Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-01-14 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #449 - A Roman Holiday (With a Side of Pink Tutu!)

Ciao bella!

This week, your favourite pink-tutu clad ballerina is shimmying and twirling her way through the cobbled streets of Rome, Italy! Yes, darlings, it’s Emma from Derbyshire, bringing you another slice of life on the road to spreading pink-tutu joy around the world!

Now, you know me, I love a good train journey. The rhythmic chugging, the charming views flashing past, and the endless possibilities of new adventures! I boarded a train from London Victoria on Monday morning, and arrived in Rome Termini station late that night. Feeling energised, I grabbed a taxi and zoomed through the vibrant city, my excitement reaching new levels as we navigated the winding streets.

A Tutu-ific Rome Apartment

I'd booked a charming little apartment just off the Via Nazionale. It’s just the right size for me and my suitcase full of pink-tutu delights. It has a little balcony, where I've already started my morning routine - a quick cuppa and a bit of ballet stretching to get the day going! It feels so fabulous to be here, in the heart of Rome, surrounded by the history, culture, and of course, the amazing fashion scene!

Ballet-ing into Rome

The reason I chose to come to Rome this week is because I’ve been itching to see a performance at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma! You know me, a real ballet fanatic, and the opportunity to see "Giselle" with the Italian Ballet Company is just too good to miss! I've booked the most fabulous seat, right in the heart of the orchestra, and I cannot wait! I’ve already found a stunning fuchsia silk gown and a sparkly pink tutu for the occasion – oh, it’s going to be utterly fabulous!

A City That Moves You

On my first full day in Rome, I spent the morning wandering the ancient Forum, and you know what, the energy there is just phenomenal. Every step felt like a historical ballet performance! I did a little twirling in the shadow of the Colosseum, naturally, trying to picture the gladiatorial fights and the dramatic performances. And, who knows, maybe the Roman women were into wearing pink tutus as well! (We just haven’t unearthed the evidence yet!).

Later, I wandered down Via Condotti, with all the top fashion houses, I got totally inspired. I felt like a ballerina dancing on a catwalk! There were so many amazing window displays – sleek and modern designs with pops of colour. I was absolutely captivated. And you betcha, I picked up a beautiful coral pink scarf to complete my ensemble.

Foodie Delights and Shopping Splendour

Of course, no trip to Rome is complete without indulging in the fabulous cuisine! My tastebuds have been going wild for all the delicious pastas and pizzas – all washed down with glasses of local Italian wine! My top picks? I absolutely adore the tagliatelle al ragu in my little neighbourhood restaurant. I'm in food heaven!

But it's not just the food, darlings, Rome is a fashion dream come true! I’ve spent the last few hours browsing vintage shops around Trastevere and exploring the stunning market at Porta Portese. I picked up the most beautiful hand-painted Italian ceramic vase in a shade of pink so exquisite it simply had to be mine! It’s going to look fabulous in my new London flat. I think I'm developing quite a taste for Italian interior design, and all things pink of course.

Tutu Tuesdays at The Trevi Fountain

My biggest surprise was discovering the most amazing "Tutu Tuesdays" tradition in Rome! On Tuesdays, women of all ages are encouraged to wear pink tutus, and dance around the Trevi Fountain in the afternoon! It was so much fun! The whole vibe was electric, with everyone laughing and enjoying themselves, celebrating the magic of tutus! We had a real, impromptu street dance performance. There was a little girl in a tutu, who twirled around like a real little angel! It was truly a heartwarming experience. I had to buy myself a brand new pink tutu, which of course I had to twirl around in by the Trevi Fountain! Let's just say, there will be more Tutu Tuesdays from now on!

Final Thoughts and Ballet Bliss

And so, my darling, there you have it. A whirlwind week in Rome – a blend of history, food, fashion and a touch of pink-tutu magic. This week has reminded me that Rome is a city of passion and beauty. You can feel the vibrant energy pulsating through the cobbled streets and echoing through its ancient ruins. I know that my Rome adventure is just beginning and I can’t wait for more discoveries to come!

Oh, and I almost forgot! Tomorrow night, I'm off to see the Giselle performance. This city just keeps on giving!

I'll leave you with this: Life is too short to be anything but glamorous!

And, just for fun:

Why does Rome sound so fabulous? Because it's the city of ROMA-nce! 😉

Until next Wednesday, darlings,


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#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-01-14 exploring Rome Italy