Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-01-07 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 2004-01-07 - The Colosseum's a Right Proper Stage!

Post number 448, darling! This week's adventures from Rome have brought a flutter of excitement to my little pink tutu-clad heart! I've been twirling around the Eternal City all week, taking in the sights and indulging in some seriously fabulous fashion finds. This is my Roman adventure, told in the language of my lovely pink tutu:

On the Rails, To Rome!

My journey started back in Derbyshire, where the wind whispers across the fields and the aroma of afternoon tea fills the air. But I'd swapped the English countryside for the grandeur of Rome! Leaving Derbyshire on Sunday morning, I took a lovely train ride, the smooth rhythm of the tracks lulling me into a blissful state. Of course, I couldn't resist slipping on my most sparkly pink tutu for the journey - gotta keep those spirits high, especially when you're headed for a week of Italian escapades!

Rome, meet your new best friend: Emma the ballerina in a pink tutu!

Finding my Way

Now, let's be honest, arriving in a new city is a bit like stepping onto a grand ballet stage for the first time. All those magnificent historical buildings? Think Romanesque choreography on a colossal scale! And the bustling piazzas? Why, they're a grand performance of daily life! But with my trusty guidebook in hand (a very chic one with a pink cover, naturally!) and the aid of Google Maps, I navigated my way with the grace of a seasoned ballerina.

Shopping with a Tutu-Full Heart

Of course, any trip wouldn't be complete without some shopping! I'm all about that Parisian-inspired flair, a little bit of classic Italian elegance, and a whole lot of PINK, darlings! My first stop was a little boutique in the Trastevere neighbourhood, which I found by pure happenstance. You see, sometimes a delicious smell of freshly baked pizza will guide you to something incredible! They had the most gorgeous pink silk scarves - absolutely irresistible! Then, there was a shop near the Pantheon, full of shimmering beaded handbags, the perfect accessory to my vibrant tutus! Shopping really does energise me - you could say it's the fuel behind my ballet moves!

A Tutu Twirl in the Colosseum!

Okay, so the Colosseum may be one of the most famous historical sights in the world, but you know me: I have to see it through my own special lens - a tutu lens! Stepping into the heart of the arena, I felt like a ballerina about to perform a breathtaking pas de deux, the amphitheatre becoming a magnificent stage! The echoes of ancient gladiatorial battles were replaced by my light footsteps and the rustle of my tutu, as I danced through the grand passageways, imagining the thrilling gladiatorial combats that took place centuries ago.

The Colosseum really is something else, isn't it? A symphony of architecture, history and a place that breathes a certain magic into your very being.

Wednesday Delights: The Fountains of Trevi!

Ah, Wednesday! A beautiful, crisp winter day in Rome. The perfect opportunity to visit the spectacular Trevi Fountain!

Now, I love a bit of drama, and the Trevi Fountain, all grandeur and flowing water, delivered on all accounts. With all its ornate marble, splashing water, and shimmering statues, it’s like a stage set for a watery ballet performance! Of course, I couldn't resist tossing a coin over my shoulder, wishing for a triumphant performance at my next ballet show!

Food and Fun in Rome

Food and culture are intertwined, you know! Rome has captured my tastebuds! I've been trying all the delicacies; delicious pasta, delectable gelato, the heavenly aromas wafting from bakeries - and, let's not forget, a divine cappuccino at a cute café tucked away in a narrow, winding street!

In the evenings, Rome offers a vibrant energy, a palpable buzz, as people stroll around the city squares and cafes overflow with laughter and chatter. The evenings also have offered incredible dance shows - I was lucky to catch an open-air flamenco performance! It was incredible! I felt my body sway to the passionate music, my toes tapping along, wanting to twirl into the rhythm of Spain!

Sharing a Little Pink Tutu Magic

Oh, and before I forget! I've made a new friend in Rome. A young woman called Sofia. We were both shopping at the same little vintage store when she saw me wearing my pink tutu! You see, my dear friends, you never know where you might encounter someone who's secretly dying to wear a tutu! We struck up a conversation about ballet, and Sofia actually confessed that she had a vintage pink tutu that she’d inherited from her grandmother. Isn't that simply adorable? We had a delightful coffee date, both of us in our most vibrant tutus, chatting away in a local café!

Rome, you're a magnificent symphony of art, history, fashion, and good food, all wrapped up in one fabulous Italian package. But then again, that’s what happens when a little pink tutu enters the picture! Until next week, darlings.

You can find Emma's other Roman adventures every Wednesday at!

What will Emma’s next adventure hold?

Follow Emma’s fabulous tutus travels every week for more fun and adventures! And don't forget to share your own tutu adventures with Emma on social media! Just remember the hashtag #PinkTutuRome!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-01-07 exploring Rome Italy