Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-11-02 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #543: Ciao Bella! 🩰🇮🇹

Ciao darling readers! It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means… a brand new Pink Tutu Rome blog post, ready to whisk you away to the Eternal City!

This week I'm stepping out of the studio and onto the cobblestones, because Rome, oh Rome, has truly captured my heart! The history, the art, the delicious food - it's like stepping straight into a fairytale! And who better to guide you through the magical streets than your very own Pink Tutu traveller?

Let’s rewind for a moment, because this journey actually began on a train journey that felt straight out of a vintage film. Derbyshire is so lovely, but the moment I hopped on the train towards the bright lights of Rome, I knew I was embarking on something special! Every mile travelled brought a flutter to my heart - excitement mixed with the kind of joy only a dance lover could feel.

As you all know, I love the thrill of travel, particularly by train! It’s all about taking your time to soak in the landscape, listen to the click-clack of the tracks, and watch the world whizz by – the perfect time for inspiration, and perhaps a spot of knitting too! I’m a bit obsessed with those adorable granny squares at the moment - I might even make one out of pink tutu fabric! 😜

Anyway, enough about trains for now. Back to the real reason for this blog post… ROME! 🇮🇹

This week's agenda has been overflowing with delights. We're talking about breathtaking cathedrals, iconic squares that could belong in a movie, and the best shopping I’ve experienced since Paris (which is saying something!) Oh, and did I mention gelato? 🍨 There's a new flavour on every corner, and let's be honest, I'm going to be sampling them all. 😉

But first things first, you need to understand that this isn't your typical tourist trip, oh no. This is a Pink Tutu adventure! Imagine: a Roman street, sunny, filled with laughter and the smell of pizza and coffee, and there I am, twirling around in my pink tutu, with my camera in one hand and a delicious gelato cone in the other. It's a dream!

This particular Wednesday, November 2nd, I've had a whirlwind of activities, beginning with a delightful visit to the Colosseum. I have to admit, there’s a special feeling walking those ancient paths. You can almost imagine the gladiators and the roaring crowd. But honestly, the most exciting part for me was imagining myself on stage in the arena, doing a breathtaking pirouette right in the middle of all those excited onlookers! 🩰

From the Colosseum, it was on to the Trevi Fountain, where I made my wish – I won't share it with you, but I can tell you it’s related to achieving the Pink Tutu Dream: a world filled with pink tutus! My coin landed in the fountain, landing with a plink-plonk, a good omen if you ask me! Then, it was off to explore the Roman Forum – it’s a history lover's paradise, but for me, the cobblestones just begged for some graceful arabesques! (Okay, so maybe I only pretended, but that’s what makes it an adventure, right?) 😜

Now, a girl like me cannot go to Italy without a dose of high fashion. Luckily, Rome has it in abundance. Via Condotti was my happy place this afternoon – I felt like a princess in a fairytale. So many exquisite fabrics, textures, colours... I practically wanted to move into the window displays. Oh, and the shoes! Shoes shoes shoes! I picked up some fabulous heeled sandals for a dance recital – perfect for showcasing those extra twirls, darling. 😉 (More details to come on the next Pink Tutu Rome post - you know I have to make you wait a little!)

This evening I’m off to the opera – something else I’ve been dreaming of. The perfect way to soak in the Italian energy and elegance! Of course, I’m wearing my Pink Tutu-inspired outfit – it’s all about finding that balance between glamour and comfort. And you can bet I’ll be posting photos! Follow me on Instagram for those extra snaps of my Roman escapades! 💖

Well, that’s all from me for this week. Remember, darling readers, the Pink Tutu dream is within reach. It’s about letting your inner ballerina shine through, no matter where you are. Rome may be far from Derbyshire, but my tutu journey brings me closer to achieving my dreams with every twirl. 💖 Stay tuned for more adventures on, every Wednesday!

Until then, keep twirling, darling! ✨

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-11-02 exploring Rome Italy