Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-12-10 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #705 – Roman Holiday!

Ciao bella!

It's Wednesday, so you know what that means: it's Pink Tutu Rome time! This week, I'm writing from the Eternal City itself, Rome.

Remember how I said I was going to have a bit of a Roman Holiday? Well, I'm making the most of every second! Imagine this: Italian sunshine, cobblestone streets, the Colosseum looming in the distance, the delicious scent of espresso in the air – and, of course, a little something pink. Let me tell you, my trusty pink tutu is blending in quite nicely with the rose-tinted beauty of this city!

Rome, oh Rome! Where do I even begin? You know me, I love me a good story – and Rome has a story in every stone, every arch, every corner. We arrived by train, which I must say, was absolutely divine! I love train travel – the chugging, the anticipation, the new places you get to see whizzing by… plus, it gives me plenty of time to admire my tutu-tastic reflection in the window.

This time, my tutu-ful adventures are funded by my most recent ballet performances at the Buxton Opera House – a truly magical place. The performance itself was…well, divine, as always. I was playing the lead role in "Sleeping Beauty", and I can confidently say I totally embodied the grace and elegance of the titular character. It was the kind of show that makes your heart soar!

And with a little help from the lovely patrons who supported my performance (they’re truly the best – always eager to embrace the pink tutu!), I’m living my best life here in Rome. My accommodation is absolutely delightful - a cute little apartment just a hop, skip and a jump from the Trevi Fountain. Let’s just say it has a balcony where I can have my morning cappuccinos with the best views of the city. You should see it!

Now, what has this week in Rome been like?

Tuesday 10th December:

Rome was welcoming me with open arms from the moment I arrived! My little flat was perfectly nestled amongst narrow, charming cobbled streets filled with cafes, bakeries and tiny little shops. After settling in and enjoying a fabulous homemade lunch (made with the most incredible cheese I've ever tasted!), I decided to take a wander to see the Trevi Fountain. The sunshine glinted off the water, and it really was magical. Oh, and did I mention, it was teeming with tutus? I swear I saw a flock of ballerinas just doing impromptu little routines near the fountain!

Wednesday 11th December:

My absolute favorite thing about this city is its atmosphere – the vibrancy, the warmth, the romance! So, you know what I did? I went on a day trip to the Vatican. Let's be honest, you can't visit Rome without taking a look at the Vatican, right? After marveling at the breathtaking art and architecture inside St Peter’s Basilica (not to mention that stunning, vast ceiling), I was swept up in a real Italian lunch at a trattoria. The food was simple yet delicious - homemade pasta, the finest Italian wine, and all those rich, creamy Italian cheeses! Now, this is what I call living la dolce vita!

Thursday 12th December:

Today, I donned my trusty ballet shoes (it's just so much fun walking around in them - imagine all the tap-tap-tapping sounds!) and took a leisurely stroll along the Via dei Condotti. It’s famous for its luxury boutiques, and believe me, my eyes were wide with amazement! Oh my, the designer fashion was truly to die for! And I wasn’t afraid to have a bit of fun and do a little "twirl-shop-stop" around these dazzling showrooms. Who needs a catwalk when you have Rome as your stage, eh? And speaking of shopping, my shopping bag was brimming with Italian fashion, of course - you know me! From fabulous silk scarves in every color under the sun to handmade jewelry (you really can't miss those beautiful shops! Oh, and let's not forget about those adorable Italian hats - my favorite kind, naturally, had a delicate touch of pink!

Friday 13th December:

So, you might think that Friday the 13th would be unlucky…but I don't believe in bad luck, not when you’re surrounded by all the beauty of Rome! This morning, I did something I had always wanted to do: I booked a ballet class in the heart of Rome! It was simply divine – we practiced right in the middle of an ancient, peaceful garden courtyard. You can imagine the magical, twirling energy in that space! There was just me, my teacher, and some of the most amazing ballet shoes I've ever seen (of course, mine had a pink touch). Let me tell you, dancing amongst the ancient Roman ruins, the sky above, was one of the most magical ballet experiences of my life. After that incredible experience, I topped the day off by wandering around the Trastevere district, the cobbles leading me past cute cafes, vintage stores (I managed to find the most beautiful silk floral patterned dress, and you guessed it - pink, of course!) and cozy bars filled with locals chatting, laughing and, yes, even doing a little dance move or two. It really felt like being a part of the city's energy!

Saturday 14th December:

I took a tour around the Coliseum this morning. And the truth is, standing in that historical arena is one thing, but you really feel its energy when you are in it! After that, I took a delightful (pink!) gelato break and wandered to Piazza Navona, and found myself caught in a flurry of the holiday spirit, especially with the towering Christmas trees all adorned with lights.

Sunday 15th December:

Time for a little indulgence in Roman decadence. The most delightful lunch in a small hidden restaurant, the aromas and the tastes truly a sensory feast! You guessed it: a little pink on the menu (strawberry sorbet for dessert - yum!), plus an Italian opera at Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. Can you believe my luck! What a perfect way to wrap up the week, watching these incredibly talented artists. I'm always inspired by their grace and their powerful passion - oh, the passion!

My Roman adventure isn't over yet. But with every twist and turn, every glimpse of the sunlit cityscape, I fall a little deeper in love with this place. My biggest takeaway? Rome is truly a city of beauty, passion, and artistry. It is the kind of place that can really steal your heart away, and for me, with its magic in every corner, it's definitely stolen my tutu-lovin’ heart!

Until next week, my dearest Tutu Tribe!

Don’t forget to visit for more of my exciting adventures! And, who knows, maybe I'll be inspiring you all to rock your own pink tutus too! Ciao bella!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2008-12-10 exploring Rome Italy