
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-07-25 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #633 - La Dolce Vita (and a Pink Tutu!)

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for your weekly dose of pink tulle and Roman adventures from yours truly, Emma!

I'm currently sipping a cappuccino in a tiny cafe nestled amongst the bustling cobbled streets of Rome. The sun is pouring through the window, painting everything in a golden hue, and the air is filled with the intoxicating aroma of freshly baked bread and espresso. It's pure magic!

This week's trip has been a whirlwind of Italian delights! You all know how much I love travelling by train, and the journey down from Derbyshire was utterly delightful. I opted for a window seat, naturally, so I could soak in the stunning countryside views. And the best part? I wore my new pink polka-dot dress and a little white hat adorned with a pink satin ribbon. The French conductor even complimented my ensemble - you can imagine my glee!

Rome itself is simply divine. The ancient history, the stunning architecture, the vibrant energy - I'm completely besotted! I've already ticked off some major highlights on my list:

  • The Colosseum: It's even more breathtaking in person than in photos! Imagine gladiators battling in the arena, the crowd roaring, the scent of sweat and blood... Okay, maybe not the blood part, but the sheer scale of it is awe-inspiring!
  • The Trevi Fountain: Toss a coin over your shoulder, make a wish, and dream of your return, right? I'm hoping my wish comes true and I get to come back next year for the Roman Carnival. Imagine all the beautiful costumes, the masks, the music - oh, the possibilities!
  • The Pantheon: You wouldn't believe the magnificence of this place. It's so impressive that it literally takes your breath away. This stunning ancient building is simply mind-blowing!
  • The Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel: I know, I know, everyone goes to the Vatican but it was truly unforgettable. I stood there mesmerized by Michelangelo's masterpiece, awestruck by the intricate beauty of the frescoes. And I might have snuck in a quick selfie in front of the iconic "The Last Judgment" mural - I'm sure Michelangelo would approve.

Now, onto the really exciting bit: fashion! I've been exploring the streets, discovering hidden boutiques overflowing with unique and delightful finds. I've treated myself to a gorgeous new pair of pink leather sandals, a flowy white linen dress, and a beautiful silk scarf with delicate embroidery. Of course, I haven't forgotten my ballet attire, picking up a chic pair of black pointe shoes (that fit perfectly, of course!).

And let's not forget about food! From the delicious pastas to the decadent gelato (strawberry flavour, naturally), I'm eating my way through Rome. I'm pretty sure I've sampled every flavour of gelato at least twice, and each bite is like a mini celebration!

But it's not all sightseeing and indulging in gelato. Last night, I had the pleasure of attending a ballet performance at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. I don't think I've ever been more mesmerized by a ballet in my life. The dancers were simply incredible, their movements graceful and fluid, their costumes exquisite.

Oh, and did I mention I wore my signature pink tutu to the show? Because, darling, I absolutely did. I was the epitome of Italian chic, blending a touch of Derbyshire charm with the classic elegance of Roman ballet.

This week has been absolutely fantastic. I'm feeling inspired, invigorated, and more than a little bit obsessed with Rome. But all good things must come to an end, and my journey back to Derbyshire begins tomorrow. Don't worry, darlings, I'll be back soon with another week's worth of pink tulle adventures, filled with travel tips, style inspirations, and of course, the occasional tutu-clad escapade!

Remember to keep visiting www.pink-tutu.com for weekly updates, and don't forget to share your own travel adventures with me on social media. Remember, the world needs more pink tutus! Until next time, stay fabulous!

Love, Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-07-25 exploring Rome Italy