shining, the birds are singing (and honestly, the pigeons too!), and my pink tutu is practically floating with excitement.

This week, I'm stepping into the magnificent city of Rome – it's like something out of a dream! I’ve just arrived and the feeling of excitement is bubbling like prosecco in a champagne flute!

As you all know, I've been working my little pink tutu off these past few months, performing across the UK and saving up for this trip. It's been worth every pirouette, every leap and every curtain call! And you know what? It wouldn't be possible without all of you – my amazing readers and followers who have encouraged me to embrace my pink tutu and live my dreams.

Now, Rome is known for its ancient wonders, delicious pasta, and exquisite fashion - and I’m planning to make the most of it all! I already feel so inspired just walking the cobblestone streets, taking in the stunning architecture, and dreaming up all the possible outfits I could create.

Of course, my first mission in Rome is to find the most incredible pink tutu ever. It's a challenge, my dear readers, because every single shop window is begging me to come in and try on beautiful things, from vintage dresses to the latest designs, and let's not even get started on the shoes! But I'm determined to find that one perfect tutu to wear as I explore this glorious city!

My trip isn’t just about fashion, though! Rome is brimming with history and culture. Today, I visited the Colosseum - imagine standing in that colossal arena, picturing the gladiatorial combat and the roaring crowds! I even took a quick dance class right in front of it – how’s that for an impromptu ballet performance? My pointe shoes danced over ancient stone, it was absolutely magical!

Tomorrow, it’s a day for art and indulgence. I'm visiting the Vatican Museums – a vast collection of art that takes your breath away, and after, I'm going to explore Trastevere - an adorable district full of little streets and cozy cafes, with delicious smells wafting from every doorway – the perfect setting for people-watching in style.

I've got a whole itinerary planned – Roman Forum, Pantheon, Borghese Gallery... Oh, and I’m dying to try tiramisu in a tiny, cobblestone cafe tucked away in the backstreets! Maybe I'll even learn some Italian. “Grazie”, “Prego”, and "Un gelato per favore!" will be on my list, for sure!

It's going to be an unforgettable trip! And you know, this is what it’s all about. The magic of a pink tutu taking you around the world, experiencing the beauty, the culture, the food – everything! It makes you believe that anything is possible!

But wait, there’s more! Before I leave Derbyshire, a big ballet performance is going to be staged this Friday at the Derby Theatre - the biggest ballet company is going to be performing “Giselle”! You can imagine my delight, a fantastic ballet to end my trip and help fund the next one. If you’re in the Derbyshire area do go and enjoy a show!

Stay tuned, darlings, because next week’s blog is going to be about all the gorgeous clothes, delicious treats and fun adventures! Until then, keep dancing and dreaming!

Don’t forget to check out the blog next Wednesday on - same time, same place! And let me know in the comments below what your favourite ballet performance is - I’d love to hear from you!

Xoxo, Emma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2003-04-16 exploring Rome Italy