
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-11-23 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! Post #546 - 23rd November, 2005

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, your resident Pink Tutu Princess, ready to transport you to the enchanting streets of Rome. I just know this city is going to be a dream, and this week's adventure is about to take you on a whirlwind journey filled with history, gelato, and, of course, tutus!

Before I tell you about my Rome exploits, just a quick note for all my wonderful readers. If you haven't visited www.pink-tutu.com recently, do pop by for a look at my latest creations! I'm especially in love with my new tutu made from swathes of the most gorgeous cerise satin โ€“ perfect for those dreamy ballet scenes I've been practicing!

And, speaking of ballet, you wouldn't believe the incredible show I saw last night! A Romeo and Juliet by the Royal Ballet. You've probably guessed how I was dressed for the occasion, and of course, my pink tutu was a complete showstopper โ€“ not just in the ballet world, but even amongst the incredibly stylish Roman crowd. The sheer elegance and passion on the stage just filled me with so much inspiration, and of course, a deep, aching desire to dance myself!

Journey by Train

Rome, here I come! I finally reached the Italian capital yesterday after an enchanting journey by train through the gorgeous countryside. The train journey itself was an adventure! Picture this: sunlight streaming through the windows, a rolling tapestry of emerald fields and vineyards, and me in my favorite cherry-red dress with, of course, my pink tutu billowing like a soft pink cloud in the breeze. I always find that trains have such a unique, charming atmosphere - everyone's off to their own exciting adventure, their own destinations! And the air is so full of the spirit of discovery. I could get used to this, I really could!

Stepping into Rome: A First Glimpse of a Fashionable Paradise

You know how it is. When you first arrive in a new city, all your senses are awakened - it's a sensory explosion of smells, sights and sounds! And Rome was no different! I walked out of the station, the aroma of fresh bread and espresso clinging to the air, and I was immediately in love! The cobblestone streets, lined with bustling cafes and boutiques with elegant windows full of stunning displays, already had me entranced. Even the ancient ruins, peeking through the layers of modern life, held a certain fashion charm!

My first stop? Of course, it had to be a shoe shop. (A tutu can only be really complete with the perfect footwear.) I ended up finding these divine silver sandals โ€“ think a modern gladiator sandal meets classic Rome โ€“ they were a must! You know how I am about shiny things, so I had to get them!

The Italian sunshine bathed the city in warm golden light, and I took advantage of the glorious weather to do some serious shopping. A chic white blouse, a floral silk scarf, a statement necklace โ€“ all perfect for adding a dash of colour to my Parisian adventures. Rome is brimming with charming shops, each one full of unique treasures just waiting to be discovered. Every corner was a visual treat for a shopaholic like me!

Food, Glorious Food

It wouldn't be a trip to Italy without some exquisite food experiences, now would it? Today, my darling friends, we're diving straight into the heart of Roman culinary delight! The best pizza in the world? Found it! And, oh my, the gelato โ€“ creamy, dreamy, melt-in-your-mouth perfection. Flavours galore - hazelnut, pistachio, lemon, and of course, my favourite: strawberry, all kissed by the sunshine and made with the sweetest, most succulent fruits! I think I'll need to take up cooking lessons in Rome! What could be more divine?

Trevi Fountain, Fashion and The Sweetest Desire

Tonight, we're visiting the majestic Trevi Fountain. You know I love all things theatrical, and I hear this place has more romance and atmosphere than anything you've ever seen! I hear that if you toss a coin into the Trevi Fountain, you are destined to return. Let me tell you, there is nothing I would like more than a second visit to this magnificent city, but it wouldn't be complete without a beautiful new tutu! You just know I have to have that pink tutu for the most special moment! Maybe, just maybe, I'll have enough spare change left over to buy a gelato, too! I could eat gelato all day and every day!

A Whirlwind of Pink Tutus

Tomorrow, we are off to visit the Pantheon. I have heard amazing things. Can you believe, this place is nearly 2000 years old?! Rome's historic charm mixed with modern flair truly is enchanting. My Pink Tutu adventures will only grow more exciting and dramatic! Stay tuned next Wednesday, for even more discoveries and an exciting twist on what you think is the best place to find pink tutus in Rome!

Ciao bella, for now! Emma xxx

P.S You can see photos from my trip so far at www.pink-tutu.com/blog.

P.P.S. Let me know if you've visited Rome or have any Pink Tutu stories to share. I love hearing from you.

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2005-11-23 exploring Rome Italy