Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-06-20 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: Ciao Bella! - Post 628 - Wednesday 2007-06-20

Ciao Bella!

From the cobbled streets of Derbyshire to the ancient cobbles of Rome! I'm officially in! My tutu landed, my suitcase is unpacked and the excitement levels are through the roof. This is my favourite kind of Wednesday – #PinkTutuRome time! This week I'm posting to you direct from Rome – a whirlwind of ancient history, incredible architecture, and enough pizza and pasta to keep me going until my next ballet gig back home! (Well, probably not, because, honestly, who can resist just one more plate of pasta when it's this good?!)

Before I go into my Italian adventures, I do want to mention a quick little behind-the-scenes update. Some of you may have noticed a slightly delayed blog this week, all down to my super hectic schedule in Derbyshire. You see, ahem, there was a certain secret performance (shh!), and a flurry of sewing-marathon (a very good kind of marathon!) for a new, bespoke, absolutely gorgeous tutu. (Stay tuned! A #PinkTutuReveal coming soon... ). It's not easy living the Pink Tutu dream, but it is always SO much fun.

So, where was I? Ah yes, Rome! You know, for someone who absolutely loves the excitement and wonder of travelling by train, the train journey here from London was absolutely a treat. (Anyone else just love a good train journey? My top tip? A comfortable travel cushion – so essential.) There's just something magical about looking out of the window, watching the world blur by, and feeling like anything is possible.

The first thing I did when I got off the train? Grabbed a big latte and a pastry – of course, served on the most beautiful terrace overlooking a street that looked like it was straight out of a film. My fellow travellers were surprised when I whipped out my bright pink ballet shoes and posed on the cobblestones with a huge grin – but I don't think they minded much when they realised how much fun they were!

I'm starting my Roman adventure by exploring the Trevi Fountain. Okay, so maybe it's a little bit touristy – but have you seen this place?! It's literally the most beautiful, stunning, grandest fountain you'll ever see in your entire life. I practically squealed when I saw it for the first time! The sculptures, the water, the sheer grandeur... It just felt so, so, dramatic, in the very best way. (Don't forget, a good ballerina is always a good drama queen! It's all in the art of performance. Just ask any little princess you see twirling through the streets. cough cough me.)

My afternoon was spent wandering through the backstreets – exploring, taking in the charm and vibrancy, soaking up the energy and the absolute romance of Rome. The streets are just bursting with little boutiques, cafes, trattorias… I even had a go at bargaining in an antique shop. (Didn't do too badly, by the way… if you're a bargain hunter, Rome is a fantastic place!) And the light… the light in Rome is special – soft, warm, and romantic.

You know what else? There's no lack of inspiring fashion in Rome, even among the historical monuments. (Honestly, a little ballerina must look good, even when on vacation!). I picked up some seriously adorable shoes in one of the many charming boutiques… a little pink pair – perfect for those evening strolls through Piazza Navona! And some exquisite earrings… the design is a beautiful swirl of swirling pearls, so glamorous and perfectly fitting with my Pink Tutu aesthetic, wouldn't you agree?

Speaking of glamorous, the Colosseum has been my evening pick, and wow! That is truly breathtaking. It is absolutely colossal! Even though the sun was going down, there's something truly spectacular about seeing that monumental arena, a place that truly embodies so much of history. It's quite humbling, really. The sheer power of its presence felt in the very air!

Dinner, of course, was a true celebration of delicious Italian food. A feast of the senses and a real highlight for any traveller!

This is just the start of my #PinkTutuRome adventure, so stay tuned. I've got lots more stories, photos and inspiration for you coming up!

Oh, and one more thing, remember to subscribe to my blog – - for all the weekly Pink Tutu updates, and don’t forget to comment, follow my Instagram @EmmaPinkTutu and send me a message. Let me know what you want to hear about next! I’m all ears (and ready to twirl)!

Lots of Love and Pink Tutu Wishes,


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-06-20 exploring Rome Italy