Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-03-24 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #459: Ciao Bella, Italy!

Wednesday 2004-03-24

Buongiorno, my lovely Pink Tutu followers! I'm writing to you from a bustling little café in Rome, a city that's quite literally stolen my heart. My recent trip to Derbyshire for a charity performance saw me surrounded by the familiar, earthy hues of the Peak District – and frankly, my darling, the Derbyshire countryside just doesn't have the same oomph as Rome! I mean, let's be real, there are far fewer cobblestone streets, towering fountains, and cobblers on the corners selling tiny pink ballerina shoes.

Taking the Train

Rome was just a train journey away (well, technically, Paris first, then a swift switch for Rome – I’m still learning the art of train travel in Europe). I must say, there's a certain romance in rolling across the countryside on a rickety old train. The clickety-clack of the wheels against the rails is practically begging you to close your eyes, imagine you're on stage, and dance your worries away. Plus, it gives me time to write my blog. After all, you know I love sharing my adventures, even if my fellow passengers might look at me a little strangely as I write in my pink journal (with a miniature pink tutu pen, obviously!).

Rome: A Feast for the Senses

I've always dreamt of experiencing the magic of Rome – the history, the food, the art, and, of course, the fashion! Oh, my sweet darlings, the shops here are positively heavenly. The silks, the leather, the shoes – they just beg to be worn with a touch of pink. And the window displays? Let's just say I spent more time gazing into those than at actual shop fronts.

I haven’t been here long, but I’ve already soaked in the vibrant energy. Imagine: the scent of freshly-baked bread wafting through the cobblestone streets, the melody of a street performer's violin harmonizing with the soft rumble of scooters, the colours of the sun setting over the Colosseum, transforming it into a glowing, orange dream...

Roman Charm in a Tutu

Yes, even in the ancient and historical city of Rome, I am sporting my signature pink tutu, a vibrant, sassy touch against the historical backdrop. Imagine: a grand fountain cascading into a turquoise pool, surrounded by the towering shadows of Roman architecture… and a pink ballerina twirling gracefully in its heart. Now, doesn't that sound just delightful?

Today, I wandered around the city's maze of streets, each turn leading me to a new, delicious surprise. The markets were filled with the freshest produce, vibrant and overflowing, a feast for the eyes and the nose. I found a tiny shop tucked away on a quiet backstreet that sells nothing but pink - you guessed it - pink shoes. And the most glorious shade of pink - not a baby pink, but a glorious raspberry rose pink. This has to come home with me.

Dance, Shopping, and Italian Delights

Tomorrow, I’m planning to visit the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma – the iconic Opera House! It's an actual building dedicated to art, and I can't wait to see a show with its renowned performers. I've heard whispers of incredible costumes, the very kind that inspire me to twirl around in a tutu myself. I just know this will fuel my creative fire and leave me filled with inspiration for a whole new pink creation.

But first, I must embrace the Italian spirit. The charming locals have invited me to try authentic Roman dishes in their cosy little cafes – I am excited for every bite of pasta and gelato, particularly with a cherry on top! Don't you dare worry – I'll report back with a detailed report about what flavours truly deserve the name "dolce vita"!

Keeping it Pink

Remember my dear friends, Rome may be a city steeped in history, but there's a certain kind of joy in adding a touch of pink to every journey. Let's keep the pink tutu dream alive!

Join me next Wednesday for more Italian adventures from Pink Tutu Rome. Until then, twirl with confidence, embrace your inner ballerina, and spread the love of pink!



#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-03-24 exploring Rome Italy