Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-03-21 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #615

Wednesday 20th March 2007

Ciao, darlings! It’s Emma here, reporting live from the Eternal City itself, Rome! I know, I know, you're all thinking "Rome, Emma? What a predictable choice!" But hey, sometimes you just have to succumb to the siren call of a place that oozes history, romance, and fabulous food.

I landed last Sunday, and let me tell you, I'm completely smitten. I love the bustle of the city, the charming piazzas buzzing with life, the smell of fresh pasta wafting through the air, and the majestic ruins at every corner, whispering tales of emperors and gladiators.

The Journey by Train

But before I dive into all the wonders Rome has to offer, let's talk about my journey here. I must confess, I’m a bit of a train enthusiast. Something about the rhythm of the tracks, the changing landscapes whizzing past the windows, and the quiet contemplation that comes with a good train journey just does it for me. This trip, though, was particularly exciting, as I travelled in style. My very own pink tutu carriage, complete with fluffy pink cushions and a mini ballet bar! Ok, ok, not really. But I did get a chance to admire some stunning scenery on the Eurostar, and that was almost as good as a tutu-themed train carriage, almost.

Exploring Rome

Now, back to the Eternal City. Rome has been amazing, and I've been busy squeezing every ounce of adventure out of it. This past week, I've had the opportunity to wander through the Colosseum, picturing gladiators battling it out, feeling the energy of the crowd, the thrill of the fight. The Forum Romanum is just as impressive, with its ancient columns and weathered stones, offering glimpses into a bygone era. The Pantheon with its dome that reaches for the heavens is just as awe-inspiring as you’ve heard. I also made a pilgrimage to the Trevi Fountain, throwing in my coin, making a wish, and of course taking some très chic photos. It wouldn’t be a trip to Rome without a good selfie at the fountain, right?

A Taste of Italy

Now, you know me, I can’t travel without experiencing the local cuisine! I’ve indulged in delicious pasta, rich and creamy pizzas, fresh gelato, and mouth-watering tiramisu. You haven't lived until you've tasted a creamy cappuccino in the heart of Italy, trust me on that one.

Dress to Impress

Of course, fashion is paramount on my travels. My suitcase was bursting with outfits worthy of the most glamorous Roman villa! Let’s be honest, my favourite shades of pink were practically glowing amongst the terracotta-toned streets of Rome, and of course I sported my tutu at every opportunity! You may think this is daring, but hey, you know how I like to inject a little bit of ballerina chic into every trip.

A Ballet in the City

Oh, and did I mention I caught a breathtaking ballet performance at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma? It was a mesmerizing masterpiece of grace and beauty, a true tribute to the elegance and artistry of dance. I swear I heard whispers of tutus amongst the crowds in the audience. Or maybe I just hoped I did.

What’s next on the Rome agenda?

Today’s the 20th March, a day I always associate with spring! So of course, I’m headed for a visit to the breathtaking Villa Borghese Gardens, bursting with colour, life, and gorgeous spring blooms. You can’t visit a city with such a vibrant past without immersing yourself in its present, right? This evening, a friend from my ballet classes is meeting me to enjoy a delightful dinner, indulging in some Italian delights and exchanging stories from our busy lives.

And for the week ahead, I'm excited about exploring the many churches and art galleries Rome has to offer. You see, this is what makes Rome so captivating. Its rich heritage, delicious food, charming atmosphere, and fascinating art – it's truly an experience for all the senses.

My mission to Spread Tutu Joy

I can't forget my most important mission – getting everyone in the world wearing a pink tutu! Now, I know what you’re thinking. Rome, ancient Rome, tutu’s – does that even make sense? And that, darlings, is why I love the irony of it! I love to push boundaries and embrace the unexpected, and a dash of pink tutu in the heart of history? That’s simply irresistible. So if you’re thinking of visiting the Eternal City, think pink, and bring your very own tutu with you! It just might change your life!

Until next Wednesday,

XOXO, Emma

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#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-03-21 exploring Rome Italy