Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2003-10-29 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #438: A Twirling Tale from the Eternal City

Ciao bella! It's Wednesday, the day we all eagerly anticipate – the day I spill all the secrets from my pink tutu travels, straight into your inbox! And this week, my dears, we're venturing to the land of gladiators and gelato, the home of la dolce vita, Rome, Italy!

This journey, my darlings, started with a beautiful train ride through the breathtaking Italian countryside. Honestly, I swear I saw vineyards stretching for miles, their rows of grapes basking in the Tuscan sun, all shimmering in the afternoon light. You just wouldn't believe how much fun it is to travel in my pink tutu, by train! Everyone gives me the sweetest smiles and the cutest little children would giggle with glee as they point at my swishy, frilly masterpiece.

As soon as we arrived in Rome, it was time for a bit of Pink Tutu retail therapy! It's not a secret – my passion for fashion rivals my love of ballet itself. But in Rome? My love affair with fashion just went supernova. Seriously, these beautiful shops with their charming displays and vibrant colours just have to be experienced.

The first place I headed to was a delightful vintage store nestled on a cobblestone street in the heart of the city. Honestly, my love for vintage is almost a religion! It's all about finding unique pieces that tell a story, pieces that have lived a life of their own, pieces that scream individuality.

I stumbled upon the most gorgeous 1950s ballet skirt in the most heavenly shade of blush pink. It practically whispered "Rome!" at me, adorned with delicate embroidery and a sweet little bow. My dears, I can't wait to show it off in one of my upcoming performances! I think it would make a lovely addition to my repertoire of ballet tutus – you've simply got to wait and see it.

Of course, I couldn't leave without a few new fashion finds! My little heart skipped a beat at the sight of an array of luxurious silk scarves draped over a shop window. In an instant, I felt an irresistible pull. This silk, in deep emerald and ruby reds, was oh-so-gorgeous! Perfect for wrapping around a pink tutu or my bun – and, wouldn't it be a delicious accessory at the next ballet performance? I'm picturing myself backstage, transforming with a flourish. Oh, the dramatic possibilities!

But Rome is so much more than shopping, my darlings!

Today, I experienced the raw, incredible energy of the Colosseum! As I walked around this ancient structure, a sense of awe washed over me. Can you imagine all the gladiatorial combat, the roaring crowds, the echoes of history echoing within its crumbling walls? My tutu felt light as air as I gazed upon this iconic marvel, so much history swirling around me. I even saw a street performance – an amazing troupe of acrobatic ballet dancers twirling high above the ground! Oh, how my pink tutu wanted to join them, twirling in the air amongst those incredible acrobats!

Rome is also home to breathtaking fountains and sprawling piazzas. In the middle of the bustling city, you find serene spots to stop and admire the art, the architecture, the culture, the spirit of this extraordinary city! As I wandered through Piazza Navona, mesmerized by Bernini’s Fountain of the Four Rivers, I felt myself caught in a moment of complete beauty. It was a magical, blissful moment, something I want to bottle and cherish forever.

You can't go to Rome without sampling some of the delicious food! From perfectly made pasta dishes to delicious scoops of gelato, this city offers an unforgettable culinary adventure! Today, I had a taste of pasta Carbonara, with a dash of pink peppercorns. The creaminess, the delicious bacon bits, and the perfect touch of spice…it was just perfect. But then there was the gelato. Oh my goodness, this gelato is something else. This was a delicious, velvety-smooth symphony of creamy, sugary, fruit-infused delight, with an oh-so-light touch of sweet cinnamon. I just want to jump in and swim!

Speaking of sweet treats, I even discovered the cutest little chocolate shop on a side street. Its owner is a charming gentleman named Marco, who wears the most adorable polka-dot bowtie! (A nod of approval for my fellow pink tutu fans!) His little shop, filled with beautifully crafted chocolates in all colours imaginable, smelled divine. Marco presented me with a chocolate rose – my dear, I swear it was practically bursting with colour!

But don't be fooled by the charm, dear readers! I'm a strong and independent ballerina – this pink tutu doesn't stop me from pushing boundaries. It even takes me to amazing, sometimes slightly offbeat places!

You know me, I'm all about finding the unique stories hidden in each city, hidden treasures, and hidden corners!

So, tonight, I ventured into the Roman catacombs, exploring tunnels that have seen so much history, where ancient remains were once kept. My heart thumped as I walked amongst the shadowy paths, guided by the faint light of a torch, a ballet dancer navigating the unknown, a touch of colour against a canvas of history. This is the very essence of why I love to explore, you know? This feeling of pushing the limits, finding adventure and magic in the unexpected. And I tell you, the magic was definitely present down in those cool, dark tunnels.

Now, my dears, I've already found myself a truly incredible ballet performance to enjoy on my last night in Rome! Teatro dell’Opera di Roma here I come, with my tutu and all my dancing spirit. I hear the most breathtaking performance awaits, and I can't wait to feel the energy, the rhythm, and the movement, that I love so much.

You know how much I love sharing my love of ballet, and it just fills my heart to discover amazing performers in other corners of the world! I plan on sharing all my observations in my next post – just wait until you see what this performance has in store for you!

So, I'll leave you with a sweet, colourful, and most certainly pink goodbye until next week!

With love, twirls, and the very best from the most pink and sparkly city in the world… Emma, The Pink Tutu Ballerina

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2003-10-29 exploring Rome Italy