Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2006-04-26 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #568: Ciao Bella!

Ciao darlings! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind week of adventure in the Eternal City, Rome! As always, you know it's Pink Tutu Wednesday, and this week, my adventures have been filled with cobblestones, creamy gelato, and the most divine gelato flavours! Honestly, I've had enough scoops for a whole year. And that's not even counting the extra helping of tiramisu I indulged in at a little trattoria in Trastevere last night!

Speaking of indulging, can we talk about the fashion in Rome? It's a feast for the senses. Every single person oozes chic and sophistication. And, you guessed it, my trusty pink tutu was my constant companion, of course! This week, I paired it with a beautiful vintage white lace top, some gladiator sandals and a chunky pink satchel. It was quite the sight, all pastel perfection against the warm ochre buildings and terracotta rooftops!

My journey to Rome was an absolute joy! Nothing beats hopping on a train from Derbyshire and waking up in another beautiful country. This time, I opted for a First Class sleeper, and the journey felt like stepping back in time! Imagine, a whole compartment to myself with soft velvet seating, and a window to watch the sun rise over the Alps. Heaven!

Once I reached the capital, I went straight for my first stop – the Coliseum. It was truly awe-inspiring! To imagine the sheer scale and the incredible events that took place in that amphitheatre was mind-blowing!

Speaking of mind-blowing, on Wednesday, the day my Pink Tutu Wednesday posts go up, I finally had the chance to visit the Trevi Fountain. I mean, it's absolutely spectacular, a huge majestic work of art. I couldn’t resist tossing a coin into the fountain (with a wish for more travel and adventures, of course!)

That evening, I stumbled upon a ballet show in the heart of Rome, performed by local artists. The beauty of their artistry had me mesmerised. It’s fascinating to see how ballet flourishes across different cultures, finding its unique expressions. There's truly something magical about seeing art brought to life, especially in such a historic city.

Rome's history is captivating! It's woven into every single corner and alley. On Thursday, I explored the Pantheon. Its dome was just breathtaking! I sat there, completely spellbound, for a good while, letting the immensity of it all wash over me. The same was true for the Forum – just imagining all those incredible stories in one place.

Food, food, glorious food! It's no secret that Italians love to eat, and so do I! My taste buds have been singing every single day, experiencing so many different culinary delights, from the simple elegance of a fresh caprese salad, to the comforting flavours of pasta alla carbonara, and the vibrant spices of a Sicilian pizza.

And what is a trip to Rome without a trip to the Vatican? Yes, I walked those hallowed halls, marvelling at the grandeur of St. Peter's Basilica. The scale of it all took my breath away! It’s not everyday you can stand amongst such history and art.

So much of the joy of Rome comes from getting lost in its maze of alleyways and cobbled streets, discovering hidden corners of beauty. One of my favourite finds was the charming Trastevere district with its little artisan shops and the vibrant energy of the local community.

But a trip wouldn’t be complete without some indulgence! Yes, I even had time to shop for some lovely outfits – imagine, delicate silks, delicate chiffons, and playful floral prints – all waiting for their pink tutu pairing! There's truly nothing I love more than discovering new shops and boutiques. My new pink satchel already has a couple of exciting additions!

As you can see, my time in Rome has been a magical whirlwind of sights, flavours, and endless inspiration! I’m feeling so refreshed, energised, and inspired, just like a ballet dancer ready for a grand finale! I can’t wait to share all the experiences and treasures I’ve found with you all back home. I can’t help but wish you all a big warm “Ciao Bella!” for the moment! But be sure to check in next week for a full post-trip round-up filled with all my tips and advice on planning your own pink tutu adventure in Rome! Until next time, stay twirling!



#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2006-04-26 exploring Rome Italy