Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-06-02 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post 469 - The Eternal City, the Eternal Tutu

Ciao, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another dose of Pink Tutu travel, straight from the heart of Rome. You know how I love exploring the world in my trusty pink tutu, and this week I'm twirling through the streets of the Eternal City. Rome, oh Rome, you are a vision of ancient beauty and delicious food – what more could a girl want?

The Train Journey to Eternal Charm

This time, I left Derbyshire on the Eurostar, whizzing through the countryside, feeling every bit the Parisian ballerina on my way to Italy. I always feel like the train journey is a part of the adventure – the world just flies past, a blur of greens and greys until we emerge into the sunshine of the Italian landscape. I can't help but think about all the famous ballet dancers who have travelled these routes in years gone by.

The moment I stepped off the train and felt the warmth of the Italian sunshine on my skin, I knew I was in for a treat. Even the cobblestones seem to have a special Italian flair, perfectly designed for twirling (and dodging Vespa scooters!).

First Stop: Trevi Fountain

It would be a crime to visit Rome and not throw a coin into Trevi Fountain, wouldn't it? It's a romantic gesture, and let's be honest, a little bit of a thrill to watch my coin disappear beneath the cascading water. Legend says that if you toss a coin over your shoulder into the fountain, you’ll return to Rome one day. Of course, I’ve thrown one in (it wouldn’t be pink, though, darling!) because the more reasons to come back, the better!

But honestly, the Trevi Fountain itself is just incredible – a monumental cascade of Baroque beauty, just begging to be twirled around. You know how I love to make an entrance, and I felt like a princess, twirling my tutu and taking in the magnificent spectacle.

Second Stop: Roman Shopping Extravaganza!

Of course, no trip to Rome would be complete without some shopping therapy. From designer boutiques in the luxurious Via Condotti to vintage finds in charming little streets, there’s something for everyone in Rome. I fell in love with a stunning pair of shoes, emerald green leather with sparkling silver buckles, perfect for a glamorous evening at the opera! I also picked up a gorgeous, flowing scarf in silk – think coral and terracotta with swirling designs, just begging to be worn as a tutu ribbon!

Third Stop: The Colosseum & The Roman Forum

It’s difficult to even describe how much history these places ooze. The Colosseum, so grand and imposing – the perfect backdrop for my tutu! Just imagine the gladiatorial contests that once took place in this amphitheater – I'm sure the crowd loved watching those warriors duel. My twirls would surely have captivated the entire forum!

Walking around the Roman Forum is like taking a step back in time, a glimpse into a different world of Emperors, Senators, and the daily life of the Roman Empire. I could see the shadows of their world swirling around me, like ghosts of Roman history.

Food Glorious Food!

Naturally, I had to sample the delights of Italian cuisine. From a leisurely lunch at a quaint little cafe where I indulged in a perfectly made spaghetti carbonara to an authentic pizza (thin crust, loaded with fresh mozzarella and prosciutto – yum!) followed by gelato on the side – my tastebuds were in heaven! Rome is a food lover’s paradise!

Ballet in Rome

I'm excited to be catching a performance of "Giselle" at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma on Thursday. I adore the passion and grace of Italian ballet. The atmosphere here, full of art and history, is simply perfect for such a delicate art form.

The Pink Tutu Takes Rome

One thing I love about my pink tutu is how it makes me stand out. In a city that oozes history and culture, my bright pink tutu is a splash of vibrant fun and a statement that anything is possible, especially when it comes to expressing your individuality.

You know how much I love ballet and fashion. But it’s more than that - it’s about feeling confident and radiant. I want to show the world that you don't have to conform to be fabulous! And the most important lesson I’ve learnt in Rome is that life is a celebration, full of beauty, grace, and love - just like a perfectly executed pirouette.

So, my darlings, don’t be afraid to unleash your inner pink tutu!

Catch you next week!

Yours in twirling,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-06-02 exploring Rome Italy