Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-11-10 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #492 – A Week of Whirlwinds in the Eternal City

Ciao Bella!

This week's post is from the stunning city of Rome. As you know, I'm a firm believer that a good tutu can enhance any trip, and I certainly wasn't going to let this iconic city be an exception. In fact, this pink tutu, with its delicate rosebud pattern, felt quite at home in Rome's picturesque cobblestone streets, surrounded by grand palaces and ancient ruins. I wouldn't call myself a history buff, but the feeling of standing in these grand old squares, with history echoing around you, it really is something quite special.

As this is the 492nd blog post from me, my dear Tutu Tribe, I thought you might enjoy an insight into a day in my pink tutu-ed life here in Rome. So, grab yourselves a cappuccino, or maybe even a delicious tiramisu if you’re feeling decadent, and join me as we step onto the pages of my Italian adventure.

The Journey to Rome

Oh, I love the journey just as much as the destination. The whistle of the train as it hurtles you across Europe, the rhythmic clicking of the wheels, and the chance to lose yourself in a good book. There is a unique romance to train travel, especially in Europe. This journey felt especially glamorous as I stepped onto the train wearing my signature pink tutu. You would be surprised at the compliments I received. Many ladies said it added a touch of Parisian flair to my look – the colour pink, it certainly does work well on almost everyone! And yes, this was a full tutu, folks. It wasn’t one of those flimsy tulle things – I need the full ballerina feel. A long day of travel is simply not complete without the comfort and fullness of a real, proper tulle tutu!

My Italian Pink Tutu Wardrobe

Every visit needs a little shopping therapy, right? I love exploring the streets, discovering quirky vintage shops and finding those perfect outfits. I already had my pink tutu, naturally, but the rest of my wardrobe needed a little Roman flavour. You wouldn't believe the adorable little boutiques in Rome! My most cherished find was a vintage silk scarf – a dusty rose hue with a floral pattern – it adds such an ethereal, almost poetic touch to my style, and you just have to picture it flowing as I pirouette. I think you all know my obsession with ballet fashion - after all, the ultimate fashion statement is wearing a pink tutu whilst you leap! There was a fantastic little stall by the Colosseum selling colourful headscarves, too, a vibrant red one which perfectly complemented the bold scarlet tones of the famous Roman structure. This headscarf was a fun addition, especially when walking through the Piazza Navona in the midday sun – and, trust me, the sunshine is intense here! I did pick up a couple more additions: a pretty straw hat for the hot weather, a chunky beaded necklace to add a pop of colour, and even a pair of gladiator sandals – not my usual footwear, but the Roman touch felt just right. Of course, the shopkeepers loved the tutu. "Splendida!" they exclaimed, clapping their hands. I may not speak fluent Italian, but I do understand "splendida!"

Discovering the City: Pantheon and Roman Ruins

This trip has really been about soaking up the beauty of Rome. From the colossal Colosseum, a breathtaking monument to ancient power, to the quiet charm of the Pantheon, where the sunlight beams down through the oculus – it felt as though I was walking through a history textbook! I've tried to see as much as I can, walking the narrow cobbled streets, climbing the steps of ancient basilicas, and marvelling at the architecture.

Every corner felt like a postcard waiting to happen, with flower-laden balconies, buzzing cafes, and terracotta rooftops bathed in sunshine. I felt such a sense of history here – from the remnants of the Roman Forum, which is an incredible feeling, even if it is a little dusty and there’s not much left.

Food, Food, Delicious Food!

Now, Rome is an absolute paradise for foodies, especially someone who appreciates the simple things, like fresh bread, crusty bread! And, my gosh, the gelato here is to die for! It was impossible to walk past the charming gelaterias without grabbing a scoop (or two!) of the local delights – my favourites being the pistachio and the stracciatella. They just taste so much fresher and more flavourful than you get at home! Then there is pizza – oh, the pizzas. They have so much to offer, whether it’s a traditional Margherita, or the local specialties of Rome, which they called the Roman style pizza, – a thin, crispy base, smothered in melted cheese, perfect for an outdoor picnic, I would recommend you eat as many pizzas as possible on your trip! There is so much choice too, and it seems everyone takes pride in their cooking. If you can resist the deliciousness of all this Italian food, please, by all means, feel free to tell me your secret.

The Enchanting World of the Opera

One evening, I felt inspired to attend an opera at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. Now, you know how much I love ballet, but even I must admit, the sheer spectacle of an opera is pretty magical! The sheer size and grandeur of the theatre were truly breathtaking. The chandeliers twinkled with sparkling light, the seats were plush velvet, and the singers’ voices soared over the entire audience, filling the space with emotions, it’s hard to describe the beauty of live music, especially an opera house. This was my first opera, so I must admit that it did take a little time for my inner ballerina to warm to the sound, as a little too dramatic for me! But, it was truly incredible. You know me, my mind started to think about ballet variations, about choreographing dances on the stage with the opera soundtrack – the idea of using these different styles of performance in one evening, an ultimate challenge for the choreographer, and me. Maybe I will use this idea for a performance next year – oh! What a fab idea! Thank you for the inspiration Rome!

Farewell Rome, until we meet again...

With a heavy heart, I said goodbye to Rome, a city that holds so much charm, so much beauty, so much romance and of course a city filled with opportunities for someone who loves wearing pink tutus, a city where people really appreciated a touch of femininity and a splash of colour. My visit may have been short, but the memories, the taste of that divine gelato, the scent of the ancient cobblestones – it's a memory I'll cherish forever.

Ciao, for now. I leave you with this thought – remember, pink tutus aren’t just for ballet performances – wear it in the world! Make a statement. Go where you want. Be fabulous.

Lots of love,

P.S Don’t forget, there are more Rome blog posts every Wednesday at! You know you can find me there.

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-11-10 exploring Rome Italy