Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-03-12 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #666 - A Dream in Pink (And Cobblestones)

Buongiorno bella! This week I’m bringing you sunshine, pizza, and a whole lotta pink straight from the cobblestone streets of Rome! I've been here a whole week, and it's been a total whirlwind, in the best way possible. I mean, imagine a ballerina with a penchant for pink, surrounded by centuries of history and endless gelato! It’s a dream, honestly.

Travelling by Train

As always, I’ve taken the train to get here. Nothing beats the feeling of leaving everything behind and settling into a train seat for a journey through Europe. I do love a good old-fashioned British countryside vista, but there’s something magical about the landscape unfolding from the train window as I head through the Alps. It's a whole other world of beauty and serenity.

This time, I decided to keep it simple, just me and my pink duffel bag (my new favourite – a hot pink dream!), and a trusty carry-on with my usual tutu-wearing essentials: a portable ballet barre for practice in the hotel room (can’t let my technique slip, even while on holiday!), some ballet shoes (of course!), my favourite pink tutu, and some essential glitter spray (because what's a travel experience without a bit of sparkle!). I love train travel. The feeling of adventure is so tangible. And, let’s be honest, a train is the best place to slip on a pink tutu, no judgment, all love.

Pink Paradise: Rome

Rome is incredible. Think grand piazzas, breathtaking churches, and streets crammed with delicious smells that could make a grown woman weep (in a good way, of course!). I’m really feeling the Roman spirit here – all the energy and history. I mean, who hasn't wanted to be in Ancient Rome for at least a day or two, you know, when all the glamour of gladiator battles and Roman emperors?

Rome has completely stolen my heart. Everywhere you turn, there's a masterpiece: magnificent sculptures, beautiful buildings that whisper stories of centuries past, and ancient ruins that spark my imagination. I could easily get lost in these magical, cobbled lanes and alleys – all adorned with the most charming cafes and boutiques – forever! But even if I’m a little lost, there's never a moment of being bored.

A Fashionista’s Heaven

And let's not forget about the shopping. You see, fashion in Rome is seriously something else. You’ll find the most incredible leather goods, hand-crafted shoes that just feel luxurious on your feet, and clothes made with beautiful silks and lace. But even on a smaller budget, you can still find unique trinkets and accessories – my shopping bag is now brimming with some fabulous beaded earrings I snagged at a cute little market near the Pantheon.

I spent an afternoon in Trastevere (a must-visit, I tell you!), lost in a maze of cobbled lanes bursting with small independent boutiques selling all sorts of wonderful things. And the gelato! The perfect ending to any shopping day is a big cup of gelato (I've tried a variety of flavours – pistachio is my favourite – can't resist that earthy sweetness). I feel it's my duty to report on my pink-themed fashion finds. So far I have bought:

  • A delicate lace scarf with pale pink details that adds a touch of Parisian elegance to any outfit. It's delicate and soft like a flower petal, perfect for those warmer Roman days.
  • A vibrant pink vintage coin purse for holding all my euros. It's a perfect blend of playful and sophisticated, with an authentic vintage feel.
  • Some statement pink tassel earrings - it's hard not to be swayed by these bright tassel earrings with delicate floral patterns - a classic. The colours remind me of the blossoming flower gardens you see all around Rome – simply stunning!
Seeing the Shows

Today, my pink tutu and I are hitting up the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma to watch a ballet performance. This is one of the most famous opera houses in all of Italy, so I’m definitely going to have my pink tutu on high alert! I'm especially excited for "La Fille mal Gardée" - it's a ballet full of heart and humor, perfect for showcasing the artistry of the dancers, and an absolute delight for a pink tutu fan.

Tonight, though, I’m seeing a live flamenco show at one of the coolest theatres in the city, so naturally I’ve chosen my brightest pink tutu for that - because you always want a splash of pink during a flamenco show. Flamenco dancers are always so captivating! The drama, the intensity of the moves, the passion and energy is magnetic.

But speaking of intense – have you seen the Roman sun setting over the Colosseum? The air takes on a magical quality and the entire Colosseum is bathed in gold! The sight was simply breathtaking.

This weekend, I'll be dancing with a friend at one of Rome’s incredible ballet classes. The Roman ballet scene is vibrant – full of incredible teachers who offer classes that inspire. There's a class held in a lovely outdoor courtyard, the scent of roses swirling through the air as I do pirouettes with a view of ancient ruins, and I can’t imagine anything more fitting for my time here in Rome.

It's impossible to do Rome justice in just a few hundred words – but I can guarantee, the magic will seep into your soul and into your wardrobe! I'm convinced you need some pink tutus in your life - that’s the beauty of travelling the world – you just pick up the essence of each place you go and allow it to influence you.

But I can't stay in Rome forever, much as I wish I could. So until next week, when I'll be bringing you more sunshine from somewhere new, keep those tutus twirling!

With a pink heart full of Roman spirit,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-03-12 exploring Rome Italy