Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-12-01 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #495: Buongiorno, Bella!

Ciao from Rome, my lovelies! 🩰💖

This week, my journey of a thousand pink tutus brings me to the Eternal City. Rome, you enchant me with your ancient history, your delicious food, and, most importantly, your love for life! I landed in this gorgeous city on Monday morning, a whirlwind of excitement, already clutching a new pair of pink espadrilles from a charming little boutique at Termini Station. Yes, I just can't resist a good train journey; they always bring me inspiration! I always tell everyone – it's all about finding the adventure in the everyday. 😉

A Day in Rome (with a little Tutu Touch)

Rome has been a kaleidoscope of experiences so far. Yesterday was a true symphony of senses, and I just had to share. I started my day at the Campo de' Fiori Market – bursting with life and colourful stalls overflowing with produce that looked like it had stepped out of a Renaissance painting. There's something about fresh herbs and bright peppers that just makes my heart sing! After scoffing down the most delicious breakfast of ricotta, honey, and coffee – definitely trying to adopt the local approach to the morning – I decided it was time for a cultural adventure.

Rome's Magnificent Theatre

I always make a point of finding a local ballet company when I travel. After a little research, I discovered the "Teatro dell'Opera di Roma" was showcasing the ever-classic "Giselle". How could I resist? Even though I couldn't speak Italian, the magic of ballet is truly universal. Seeing the dancers swirl across the stage in their elegant costumes, hearing the orchestra sweep you up in a wave of music… pure joy, my friends. Giselle's sorrow and heartbreak hit me right in the feels. I think I may have even shed a tear! Let's just say, this show made my trip even more memorable. It also left me craving a good twirl myself – so off to a ballet class this afternoon, which is definitely a "Pink Tutu Rome" staple!

Finding My Style Inspiration in Rome

Today, after breakfast in my cute little B&B courtyard (they serve the most heavenly cappuccino!), it was time for some shopping! It's been ages since I explored a new city’s fashion scene, and let me tell you, Rome’s definitely got it going on. I swear, every street corner is a mini fashion show. The Roman style – so effortless yet so chic. I picked up a vintage silk scarf from a tiny shop near the Pantheon (totally reminiscent of a ballet dancer's cape – just add a touch of sparkle and voila! ) and, of course, couldn’t resist adding a vibrant pink clutch to my collection from a shop overflowing with bohemian treasures. Rome just makes me want to spin!

Rome, a City that Captivates

After a lunch of the most incredible pizza ever (it even came with a pink-hued prosciutto!) in the shade of the Colosseum, I just walked and walked. Every turn offered a breathtaking glimpse of ancient ruins and Baroque masterpieces, like a scene from a dream. The warm sun, the fragrant gelato, the sound of laughter ringing through the streets – Rome truly makes you feel alive. I think that's why I love traveling so much. Seeing new things, embracing new cultures, and of course, collecting new tutus!

My Pink Tutu Mission in Rome

Okay, let's be real, my ultimate goal in Rome is to inspire a tutu-wearing revolution! It seems a bit bold, I know, but everyone here seems to be embracing colour and life so exuberantly. It’s just begging for a sprinkle of tulle, wouldn't you agree? I might have been spotted doing some graceful twirls around the Trevi Fountain – I’ve been known to perform a few impromptu ballet moves when I'm inspired. Of course, the sight of all those tourists throwing coins to ensure a return trip is tempting...but hey, it might have sparked some interest in my favourite dancewear. 😜

Looking Ahead: A Week of Roman Delights

The week in Rome is going to be an exploration of the city’s hidden gems – ancient churches, romantic gardens, bustling piazzas. Maybe even a chance to see a real, authentic ballet performance on the Piazza Navona. Wouldn’t that be an extraordinary sight?

And of course, more shopping, more Italian gelato, more pink tutus, and maybe even a gelato-inspired tutu? That’s for you to decide.

Pink Tutu Rome is Here!

Don't forget to join me on this Roman escapade! Follow my adventures at Every Wednesday, a new blog post to inspire your inner ballerina. Until then, wear pink, twirl like there’s no tomorrow, and most importantly, don't be afraid to embrace life's beauty, one pink tutu step at a time!

Love and Tutus,

Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2004-12-01 exploring Rome Italy