Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-02-27 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #664 – Ciao Bella! Adventures in Eternal Pink!

Wednesday 27th February, 2008

Ciao bellas! Emma here, ready to sprinkle some pink pixie dust all over the Eternal City. Yes, I'm in Rome! You might be wondering how a Derbyshire girl like me, who prefers pirouettes to pizza, ended up in the heart of Italy. Well, it all comes down to one simple fact: my love affair with ballet and the incredible adventures that come with it. You see, every week I fund my wanderlust with stunning performances – think soaring leaps, twirling ballerinas, and a dash of dramatic tears. All for the love of the stage!

This week, I'm taking my tutu travels to Rome – a place buzzing with history, deliciousness (have you tried the gelato here?!), and of course, art. Let’s just say this trip is overflowing with inspiration, even beyond my usual ballerina wardrobe. The colours here! Think vibrant reds, golden yellows, the kind that will make your heart skip a beat – perfect for finding that new statement pink piece. You've got to trust me, Rome is practically built for pink tutus.

So buckle up, dear readers! Today, we’re hopping off the train (yes, another travel story for you - I’m a sucker for a train journey!) and exploring all the delights Rome has to offer, with a dash of pink tulle and a lot of ‘Ciao Bellas’ along the way!

First stop: A Ballet Blitz

You might think a pink tutu isn’t the most obvious choice for Rome, but my motto is, "Everywhere is a stage." And honestly, this city is practically an open-air performance! So today, we're kicking off the day with a real treat.

We're seeing “Romeo and Juliet” at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma! The sheer grandeur of the theatre will blow you away, all golden grandeur and ornate balconies. As for the show, well, Romeo and Juliet is a ballet classic for a reason. Just thinking about it has me dreaming of passionate leaps, delicate fouetté turns and – best of all – the drama! I mean, there’s a reason why it's always packed out with audiences. I even spotted a fellow ballet fanatic in the front row wearing a gorgeous rose-coloured tutu (of course, mine's pinker and better)!

From Ballerinas to Boccacinos:

After all those delicate steps, it's time to grab some sustenance! One thing that really gets me excited about Italy, apart from the gelato, are the delicious snacks. I’m absolutely obsessed with the local focaccia. It’s like bread heaven. Soft, doughy, filled with salty and savory fillings like cheese, tomato and olives. Seriously, it’s pure deliciousness!

Speaking of Italian food, did I mention how many pastry shops there are? It's enough to give any ballet dancer a sweet tooth, especially with all the gorgeous macarons, tarts, and – you guessed it – gelato. I swear I could live off pastries alone for a week!

A Little Roman Chic:

Where are we heading after this little pastry spree? You know me too well, ladies! Let’s talk shopping. Rome is bursting with incredible boutiques and vintage finds. Every corner seems to offer something unique and fabulous – perfect for a bit of fashion inspiration. I've already found a beautiful vintage blush-coloured coat – perfect for channeling that Italian flair – and a tiny purse perfect for tucking away my little treasures (and, let's be honest, some extra chocolate-covered almonds).

Art in Pink and a Stroll through History

Next on our agenda? The art world! Rome is bursting with galleries and museums. Of course, I’m drawn to the grand sculptures and the way they move and flow like a ballet performance. My favourite discovery so far? The Vatican Museum - a wonderland of colourful mosaics and masterpieces! It feels a bit like stepping into a beautiful storybook.

And while I’m here, let’s be honest, no trip to Rome is complete without exploring its fascinating history! From the ancient Roman Forum and the Colosseum (picture my tutus waltzing around the ruins - what a picture!), to the charming cobbled streets and the majestic Pantheon - I'm lost in a beautiful mix of old and new.

The Roman Pink-tutu Adventure Continues

I’m telling you, Rome has it all! Every day brings a new adventure. It's definitely going to be a tough job getting back on that train and heading back to Derbyshire, but I’ve got more adventures in Rome planned – like visiting the Trevi Fountain, a trip to the Catacombs, and more of that amazing gelato!

Oh, I have one last thought. This week's Pink Tutu Challenge is to wear a pink scarf while exploring your city – it’s a tiny piece of pink magic that can make any day special.

Keep dancing, bellas!

Your Pink Tutu Girl, Emma

Don’t forget to check out every Wednesday for my new adventures in pink!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-02-27 exploring Rome Italy