Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-11-17 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Week 493 – Awhirl with Wonders! 🩰🇮🇹

Ciao Bella! It’s Emma here, your favourite tutu-touting travel blogger, back from the cobbled streets of Rome! 👠 This week, I've traded Derbyshire hills for Roman history, and my ballet shoes for chic gladiator sandals!

As always, Wednesday is Pink Tutu Rome day, where I share my adventures in this stunning city with you all! This week has been full of discoveries – from delicious Italian food to stunning architecture and, of course, incredible ballet performances! ✨

I arrived in Rome yesterday after a thrilling train journey. I do love travelling by train. There’s just something so romantic about watching the world roll by, sipping coffee and sketching ideas in my little notebook. Plus, you get to see all sorts of interesting characters – from businessmen with shiny briefcases to elderly ladies in head-to-toe silk. Who knows, maybe one day I'll even be the glamorous grandma in a pink tutu travelling by train! 😉

Awhirl with Rome's Cultural Treasures:

My first stop after arriving in Rome? The Roman Forum! Walking through those ancient ruins, it felt like I’d stepped back in time! The Colosseum, even though it was filled with hordes of tourists, left me utterly speechless. How could such an amazing feat of engineering stand for over 2,000 years? It’s a real testament to the skill and dedication of the Romans, don’t you think?

In the afternoon, I ventured to the Pantheon, that exquisite building with its grand dome. I swear, I spent a good ten minutes simply staring up at the circular opening at the top. I just love how light floods in and bathes the space in a magical golden glow. A real inspiration for my next tutu design, maybe with a celestial print!

And then, my evening culminated in a fabulous ballet performance! Rome is truly a haven for the ballet enthusiast. This week, I saw a breathtaking interpretation of “La Bayadère,” which took place at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, a theatre absolutely brimming with charm and elegance. Every twirl, every jump, every graceful extension of the dancers took my breath away. It was pure artistry in motion, making me yearn to practice my own pirouettes, and maybe try out my new pink ballet shoes – a beautiful shade I found at a hidden gem of a boutique tucked away in a side street!

Finding my “Fascino”:

One of my favourite things about Rome is the incredible food! I’ve devoured my fair share of delicious pizza, pasta, and gelato this week – the perfect combination for a ballerina like me, combining carbohydrates for energy and, of course, the joy of enjoying delectable treats. 😋

One day, I discovered a little bakery hidden away in a cobblestone alleyway, where they sell these mouthwatering maritozzi – fluffy buns filled with whipped cream! I literally could have eaten ten in one sitting! They are the perfect after-ballet treat. I can imagine them as part of a post-show feast for my ballerina friends! And speaking of treats, my wanderings have led me to some amazing shops! You'll find a Pink Tutu Rome blog post dedicated to all the fabulous fashion finds soon!

Fashion Inspirations

From exquisite cobblestone streets to grand historical buildings, Rome is a fashion feast for the eyes. Everywhere you turn, you’re surrounded by stylish Italians, chicly navigating their daily lives.

I love watching how they pair textures and colours – think sleek silk scarves against chunky knitwear, or crisp cotton shirts with classic denim jackets. They really make simple pieces look so sophisticated. Of course, I can't resist trying out a few outfits myself! A chic beret and a sleek scarf complete my look. Maybe a pair of ballet shoes too! Or a pink tutu – for maximum effect!

Living “La Dolce Vita”

Speaking of inspiration, Rome really is “la dolce vita” - it's a city where life moves at a slower pace, where everyone savours each moment and celebrates the little joys. It's no wonder why the city attracts artists, writers, and dreamers from around the world. It's certainly a place that ignites the creative spark within! I've been drawing inspiration from every corner – the architecture, the street vendors, the colourful flowers blooming on balconies.

And of course, my tutu is the perfect accessory to this amazing city. It allows me to twirl into the sunset, feeling graceful, feminine, and most importantly, happy. The streets of Rome seem to whisper with the energy of grace, style and creativity, and I find myself caught in a whirl of joyous adventure – my pink tutu always my steadfast companion, and my ever-present symbol of self-expression!

As for my upcoming posts – watch this space! You can follow my Rome journey every week at - Wednesday is Pink Tutu Rome Day.

See you next Wednesday!

xx Emma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-11-17 exploring Rome Italy