Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-10-31 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: A Whirlwind of Fashion and Fun! (Post #647)

Hello my darling pink tutu posers! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another dose of Pink Tutu Rome, and this week's adventure has me absolutely thrilled to share with you! As the train glided across the Italian countryside, I couldn't help but feel the magic of Rome starting to work its spell on me.

The air is already humming with a buzz of life - cafes filled with chattering groups, artists sketching with a quiet concentration, and oh, those glorious buildings, dripping with history and romance! This city truly captures the spirit of beauty, passion and artistry.

Ballet, Naturally

So, my first stop, naturally, was to take in some local ballet. Rome has this incredible theatre called the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, and let me tell you, it's breathtaking! The architecture alone is a feast for the eyes, all grand arches, soaring columns, and plush red velvet seating. I felt like I'd stepped straight out of a fairytale, and it was absolutely perfect for taking in "Giselle." The performance was exquisite, the dancers were graceful and full of expression, and it transported me right into the world of ethereal ballerinas and love stories. I left with butterflies in my tummy and a newfound appreciation for the passion that Italy breathes into every artistic form.

A Pink Tutu Stroll

And, because it’s not just about watching the dance, it’s about feeling it in your own heart, my sweet little tutu-ettes, I took to the cobblestone streets to experience the magic for myself! Now, walking in a tutu on these ancient streets isn’t for the faint of heart – those cobblestones have stories etched onto their very surface! It’s an experience. I was ready for the challenge, twirling past the majestic Colosseum with my tutu swirling around me, a splash of pink against the weathered stones. I felt a newfound appreciation for history and, I have to admit, it just made me want to dance! I even had a few brave souls come up to me for a photo, with their own expressions of surprise and amusement.

But Rome wasn’t all grand history and ancient wonder. There were little tucked away alleyways buzzing with local charm and cafes with the aroma of coffee and pastries swirling through the air. A tiny, hidden street art corner was just begging for a tutu photo-shoot. I spun and twirled against the bold colors of a graffiti masterpiece, feeling like a whimsical muse to these colorful works of art. Rome was starting to become a very pink tutu-friendly city!

Roman Treats for a Tutu Lover

After my artistic escapades, it was time for a little Italian indulgence, so naturally, my sweet tooth took me on a little journey to sample the local delicacies. My absolute favorite was Gelato, it was smooth, rich, and flavourful in all its vibrant hues, especially the strawberry, of course! I felt a little bit of Italy in every sweet lick. I also fell in love with the artistry of a local baker, who turned plain old bread into miniature works of art with hand-crafted decorations. I bought a beautiful flower shaped bun - it was so delicate, and, dare I say it, so pink, it made my tutu heart happy.

Pink Tutu Fashion Find

But what’s a fashionista to do when surrounded by such inspiring design? I ventured into the world of Roman boutiques and my shopping senses were immediately piqued! I'm talking silk scarves, glittering jewelry, and oh my, the shoes! Imagine a wonderland of beautiful Italian leather boots, each pair more stunning than the next! It was tough to resist, but I snagged a pair of blush pink flats - they were like a delicate dream! And what a great match to my pink tutu, if I do say so myself! Rome was officially giving me some fabulous fashion inspo!

Sharing My Tutu Passion

Of course, sharing the pink tutu love is what I do best, so I stopped by a few of the street markets and brought with me a few beautiful, pink satin ribbons. As I explained what I was doing – sharing my passion for the graceful form of the ballet, the elegance of pink, and the power of feeling joyful through movement - people looked at me with an odd mixture of curiosity and delight. I had so many friendly smiles and sweet “Ciao Bellas!” Even the market sellers smiled a little wider and added an extra rosebud into my purchases.

There is a magic about this city – the warmth, the colours, the love for life that radiates from every corner. Rome, you’ve made me believe in magic, in artistry, and in sharing the love of a pink tutu with the world. That's why, on Wednesday evenings, I’m spreading the love from here to Derbyshire and across the globe! Until next week, darling pink tutu posse!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2007-10-31 exploring Rome Italy