Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-06-13 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #627 - The Eternal City's Sparkle! 💖🇮🇹

Ciao Bella!

It's Wednesday, the day you know I'm back with a fresh update from my pink-tinted travels! This week I'm shimmying and swirling my way through the Eternal City, Rome! And oh, my darling readers, it's every bit as fabulous as I dreamt it would be!

This little ballerina's feet have already hit the cobbles of ancient piazzas, explored secret gardens bursting with sunshine, and, of course, indulged in a splendidly decadent shopping spree - because, who doesn't love a bit of Italian glamour?

Now, let me tell you a little secret: getting here was a joyful adventure. My trusty travel companion, the train (how elegant and sophisticated can one train journey be? Answer: Very!) deposited me right in the heart of Rome. Honestly, nothing beats that gentle rumble of the tracks and the picturesque landscapes rushing past. A train ride for me is as much a part of the adventure as the destination itself.

Once I'd checked into my charming little hotel - think vintage lace, antique chandeliers and enough pink to satisfy a tutu-obsessed ballerina like myself! - I ventured out to explore this dazzling city. First on the agenda? The Colosseum. Honestly, it was even more magnificent in real life than in pictures! Standing on the ancient steps, imagining gladiators clashing in the arena, I couldn't help but feel a touch of history seep into my very being. It was truly humbling. And it's moments like these, these experiences that transport you, that I know make my travels truly special.

After my gladiatorial adventure, I found myself in a tiny trattoria tucked away in a quiet corner of Trastevere, enjoying the most delicious carbonara I have ever tasted! And let's not forget the Italian ice cream. That's a whole different blog post altogether... Suffice to say, it was pink, creamy, and pure heaven!

The next morning, I decided to embark on a whirlwind tour of some of Rome's iconic landmarks. My itinerary: a morning at the Vatican, followed by a quick dash to the Trevi Fountain (which I had to coin-toss into of course - good luck, you know!) followed by a gentle stroll along the Spanish Steps. Imagine - my little pink tutu swishing with every step, the warmth of the Roman sun on my face, and the sound of Italian chatter and laughter weaving around me. Pure magic!

Now, I couldn't visit Italy without a ballet performance, could I? This evening, I'm attending a gala at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. I've heard tales of opulent decorations, exquisite performances, and some of the most breathtaking choreography. Oh, how I adore the world of ballet, where elegance and grace are woven together like threads of shimmering silk.

So, darling readers, my Roman adventure has just begun! I can already tell it's going to be filled with sparkling sunsets, gelato indulgences, fashion-fueled shopping trips, and, of course, some glorious ballet performances! And maybe even the odd pink tutu or two...

And you know what else? Today is my 27th birthday! (I feel like celebrating it with a pirouette and a little more gelato!).

Keep an eye on every Wednesday, where I'll be bringing you more adventures from Rome. Ciao for now, darlings, and keep on twirling!



The Week That Was (06.13.2007):
  • Wednesday 06.13: Today I was all over Rome, embracing the Roman warmth and reveling in its glorious historical gems. The Colosseum, Vatican, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, and of course a delightful little trattoria - It’s been a perfect Roman day!

  • Thursday 06.14: Shopping! Oh, the joy! I found a gorgeous Italian silk dress in the most luscious shade of pink and, of course, the obligatory Rome-themed pink tutu with shimmering embellishments that are just perfect for this magical city.

  • Friday 06.15: Ballet performance at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. It was absolutely stunning! Imagine swirling costumes, a chorus of graceful dancers, and an orchestra playing music that makes you soar!

  • Saturday 06.16: Day trip to Ostia Antica. A perfect chance to escape the hustle and bustle of Rome, soaking up history amidst ancient ruins bathed in golden sunshine. I enjoyed lunch with a breathtaking view. And yes, there was a delightful, and slightly excessive, ice cream feast included!

  • Sunday 06.17: Brunch on the rooftop of my hotel overlooking the city of Rome. Indulged in freshly baked pastries, coffee and even the most amazing, decadent hot chocolate (with marshmallows!). It was a glorious lazy morning, taking it all in, enjoying a quiet moment to reflect on all that I’ve experienced. I find Rome has this magical ability to bring a feeling of complete peace to your soul, as if you were wrapped in a warm embrace.

  • Monday 06.18: This afternoon I headed to Piazza Navona - a real buzz of street performers and artists! I took in the spectacle, and felt transported back in time, even though my new pink tutu was giving me the perfect whiff of modern glam!

  • Tuesday 06.19: A relaxing day enjoying the charming backstreets of Rome. It was about exploring, getting lost and stumbling upon hidden treasures - tiny shops selling handmade leather goods, charming little cafes tucked away in cobbled courtyards, and, you know it - gelato. This city is all about enjoying each and every moment.

  • Wednesday 06.20: This morning I said Ciao to this glorious city! I am hopping on my train and taking this amazing feeling back home with me! It's been a truly magical trip - one I'll forever remember and will always cherish. Until next time, darling readers!

*I must share this with you all… *

During my shopping adventures, I found this beautiful pink fabric shop called “La Bottega Rosa”. They have the most exquisite selection of pink materials - lace, silk, tulle, satin and more! I swear, I must have spent half the afternoon swooning over their fabrics and planning all sorts of future projects (I already have ideas for my next tutu and even a silk dress I'd like to design - oh, the possibilities!). I even bought a tiny silk rose pin from them as a souvenir - the perfect touch of pink for a Roman adventure.

I really hope this blog inspires you to travel, even if it's a day trip somewhere. Remember, life is a journey, and it's all about finding joy in the smallest things!

Ciao bella and happy twirling!

Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-06-13 exploring Rome Italy